Jayson G

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Everything posted by Jayson G

  1. @Arcangelo Bruh I ain't doin 20 ug again with them ... why would I think of doing 100 lmaoo If I do 100 its prob gonna be when I move out or in the forest
  2. So I recently tried psychedelics after 2 years. I took 20 ug in the morning, a microdose, with the intention of greater productivity, and creativity with my work. 30 mins in, I *think* I felt more conscious, I don't know honestly. I started listening to Leo's music meditation playlist for the first time, and that was amazing. But I don't know if the acid had anything to do with that. About 1 hour later, idk I think I felt more "retarded" lmao kind of like when I take weed. I thought I would be more conscious. When I say retarded, I mean I started laughing a lot, for no reason, at everything. I was being all goofy and stuff. All by myself. Then I went downstairs to talk to my mom, but I got a bit socially anxious. That was weird because I heard 20 ug doesn't affect that. Maybe it was my monkey mind. Then I felt like I had all this energy trapped inside me, and I had to release it, so I started doing pushups a lot. (I never do pushups) But then from there, all I did was lay in bed, scroll through Tik Tok for the next 5 hours, in pain because the acid kept amplifying this body pain I've been having (winter, chronic tension in the body) And my monkey mind was so much. Like I couldn't stop it. For hours and hours until I slept. Productivity was absolutely 0 the whole day from the moment I took the acid. Just a lot of physical body pain, and a lot of monkey mind, and a lot of non-productivity. I'm trying to make sense of this. How come almost every report I read shows everyone having great experiences micro-dosing? Why did I feel no benefits of micro-dosing? Why did this make me much less conscious than a typical day? Why were there so many negative side-effects? Like everything was opposite of what was expected. Wanting to be more social? Nope, I was more anxious. Wanting to be more conscious? nope I was much less conscious. Wanting to be more peaceful? Nope, much more monkey mind. Wanting to be more productive? Nope, most unproductive day in a while. Like I'm just glad that's over. It's the next day now. And I feel really great. Mentally very clear. Physically great. Energy high. All better than most days.
  3. @AdamDiC I never thought about it like that .. But you're so right man even outside of the trip I need to be more and think less I'm practically in my head all day lol .. overthinking hella
  4. @The0Self If you guys say so, I'll really consider 100 then. But say in those preceding steps, if I can't surrender for some reason, even though I try my best with an open heart, will I continue to be in some kind of fear the rest of the trip? I may just be overthinking this lol
  5. @AdamDiC I'm actually going to write this down on a piece of paper lol Def the music and dancing I'm generally not an idiot doing stupid shi lmao But what if ego death comes about, or like sucks me in or something (felt like that before on weed) Is there a way to deal with that? I'll try my best to surrender but what if you can't surrender?
  6. @AdamDiC Wow dude this is solid .. Imma do this .. just completely be with myself. No distractions. But what if that gets a little scary? I doubt it would, but is there a way to kind of deal with that fear if it comes up? And 120? lmao I've done about 100 before but idk if I could do that again. Everything was fine, it just feels scary being at such a high dose. Anything can happen. Not tryna be traumatized or die lol
  7. @AtheisticNonduality Why didn't I think of that loll thats a great idea @Lyubov Yeah I think my whole intention was doing better work, but that just made me more stressed. This time I'll focus on meditation and consciousness so I think I should be fine there. @nitramadas Man weed triggers my OCD, I think Imma stay away from that @DualityHurts I'm actually tempted to take more lol now idk .. I think the problem was I wasn't facing my ego before. Now I know better. Hopefully that would help. @Carl-Richard I'm probably not going to take a risk having dinner with the family loll I like hiking in a forest though
  8. @Carl-Richard @Lazertazer @The0Self Thank you guys! I was considering not experimenting again, but this gave me hope. I will go into future trips with this advice in mind Also kinda random but does anyone have advice on what you guys do when you have parents in the house? I tried it before with them in the house and it was prob not a good idea I could go to a nature spot but considering it lasts 12 hours, idk how I would use the bathroom, or even just stay there for that long.
  9. I've experimented with tons of techniques, so far this is my current routine daily: wim hof method 10 mins (somewhat powerful) do nothing 25 mins (pretty powerful) sadhguru's kriya yoga and hatha yoga (wouldn't say it is powerful, but I see a difference in the quality of effect compared to the first 2 techniques) This takes about 45 mins to 55 mins per day I don't want to do shamanic breathing every day, because I think that is more of a weekly thing. Kriya yoga I don't want to do from a book (sadhguru says book yoga could be dangerous) What other techniques are worth trying out? I do want to have enlightenment experiences, and all the benefits of real kriya yoga, but also I don't want to have such a shift in my reality that it freaks me out or anything like that, like psychedelics. Any suggestions? I did hear of "zazen" i think @Leo Gura got any suggestions? My friend keeps telling me to place my attention on "I am" .. I think that is freaky too lmao so i'll leave that one out
  10. @Nahm Oh yes, I do that with Sedona method 24/7, feeling into it, allowing it, accepting it, letting it go. Even do nothing has that aspect often. Love doing this. I feel more at peace, more fearless
  11. @PurpleTree Idk every time i do it, it freaks me out. Not necessarily the technique being freaky. Sometimes I like it, but sometimes like my perspective shifts very quickly and it just scares me
  12. @Avi Khomutovsky Damn man I'm legit in the exact same boat! 25 years old, "strategically" doing a marketing business for 1 year before I take off for my music career. I'll give you some reasons why I chose the marketing business route first, rather than diving in straight into a music career first: 1) You probably don't want to stay too long at your parents house. And to move out of your parents' house can take many years if you're doing a music career first. 2) I have more baseline needs, desires, and priorities that need to be met first. Like think about it, going full on into a music career sounds beautiful. And I get tempted too. But you might suffer a lot, if you don't have a quality social life, the girls you want, a proper health foundation, money to live in a nice place. 3) A music career can take 4 to 10 years before you are making money. It takes time to get good enough to have a good following and stuff. When you get good though, I believe it'll be exponential. But music is cut-throat man. These days "good" alone isn't even going to cut it. "Great" and "world-class" also is becoming too common as the standard has gone up over the years. But with a marketing business, you can make money in 1 to 3 years, and then pursue a music career peacefully, while having a lot of your needs met, and probably use that money to get a master to train you to cut your learning curve, use the money to build a studio even, move to a nice place, etc. Plus, in a sense, life is a journey. You'll get to your music soon. But if you can be a little patient, a year or 2, you can start off music with a much more solid foundation. Then again, those are just the arguments for being strategic. Tbh I'd like to hear your counter-points to the side that I chose haha. I'm in a similar boat, and if you could tell me some strong viewpoints for doing music first, I might even shift towards doing that. I was watching Cobra Kai a few days ago, and I just kept balling. I don't usually cry either. And I realized, that I want to live that. I want to be less comfortable, live my life purpose, truly pursue my passion. As I type this, I think screw the marketing business, let me just go full on in music. But then I'm also like "all my friends are making such good money" "people are going to think I'm a failure" "I'm just quitting too easily" "Where would I even live with no money?!"
