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Everything posted by eliasvelez

  1. Isnt the shadow more the things that you havent integrated? I think examples for a blue shadow are lazyness, poor work ethic, weak discipline. -> All the positive sides of blue that you havent yet integrated
  2. https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/074567-011-A/grosse-reden-dominique-de-villepin/ One of my favorite speeches (watch with subtitles)
  3. To know it and to really become conciouss of it, are to different things
  4. If you need to acsess paypal, you meaby can try it with a VPN, you can search for free trials that go 1 day or so. With a VPN you should be able to by-pass the Turkish ban
  5. Nice, this inspires me to do short meditation sessions during the day. Since now I only meditated in the morning and befor sleep.
  6. Thank you for your answer:) the book is bought
  7. I wanna start a thread with good content about shadow work
  8. Thank you very much for your input, definetly gonna try out this routine Also these who I feel I am? When you did this process with one trait, is it finnished? Or do you recommend doing it until I have the feeling, that I have integated the trait fully? ( for example, do this process with the angry part of me. is it enough once, or should I do it meaby once a month (for example), until I have the feeling that it is fully integrated?) Can you recommend Dark Side Of The Light Chasers ?
  9. If you haven't read any of his books yet, I would begin with this one: A brief history of everything
  10. Thanks for the tip, definetly need to take a closer look on her channel, only saw a few videos of her:) Unfortunately she only does coaching and has a program, but has no course (besides her 1 hour course). Did/do you do shadow work? When yes, with her videos?
  11. Great playlist ( german) Really great channel (Is in german)
  12. I dont think that it is in the interest or the plane of russia, to invade whole ukraine, And if, I think that the russian government is smart eought to see that it would be pointless and not sustainable, but who really knows with russia...
  13. I can imagine that germany would canceling the pipeline project
  14. https://www.republik.ch/ A Swiss newspaper. The newspaper is independent and only financed by the reader (it is a cooperative). The newspaper writes reports that are very objecitve. It writes a maximum of 3 reports per day, but these are profound and large. The newspaper has made it its task to counteract the superficial news and the concentration of the media. The content is often illuminated from a larger perspective and often has yellow elements in it. At first it was still uncertain, but more and more it seems to be successful and sustainable ->https://www.republik.ch/manifest
  15. I recommend Couchsurfing. You can find places to sleep with locals, but you can also meet other travelers or locals, who are in the same place like you and also wanna meet new people. Sometimes there are little events in some citys with other couchsurfers, like going out to eat together.
  16. https://www.amazon.de/Letting-Surrender-M-D-David-Hawkins/dp/1401945015 Meaby thats a book for you
  17. At the moment my intentions arent awakenings, any mystical experiences or enlightement but I wanna raise my consioussnes and my general level of awareness. Can one consider Metta Meditation in the morning (I do Metta to be in general a more loving person) and Kriya Yoga before sleeping (ca. 35 min) as a useful and appropriate Meditation/Technique for this intention (raising level of consioussnes and awareness)? Or is meaby an other Meditation-technique more appropriate, in which I can focus on myself or ground me in my sorroundings ? Btw. My Moning Routine at the Moment is : -Contempalting Death 5 Min, -Metta Meditation 15-20 Min, -Visulisation 5 Min My night Routine is: -Journaling ca 10 Min -3-2-1 Integral Shadow process 5-10 Min, -Kriya ca. 30 Min, -ca.3 Min pause/do nothing -and then ca. 5 Min self-love technique where I love and accept my "negative" Sides. Let me know your perspective
  18. Try impro Theatre ! ( Sorry read only now that you wrote book recommandation, but nevertheless impro Theatre is worth a try
  19. Nice! Sounds interesting. Definitly need to check out Katies book