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About eliasvelez

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  • Birthday 05/16/2001

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  1. Easy. Honestly, everywhere you are and no matter if its about dating or making friends. Just be present and do what you anyways would do. If you feel attached to the person or worry about that you could make a mistake, its okay, but dont take it to seriously and dont involve with that or try to push it away. Be just normal yourself, you dont need to proof someting to no one. From there you will see if you two vibe, if not, its okay, have the standards for yourself that you only want closer contact to people whit the same wavelength because thats the only thing that is sustainable… if yes and you two have a good vibe, great, just ask her if she would like to do something togheter sometime or suggest something. Thats it, relax.. most importantly enjoy yourself..really! Dont overcomplicate it.
  2. Posts like this show me how much different the american bubble is than the european. Almost nobody in Europe would say something like this because it doesnt is that easy.
  3. 2 Main Lessons -I deserve unconditional Selflove. There is not one aspect of me, not one thing I could do that would make me undeserving of Selflove and selfacceptance. -It is not about being confident or charismatic. It is about being real. I am learning to own and embrace my current experience instead of clinging to ideas how I should be and trying to manipulate reality to move in the direction of these Ideas.
  4. Of course, it has, lol. If you misunderstand an important topic, you will vote for someone who also misunderstands this topic. If you understand an important topic, you will vote for someone who also understands this topic. If you don't worry about integrity, you won't have a problem for voting someone who lacks this characteristic. If you value it, on the other hand because you understand it is important, you will be probably more selective for who gets your vote. Does that make sense for you? You vote for people and parties who reflect your values and priorities. It is btw no coincidence that if you look at graphs of the most conscious countries (like wester Europe and the Scandinavian countries.) The support of trump is very narrow, in Denmark it is for example at 4%. And no, I don't believe blindly what Leo tells. But I don't care what Trump tells on some podcasts. What I care about is what he has done, does and how he presents himself, and that that should be more than enough to figure out why he shouldn't even be near a position of power.
  5. Don't listen to what others say. Just buy these shoes and try it out at home how it feels to wear them with your clothes. When you see you don't like them, give them back and next time you know. You will only really know if it is a good fit after YOU tried it.
  6. General fashion advice. Just play with it and wear what you want. With time and experimentation, you can trust that you will figure out what works for you. You can wear what others may consider as ugly or taboos but honestly as long as you own it and you feel good in it will look good. Trust me. The best style is your own style!
  7. Its not about that. It just seems disconnected from the current political reality in america and the issues that need to be fixed before you even could consider that politics deal with that.
  8. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/bernie-sanders-kamala-harris-vote-israel-gaza-rcna177851
  9. just compare the policy implemented in the era of the trump administration and the policy implemented in bidens administration. I think that is enough to know who cares more for the country... even with leaving out the toxic and embarassing behaviour of maga
  10. If you are interested in understanding that, I recommend you the book "The Evolution of Desire" from David M. Buss. In very short, because it gives cues to reproductive value.
  11. I did for some years vipassana and also visited 3 retreats in the last years, had a daily practise but now changed my practise to TWIM (tranquil wisdom insight meditation). In TWIM the meditation object is Metta and the three main difference from vipassana is first, you don't "focus" on the meditation object but are just being aware of it (because focusing creates tension and craving simultaneously you are also aware of everything else that is present. With time you will notice that you mind wrapps from alone around the Meditation object because it is pleasant. Secondly, a big part of TWIM is the relaxation of the body. So every time you get lost in distraction, you release the attention from it but because there is still tension in the body, you also relax your body proactive. Third, you smile during the whole session, sounds silly but is actually an important part of the meditation. Tis meditation is basically a tool for going trough all the Jhanas until Nibbana. I myself only visited one TWIM retreat and have a daily practise of 40 minutes since 4 months so not that much experience but it seems like a pretty solid technique. Does someone have experience with TWIM? And if yes, how was it for you?
  12. the entitelment.... so you are the one who decides what is a good reason for not replying? stop playing the victim and look what you can do different...
  13. Thanks for your answer
  14. Im not shure what you mean with „aloot“.. but I think I understand what you mean… its about knowing thyself and be rooted in thyself… the striving is…everything I do, I do not because of programming and conditioning but because it is coming from my truth