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About VividReality

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    Royal City WA
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  1. So, on Saturday, I went out, single, with no one else, and I started to explore a town I've only ever visited and passed through. But this time was way different because I was going by myself, with no one else leading me, I essentially was leading myself to go out of the house! This is a big step do to the fact that I tend to be more introvert then extrovert, but I do have to admit, that going out was amazing, just by itself. What I'm trying to do is simple, I want to start dating, so As i was going out, by myself, i started notice all the resistance inside of me. I Walked 4.5 miles overall. I remember siting down and really thinking of my dating life, and Wondering how I'm going to change my single lifestyle that I've created for the past 2 years, So for a few minutes I really took it upon myself to take action in asking a lady out. I wasn't shy, or anything, but A part of me just doesn't know how to proceed forward in this new world i'm living in. I'm fully grown with tools to get me pretty much anywhere, with limitations of course. But the overall I'm just starting to take part in my dating life, journey,
  2. @Flowerfaeiry I’m going through a similar but different situation. When I was younger I really didn’t have a social life, I truly kept my distance from anyone in my class and other people on the playground. In elementary, life was just so awkward and somewhere halfway through middle school. Something changed. I started running cross country and slowly changed my mindset, Right now it’s been over 8 years since I graduated. And even though I have personal development backing me, I can’t seem to get out of my mindset that keeps me from being alone. right now I’m sitting at a packed block with tons of people, it feels like I’m at the elementary playground all over again! I came here by choice, I am alone, and have walked the block 4 times as of right now. The reason I’m even writing this is because I’m experincing huge amounts of resistance. The resistance I’m feeling is the “Hi I’m VR, how are you doing” like I know we can talk just about anything with anyone, but I tend to say”Hi, enjoy your day” they say you as well, and we go on with our day im having a really hard time just staying with others presence. —————————————————— I understand what you mean about parting and smoking and drinking, I personally stuck to smoking legal cannabis myself, never did I like partying do to that mindset I developed as a youngster. I love life, I enjoy being present and alone, but a part of me just like you has to change the mindset of our youth. —————————————————— Let’s keep in touch, share with each other our progress because we are human and are allowed to experience and grow and make life better today I did do a new result, I went out into a new little town and explored it, but like I said I’m having a bed time with this resistance ——————— a part of me wants to think that I am making progress but another part of me is saying that its not enough. so what will I do? ——————- idk I have stepped into my future with the actions I’m taking right now by applying awareness to my problem. As you did ———- just remember your not the only one going through hard times, so don’t kick yourself to hard, and stay consistent with what you have envision in your mind. ———————-
  3. hey, I wanted to reach out and say
  4. How are you doing, I want to start a podcast, my goal is to have 100 viewers
  5. @Existence, @Truth Watch this, it'll be essential for growing inner self.
  6. Create really strong Routines!
  7. Hey, but quick question, where do you wish to recite?
  8. Hey there, Jan 3rd 2020 will mark 5 years of discovering this website on YouTube. pretty amazing how time passes.
  9. 2015 unconscious strategy. Then 2016 Conscious stratagy and now 2017 has started, and i'm working the Life purpose Course into action. The internet is going to play a big role in the shaping of the future of my life purpose, Communication In reality is key as well as the digital realm. I sometimes just go and stand and watch the sunset come down. I've also been inside a bull arena to get a shot at the bulls and the riders. I lived to tell the story indeed! Actualized. Org made me question and now i'm on my own path in my own unique way. So i thank you, I really do.
  10. I’ve been practicing and been making progress, here is one of the simple results that I’ve been able to come up with, I’m on path, actually enjoying the journey. I understand that the journey is the actual gift, being in this moment, is to me the joy of all things. I’m a very simple minded individual, one that still has a vision for his life as well as complexity, but right now, I’m focused in what is right in front of me. My future of where I see myself does indeed inform the present. This is why I love sitting down, and allowing me the time to look back on my own history, or look into the future and see how I can completely change and radically take control of my life. Anyways I hope this inspires you in some way, Let keep going forwards in this journey of life!!!
  11. I’ve been practicing and been making progress, here is one of the simple results that I’ve been able to come up with, I’m on path, actually enjoying the journey. I understand that the journey is the actual gift, being in this moment, is to me the joy of all things. I’m a very simple minded individual, one that still has a vision for his life as well as complexity, but right now, I’m focused in what is right in front of me. My future of where I see myself does indeed inform the present. This is why I love sitting down, and allowing me the time to look back on my own history, or look into the future and see how I can completely change and radically take control of my life. Anyways I hope this inspires you in some way, Let keep going forwards in this journey of life!!!
  12. This is what i wish i could eat every morning, today, i was able to make this, and honestly, i wish to share it with this community and many more. So please enjoy, tell me what you think about my morning creation, my morning creativity, and share and give me links to thing that are as sweet and healthy as this. Anyways, i personally know this is way to much sugar, but honestly, i hardly do this type of eating, anyways, hope you enjoy and if you do it, please let me know! Ingredients - Nature Valley Crunchy Peanut Butter Bars (NVCPBB) - Organic Ground Flax Seeds - Chosen Foods Chia Seeds - Natural Directions Organic Peach Slices (NDOPS) You want to get two NVCPBB and crush them, I personally used the NDOPS Can to do so. Then pour the crushed up bar into a bowl. Now get your flax seed and start to pour it into the bowl as well, do same things with Chia Seeds. I personally eye ball everything, this works for me, but if you’re the person that need to have things counted, the bags on themselves have the information you are so much looking for. Now you get your NDOPS Can, open it up and pour it onto the bowl as well. Give it a 5 or 10 minutes to soak in its juices and enjoy.
  13. An Angel entering Hell would be called a monster in the eyes of a demon, for the demons in hell would look at each other as the Angels of heaven. In all reality, one is no better then the other, for both are labels created by either side thinking instead of Being in Presence
  14. @JevinR That is so crazy, OhMyGoodness, i've had those some damn experience's!!! I still actually have them, but I've learned to just Self-Accept My-Self in a very deep personal level! Like in a very deep, and i do mean deep manor! Meditation helps so much! Writing down what the bad habits are, and then crossing them out helps so much as well!!! Learning how to lucid dream so you can enter that dark place as you sleep can enhance that process so much, if you are willing to see yourself as who you are that is lol. Personally from my experience, these three things combined together help so much!