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Everything posted by VividReality

  1. So i've been building the Habit, daily i sit down and i mediate, yet the thing is that I have a concern. I've been building my routine, i'm creating a very strong and powerful day to day routine, i'm living my highest values and really truly getting to the guts of my being, yet that being said, i still don't know when to mediated, i do spend 30 or so mintues a day, yet i fall short by either doing it after the routine, or before, and now i'm wondering, when is it best? Is this even correct? I mean it's a silly question yet again, yet i have to hear from other people.... Anyway.... thanks in advanced to anyone if anyone.....
  2. "Which episode is it when Leo Says that the new type of currency is more of an idea, if you could show me, link me the idea, Universe Please, that would be great... really wish to re-watch that video! " -Vivid
  3. 38:41 that the place
  4. There are two type of truths, the in-ward truth, those the the ones that are feelings and logic. And then there is the outward truth. Which is when you see truth only on the outside. If you got the innward truth, no wonder you are still online speaking out truth and enlightment. If you really have been given truth, you would leave this shit forever. Point made and be clear about it. But what i'm trying to tell you is this.... if you really are 19, and really about to go to college, build a very strong routine! This will aboslutly help you, doing nothing at 19 is way to bad, i did it myself, it does not work! Start building a very strong routine! Especially if you have so much time, just get used to it! You will look back and wonder why you didn't follow my advice, the universe is trying to tell you something, you found a falsehood! And idea that is still incompletely, for something to be perfect, it would have to be incomplete. So keep looking
  5. So, for those that actually for some reason read this, i'm going to be taking yet again a new leap of faith, please help me open up the gates of heaven and fully realize my dream of becoming this great and powerful individual i see myself becoming. I know i have the power inside of me to make anything i want a reality, and with these frame work of words running my life, they so much help me see and think ahead of time. So with out further a due, this mindset will go now and bring about what it needs to make a reality more then just a bunch of words.
  6. @Clay Curl WOW, That is Fucking Dope You make a good point in case, and damn, nicely said!
  7. Why do i live inside this time frame? Can it be possible that i'm keeping time in my head? If i die, will time stop existing in my mind? Wait, time is part of the illusion, yet the illusion is insistent consistent, making it true. But not Truth, so wait what recites in Truth? Patterns, systems of living? Natural Eco system? What is it that i'm looking for?
  8. I've been building a routine, This part of life is so fucking awesome! I have to say, 4 days in, and never going to end this up hill spiral of life, for I can already feel the amazing stamina i'm getting, the tracks are set, all i have to do is fallow the path, and stay on. Yes i get that i can go any way i want, and any direction i want, but honestly, if i'm on tracks, there is ground under neath me. So i'll be fine! ANyways, just wanted to give a head up on life and all!
  9. Thanks! I need to make a habit of this, my days have been just passing by, and i'm sure with meditation, i will be able to organize them quite differently!
  10. deliberate motherfucking practice... there is no escape if you want to be the best! If you hold the ambition to become the best, you have to love the plateau!
  11. Peace, Joy, Love, Enlightenment Repeat Peace, Joy, Love, Enlightenment Repeat *nothing to hard... they come and go through out my day* hope this helps
  12. Sit down and do that one things for 8 hours straight... if you can't then nope... it's not a passion for you... (I can sit down and take notes on one things for hours at end... day in day out... i think about my future and how it will all relate to it with this time i'm investing now on that passion.) Maybe not 8 hours... but still you get my point... you just have to be able to do it day in day out... what ever it maybe... that has to be day in day out... if you like games... write your own story for that game... if you like watching t.v. write your own story scrip... if you like life... write about your and how it will be playing out... I have over 200 pages on my life... how it played out and how it's going to play out... i've been on this for half a year now... lol it just hit me that it's almost been half a year1!! wow... but anyways... it's pretty cool finding your passion... *sometime when you are doing that one thing you start to cry* Best identification of knowing if you are following your inner compass towards happiness but do know... you can force yourself to develop a passion and make it authentic, for your approach will always be your style of living and putting your energy into that passion will always result in a different form of aliveness. Anyways... Cheers!!!
  13. I really like this quote... "Energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration." - Creative Visualization.
