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Everything posted by GrahamW

  1. @Stefano Provenzi This MA Carrano is insane. Spiral dynamics follows a path of increasing awareness, where awareness is synonymous with universality and 'God', which implies an endpoint. Carrano's definition of coral is full-on anti-God with features like 'damage indemnity' from the shock and awe of taking control of massive systems. Or maybe he's just speaking too aggressively.
  2. @asha176 Few I'm aware of. Academia has a hierarchical structure where the higher levels are considered more valuable to industry and other sectors. I was a post doc. so this is the structure in the UK: Undergraduate students - might do voluntary work in a lab. Considered a hinderance. Graduate - might find a placement in a lab. The lab. slave. Postgraduate - limited research included as part of postgraduate degree course - the more useful lab. slave. Doctorate - own research Post doc. - does the bulk of commercial research in academia and supervises lab staff (the Professors bitch) Lecturer (Assistant then Associate lecturer in US) - pimps out lower levels for funding, does R&D and supervises Senior Lecturer (Professor in US) - attracts own funding and manages R&D Reader (Professor in US) - intense work on many R&D programmes Professor (Professor in US) - manages lab / centre / staff / R&D programmes Then University management levels (Deans etc) - resource management
  3. We need to raise public awareness of the spiral dynamic model. That's it. No questions for Leo. Though I'd like to discuss it further off-line.
  4. @Bodhitree Yes I think you are both right. I look back at the stages cherry picking, but wanting to be surrounded by like-minded people rather than integrating the stages. Life purpose is definitely a missing link!
  5. Perhaps like many people I have progressed through the stages over my life without sticking around in orange to maintain a stable source of income - frustration in a scientific career whilst being a systems thinker, adopting the ideals of green but with Aspergers preventing me being a green practitioner. Recently I opened the door to spirituality and dispelling the ego, and can glimpse turquoise. But the path over decades has been chaotic and has left me on too fragile a base to live and develop in that stage. What would be beneficial for me to focus on next?
  6. Is there any work on how people with Asperger's Syndrome use this model to direct their careers? I am a global systems thinker with engineering degrees and a PhD. My interactions with people through ASD have (so far) left me feeling limited in that academic world. What do yellows do?