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Everything posted by step1

  1. Hey. I was referring to weed having to be smoked to get high.. But after a little research I realise that it doesn't have to be heat activated as id always thought. So I stand corrected. I'm well aware its a plant lol
  2. Sometimes I wonder whether there is more than just thc in these 'branded' types of weed. Personally I would stay clear of anything that has to be smoked or involves some sort of processing, its not natural. In the end you just get addicted and it leads to other stuff. I've wasted a good deal of my youth with this stuff, wish I could turn back the clock. I have nothing against mushrooms though as they are natural, however I have never tried them.
  3. Hey jjer94, I just read about Osho on Wikipedia. He made attempted a bioterror attack and was addicted to valium (60mg a day which is a heavy dose, most survive on 10mg a day tops) and nitrous oxide.... Valium is an anti anxiety drug.. Perhaps he wasn't really enlightened.. ?
  4. Your idea of what god is, is an idea. What has been written about god for centuries is also an idea. I don't want to get into religion or anything because its really off topic and not allowed anyway, but 'God' (or the truth) is not a concept. It is beyond thought, and cannot be comprehended. Right now you are trying to mentally construct what we are trying to communicate to you, but it cannot be constructed in the mind.. You have to experience it yourself by questioning everything you have been conditioned to think is true.. Question your own mind.. Ask yourself if you are your mind or if you are something separate to that. Notice your ego. After some aha moments you may start to get a glimpse of something that is foreign of the mind/ego. I hope this makes some sense. I must admit I'm new to this but its incredible
  5. This is when things start to get freaky.. This is the bit i'm afraid of.
  6. Last night after meditating, I started to begin trying to contemplate life to see if I could have any epiphany. After about 30 mins of thinking around the subject of non dualism, a thought came to my mind that at one point a very long time ago, everything was just 1 single small entity physically. I then came into realisation that we are still all just one single entity meta physically. All of a sudden lots of things fell into place and made sense.. It was quite a profound moment and I started to feel very connected to everything. It is hard to explain but I felt like I was everything and everything was me, and there is only 1 thing, and that 1 thing is not anything, but is everything. If that makes sense.... After that I felt really warm inside, and very peaceful. I fell asleep after that and today the peacefulness is not as strong but I still feel it a bit. So, during meditation we just notice our thoughts, and we become still/present. What I am finding though is that it's the actual thoughts about stuff that is really opening things up for me... The question is are these experiences I am having legitimate as they are brought about using my mind rather than being free of it.
  7. The experience that came after realisation of those thoughts was weird. I'd say it wasn't more qualitative as I can't really put it into words what I felt completely. All I do know is was whilst it was quite a beautiful realisation and profound, it also scared me a bit. It made me realise that the ego tricks us into thinking we are all separate.. I guess my ego is still trying to resist it. Perhaps I got the tiniest of a peek of what the truth is.. Although perhaps I am kidding myself, I only started meditating 6 weeks ago lol.
  8. ^^ What jip has quoted scares me. I have parents that I am close to and I don't want to lose the love that I have for them as I think that would be selfish of me. They are getting old now and I think as their final years come they will need my love more than ever.. At the same time though my ego is severely limiting me and has caused me a lot of problems over the past 10 years. Really quite severe problems that have limited the potential of my life to the point where the once was guy that everyone thought would ace life is still at the drawing board at 31 years old. I'm sick of having this ego but also I don't want to lose the bond I have with my family...
  9. Hi ladies and gents, I've been meditating for 6 weeks now... Since this process started I've had some strange moments where I felt like a euphoria was coming over me, and before I let it peak I get scared and lose traction.. This actually happens not during meditation but when I am thinking about the things I have read in 'the power of now' and whilst contemplating the things I have seen in Leo's videos. It actually happened last night after Leo mentioned in one of his videos that the past and future are a figment of your imagination, they are not real. I suddenly became aware of this possibility and had an intense rush which I cut off before it overcame me. I got worried and overwhelmed/freaked out by the sheer magnitude of this possibility. Anyways, so that's kind of where I'm at for the moment. I don't know whether those experiences are significant or not, but getting on to my issue. I started self inquiry last night. I began to ask myself 'who am I?' 'Am I this voice in my head? Or am I something else?' 'If I am this voice in my head then how am I listening to myself?' 'Surely there is someone listening to me to hear myself? If so who is it?' Etc. The problem I have is I see the voice in my head as the bad guy and the observer who realises that it is just a thought as the good guy, but I see these 2 as kind of a split personality, 2 sides of one person: therefore I am having trouble seeing the mind chatter as not really me if that makes sense? Has anyone else had this problem? Regards
  10. Thanks for the replies folks I have much to think about.
  11. Found the right video. Thanks
  12. Thanks Kyle. I'm reading Eckhart Tolles 'the power of now' at the moment. It's giving me a fair few 'aha' moments. I've never done self enquiry before... Can you recommend a good online resource to learn it?
  13. Thanks.. I read somewhere on the forum that he is yet to make a video on self enquiry? I have watched most of his meditation videos and don't remember the self enquiry, unless I am mistaken?