  14. I wake up having "those" dreams as well, but as soon as i wake up, i make a choice to keep going towards my future. I understand that this life itself is a dream, and you are so much lucidly living it. So when i wake up... that dream i had is no longer relevant, why... this moment, right now, is the one and only dream that matters. You can do nothing... or you can start taking action towards your future. It's up to you to do anything and make anything... that is your life. Anyways... Cheers!!!!
  15. This is a fun Drug!!! But i from my personal experience... should only be used if you want to change your personal way of thinking... and only for a limited time as well. I myself stopped.... once i'm successful.... that might be a different story... i would have to have a very strong asset column that is bring in heavy cash flow in my direction to go back to this one of a kind magical drug!!! It did help me open my mind to the idea of becoming a better person. but at one point... it was limiting me... so i decided to end it until i'm successful, my very own definition, and not just to what society says is. So it's up to you, really truly is... Hope you have an awesome day and Cheers!!!
  16. I've started to Think Long term just since about a year ago! So far it's been working, but every single day is a different day with almost the same equation of life! It's all a pattern! I see it very clearly... alteast from my very limited point of view. I've always thought about the future, but more about Family and Future Family... But lately I've been changing that equation and giving it more meaning. I've started to replace family with success and overall life purpose. I become one because i was following the social script of life. I was just following blindly, as you may be as well. But.... whatever the case, i am planning different, and in all reality, our brain are hard wire to anticipate our future! so i think we are all thinking and planning our lives in one way or another. This is my very limited window of experience... my words are only a very tiny window to my life... my purpose... and my way of thinking... each word has more meaning and purpose deep down in it. The dynamic i'm working in is very personal and overall very beneficial agenda towards overall organic energy. ANyways... hope this helps Thanks... and Cheers!!!
  17. I've come to think Time is a cloud, a gad, a form of energy that is to be used even if one doesn't want to or need to. It really does not matter if you are aware of time itself, it's part of your biological system of life. But Time is more then this, it's a cycle, a pattern that can be used and measured, has been measured, and can actually be used to synchronize events. I find this amazing, and am willing to use it, simply because i'm in it regardless if i want to or not. They say there is a choice, yet i feel like it's just part of my minds way of thinking to think there is a choice.
  18. 24

    I'm sorry, but i can't see the actual words! What is your highest vision? I will be honest, I personally think your highest vision will be an experience more then a piece of paper. But still, i bet inside your mind, you see something i am so much blind to! So keep going towards that end goal! Keep it up!
  19. I've been getting deep into my mind, questioning my own thoughts, and my personal identity, for I've come to realize that i'm just a piece of information that is bendable and transformable in many ways! Yet What i'm trying to do is simple, really truly, gain control of myself completely from one to infinity and transcend it towards my future.
  20. I just want to share this, it was a very brief moment of "consciousness" but it was real... or at least it was and is a memory now. But it happened just today and well, the experience was astonishing, for i took a nice warm cup of coffee, and the energy it enabled me was honestly unlike any! I felt like i got out of the script of life and really truly experienced and expanded NOTHINGNESS. I was feeling so good, so great, the vibe was similar to a euphoric moment in life. I do have to say, words can only scratch the surface, and for the gut feeling was pure excitement! I didn't know what to do, or how to react, so i just simply enjoyed my moment. It was a really awesome high, and the low was not to bad for it's still very nice. I highly recommended coffee!
  21. I know the feeling of loving coffee! But lately i haven't felt that good with it, so i'm getting off of the drink, maybe in 2 or 3 weeks i'll try it and feel that amazing feeling again! But i hope you much love! Suffering is in the mind!
  22. Your body is reality and information is consciousness... Your brain is the computer, the computer is the brain. and you are awake to this. The only thing making you aware of this is your sight, this sight of this word, but with your consciousness, you are reading and understanding this. I'm not sure where this is leading me, or why i have to put this up, but hey, i have no power over this, it's be determined... or am i choosing this... but wait, i don't exist... that right... when i get off this computer i will no longer exist! Why... well because this is true until i stop writing...
  23. We be all Good in this Life
  24. That's a projection of your reality, never have i seen this, or heard of this... then again, i choose to direct my flow of thought else where, for this type of question is an unwise way of investing time. Focus your time and energy on your future, avoid pointless questions.... being would know what to do IF it where to have happened.
  25. Taking Pictures and then taking a bit of your day to be more mindful of them, it really helps!