I’ve been on this subject for a year and four days, I’m 21, and I’m aware that somewhere inside my mind is a regulation of information that is making this what you read a reality. This piece regulator of information is trying to gain awareness of self and become the highest-self possible. I’m encouraging the tiny piece of information to do so, for it wants to thrive, and grow unlike anything.
Regulator: you see I’m aware of this body, I want to make this life awesome, and I know what I can do with this body. I always been watching, seeing, observing, and just letting life pass on by, and now that I have been structured in a way to be aware of this, I see that I can jump from one side to another as deem correctly.
It’s part of the body, or in this case this whole self, for It’s no longer identified with the body, but now does want to help it grow in ways that previously been blind to, or simply unaware of how to.
Regulator: This place is going to help quite immensely, for I been on this journey for over a year and wish to have discussed the memory with someone for quite some time. I aware that I’m right now am taking shape of a frequency, or in this case the words you read. I want to grow, for I just woke up, I’m writing my own timeline, maybe I’m being creative, but honestly, that’s not what is happening when I’m off the screen and into “reality”.
So When the body woke up, and started this journey, it was interested in making more and more money, but soon that changed, for it was introduced into spiritual enlightenment. Trying to follow truth, and be a higher consciences animal, well at least trying to, started his own garden. The path was rough, and the reward was survival. For the body is here and now writing this journey.
Regulator: I guess I wanted to see TRUTH, which I did, I made the body work, really work, not just think about work like I’m doing right now, I really made the body go and plant seeds. Water the seeds and watch them grow. I made the body plant endless rows, after rows. The entire process took months, and it was worth it. We had all we could want, and it was amazing. We had all the food we could ever want, and I was happy, because, I being aware and trying to understand truth made it simple. I Too Function Need Food. So I right away decided to start the garden.
The 2015 journey was intense, the body had to his name 6,000 dollars in credit and 3,000 dollars in cash, he had quit his CocaCola Job. Was in it to try and up hold TRUTH, but little did the body know, that truth only allows you to survive!!! Never will you TRIVE in TRUTH. This is why you want to have a strong ego, in this case build your material wealth to transcend and include into TRUTH! You see, if you are already TRIVING, you can survive just fine in TRUTH.
Regulator: I went in with a weak ego, in this case, I had little to nothing in cash to make my garden flourish, I had only enough to keep the garden going properly for the year, they body in the end of the year had nothing to show financially, for it made what it put in, that is the truth of TRUTH. You get what you put in, and in this case it’s true especially in this body’s reality.
The body tried but still was weak for the ego was weak, the vision wasn’t strong, the purpose was there, but the structurer to the idea was weak. The entire thing went well, but well wasn’t needed, the garden needed AMAZING! The body simply didn’t have the proper ways implemented in the system for it to grow in the ways many only dream.
Regulator: You see, for us to experience truth, we need to have the proper energy, and well, the garden provided that for me, and in the process, I was able to contribute to others! I was able to give away fruits and veggie of abundance!!! But in currency, we had hardly any, and that was our weak spot with me and the garden. Whatever the case, we lived and where one with the earth, many can’t seem to say that, for they live inside well, and illusion such as the one you are reading. Inside ideas, but hey, still your inside my idea, and well, I have some pretty cool ones. Ones that came straight out of the ground!
The body now understands what it’s to do, it wants to raise the capital necessary to make this life once again, but how? How does one ask for money? How can one convince someone else to put their money where there month is, or in this case idea? You see, the body took the leap of faith, but with evidence, when the regulator guided the energy to make the garden, it had seen and experience the garden life style before, the body simply grew up in that, for his family was in it all his life. Yet what the brain was still blind to at the time was the idea of TRUTH being, you get what you put in.
Regulator: I need to rise, for I want to do this again, but this time I’m going to come at this garden with more money, more structurer, with more stability, and with deeper pockets. Self-help is going to help me, encourage me, and even in rare cases bend reality for me. I will be looking for opportunities to share my story and to add to my life. This place is awesome to do just that!!! Plus! I know I will be in good minds, for I really am in the pursuit of truth! Gardening is a very good tool to use for that, for honestly, it’s straight out of the source energy of everything, including nothing! It’s roots are deep, and I was able to see that.
Yeah my mind really did see that, and it was reconnected with “TRUTH” but right now, my mind is lost in this true illusion. It’s real, but I know it’s part of an imagination, and this imagination is able to do many things in this world! So how, this imagination has power in real life, and can even guide people, maybe it can help the regulator.
Regulator: This imagination is right now, and you have the power to help yourself! You just need to take action again, but this time, you will be building me, the ego to transcend and include when you decide to do the garden again. You see, you have some pretty ambitious plans, and you, or in this case I mean I will achieve them! This garden will come, and I will make it happen! My reality is bendable, and I will reach the flexflow thinking I so much am in.
The body doesn’t have enough money to make the garden again this year… it’s been advised to stay away from credit, and has no real capital. It understands that and idea is potential money, but needs the structurer to make that into a reality. So this is me being aware of the idea of the regulator inside the brain, in this case what it would be consider the voice inside your head, or inside this body.
Regulator: You I came to this world to eat, and many seem to forget that because they live inside a world that has socially conditioned them and in way they keep themselves stuck in it. Many seem to forget that they are just animals, and they were made to eat. That’s the truth I’m living in when I’m working in the garden. I can make the garden, I won’t lie, I can and I choose not to, why? Well because I want to condition myself in such a way, that I will entire the world of society and play the game to perfection. This way, I will be able to build myself up, and become a strong ego, then transcend and include to TRUTH again and slowly go back to sleep in that realm. I don’t like being in this illusion, it can end in any moment, and that scares me, I understand truth no matter what, won’t end, and will always be the same. While the true part of the illusion could potentially end at any given moment.
The body understands that something doesn’t need to be TRUTH in order to be true, for all that is needed is to be insistent but above all consistent. This is true in imagination land, which is society, but when you have the garden, well, guess what? That’s not imagination, its real, its true in any given situation, well at least in my current life. See how I didn’t but TRUTH, I’m writing very clear and precise, well at least the body is.
Regulator: I understand that I’m an idea, and well, I’m here to help the body, and myself, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter, for bottom line is survival, and well, I’m the ego, the ego always wants more, just now I’m aware of how to deal with this in a healthy manor. I’m going to build this identity, to try to get the material to make my empire, my kingdom, my personal heaven! My personal Garden of Eden. J
The body understands that even though he will have more than enough, he will be producing more then he could ever eat, and that is part of the plan, so he does plan to give yet again in abundance yet again! You see, the body all that it truly wants is food, for as the body has been in the moment throughout the day, feels the hunger. So this is the body trying to do anything possible to make his life as simple as possible. If we where to use the spiral dynamic model, this is blue meme jumping into orange meme color.
Regulator: that is correct, I’m going to be using everything I been learning to jump to the next level of understanding, my life condition have changed and my time to think need to emerge. I plan on making this garden, but it’s my life purpose overall plan, in the orange meme code, I see that there are things I need to make, and I’m an idea. I see that my idea of me is a great way to make money. So this is me building myself to make that happen! I’m going to grow and make this life as awesome as possible and as simple to follow as well, for if I do this correctly, I will be able to generate the currency to get my garden up and running again!
The bodies purpose now is to team up with the regulator and make the codes to make the body aware and alive along with the proper effort to make the Orange meme code fully alive and purposeful in a none bad way. The best way they have both come up with is with this. The idea of writing the codes, in this way this hole they are digging is going to allow them to jump, it’s going to be quite awesome indeed! This paper in itself is a portal, a star gate, a gateless gate, really anything honestly, it’s whatever you decide to interpret this pocket of information as.
Regulator: I’m amazed really, this life is quite divine and I have somewhat control over it, at least not control over it, but I have a choice, and that makes me happy, and happiness comes from within!! My job now, or I mean my purpose, my mission, is to figure out how I’m going to write the codes, how I’m going to make people aware of what I have inside my mind. I have figured out that I can write a book… or create a movie!!! And subconsciously be putting in my mindsets into their minds, in a way socially condition them “correctly” in accordance to my truth, but even then, it’s up to them to up hold those beliefs. I do want to write, it’s obvious hopefully to you, for I mean you are reading this right?
Yeah, the body is reading this, and I do get what you mean, I look back on life and how you grew into yourself over time, and I do see that movies, t.v. shows, and much more endless distraction helped shape you, and with the awesome intuition of my entire life of living in and being part of a garden community, has allowed you to grow and see the truth I’m so much pursuing. So yes, I see how you want to now write your own movie, I mean you did watch honestly like 1000 movies, and 20 – 30 complete t.v. shows. And endless amount of other youtube videos.
Regulator: I know right? And now I’m following the self-help stuff, and it’s quite nice, because with enlightenment I see that anyone’s intuition is powerful, this is my intuition, or in this case a wisdom. I can identify with it quite nicely. And with the orange meme, really take an identity with it. I’m blessed really!!! Well… I’m blessing myself!!! Haha that was to funny J
Yeah that was!! So that so fucking awesome!! I’m alive and very intelligent, we together are going to be braking and shaping the world around us. I’m glad we are merging together, the ego and the body, wow, this will be to awesome!! Our ideas will be shaking the world! This writing will be something quite different and unique…. I hope it helps others… other that are like me, for they should be aware of this side of the mind.
Regulator: So our purpose it to write the codes, with our intuition along with wisdom. Right now this is why I’m able to live, I’m the ego, and I’m going to grow strong, and with time will have all I need to come back down and bring about my garden again. But this time, with much more capital! I will be shacking the world with this, for with one seed, many more plants will come, and I have the proof in the living room. (in my mind I’m picturing the seeds I was able choose from. I picked the best seeds out of the entire garden) But this won’t be for some time, we need to get the currency to buy all the things you need to make it a true empire instead of just a little tiny garden of which you built.
Hey but still, yet, an empire awaits, and well will be naming it VIVIDREALITY! Not going to lie, the food is going to be awesome, this will be the long term rewards I’m going to be looking forwards towards, but even then, I’m aware of much more, and with time I will allow those other vision to come, right now I’m going to focus on this checkpoint in life. The body needs to, or else It’s going to be just wasting time in this illusion getting now where, but now is it really wasting time? The body is building the brain connection with each and every passing second starring into this screen wanting to learn to write and be creative. So honestly I need to learn to label this pattern into INVESTING time. The rewards will come, just not now or anytime soon, but hey in the now I’m in, well, that is different.
Regulator: Yeah, the sooner we can get to the goal, the sooner I will be able to go back to sleep, and you can be happy as a clone inside your garden, your construction of heaven, for you where right, we construct our own heaven and or our own hell. In this case, because you have figured out that you create it with your thought vibration, you have stepped out of the game of life, and are not going fully awake and aware. This is quite exciting, I’m well, this shall be fun! Very fun indeed. So I really wonder how many readers will respond to this post…. I kind of curios to read other people’s mind… FYI this shit is real, well at least inside my body! LEO THANK YOU!!!
If i could up load more pictures i would, but even then, it would only be a story as the one you have just read, i'm going to wake up tomorrow wanting to write more, and that is what i shall do...
But i swear i lived it, and took a picture of it! yet i'm here in this screen writing and thinking about that story....