  13. @mavelezm Is this book a diet plan or just a "sometimes detoxing protocol" ? I bought the book and its a bit confusing
  14. @Carl-Richard Ahh gotchya, yeah I sort of figured that. I'd probably be doing it home alone anyways. Thanks for the advice
  15. @Cubbage Hands down one of the top 5 funniest trip reports I ever read hahaha I hope I never end up doing sh*t like this I'm actually new to all this though, and this one part concerned me: I have never experienced ego death on a psychedelic before. Any advice from preventing oneself from thinking such things or doing something stupid like that? I understand where you were coming from, and I could reasonably see how you came to that conclusion, but how does one prevent oneself from acting on a thought like that, or anything like that? I'm more of the person who would micro to low dose for a few years anyways, so maybe high dosing is the problem? Or is it just being irresponsible by nature? (I don't consider myself that irresponsible) Btw I'm not dissing you at all haha
  16. can someone help me figure out where I'm going wrong in my daily routine? My current journey is spending a few years in business to become financially independent. I'm trying to make every habit in my day somehow up my productivity in business. This is what my day looks like: Morning routine: 30 mins total of yoga, wim hof method, and meditation, 10 mins to get a glass of water, 30 mins exercise, 1 hour making a healthy breakfast + listen to an audiobook, 1 hour get ready, all in all this takes 4 hours cuz i take short naps in between and sometimes it gets stretched out cause of logistics Then I do 6 hours/day Monday to Friday of work = 30 hours/week. 2 hours in between for "productive breaks" for recharging. On a weekday, I usually don't have time for anything else. I do think I waste time on social media a few hours scrolling Tik Tok and sh** or texting friends, but that seems hard to change right now. I can try to fix that. But I don't know where else the time goes, and by the time the weekend comes I really need that recharge. Now the crazy thing is that I'll be accepting a job doing 40 hours per week soon. How in the heck am I going to do 40 hours per week of job, and 20 to 30 hours per week in business, when already my day feels packed?!? loll And I don't think I can remove any personal development habit either. I need that meditation routine, and all that stuff for health and just being in a good mental state. Thoughts on how I can improve my routine for work productivity?
  17. @Dingo I can probably meal prep to be honest. I guess I've been lazy to get into learning that and changing my ways. Intermittent fasting I also have seen the benefits of. I was forced to eat only 1 to 2 meals a day when I was backpacking Europe. But when theres all this food in the fridge that its so easy to access I'm finding it hard to resist the hunger feelings. Is there anything you do to release those hunger feelings? And good call on the oatmeal. I take oatmeal every day, but I could definitely make it healthier and more filling with those ideas.
  18. Nah man that wasn't harsh at all. Its a tough wake up call, and a great perspective. I like hearing stories like what you described with your boss. It shows the artificial limits we place on ourselves and what we are truly capable of Yeah, thats true. What usually happens is I do get disappointed as a reaction, but then I use Sedona method to release it loll
  19. @ivory Yes honestly, I have been noticing all that in myself too. I actually am somewhat OCD and perfectionist, but I'm definitely working on all that. I also understand it's a lifelong journey. But I also believe I am capable of actualizing way more inner potential than I currently am. I feel like I can be putting in 2-3x more into life. But integrating all these perspectives is key, I believe. Patience with Hard work. Self-love with self-discipline. It's not easy. But I do see improvement every day
  20. @Meditationdude damn dude you're actually SO on point. I spend 10 hours a week on Tik Tok, and literally the Tik Tok trending trends, dictionary, common comments, and stuff is so engrained in my personality now lmao its funny af actually but scary and def detrimental I gotta get off Unfortunately my business revolves around social media so I can't delete it, but I am locking up my devices from now on in a locker with no opener except a timer for 23 hours a day
  21. @fridjonk Oh I'm on it haha I need to really fix this. And crap I really don't know. I may be eating a lot tho .. my breakfast is a smoothie, a chipotle bowl, 2 toast, and coffee
  22. If anyone else is in a similar boat, please check your "screen time" on your phone. I've been struggling to find out where all my time is going. After journaling a lot, carefully analyzing my routine, I decided to take a look at screen time. I'm honestly so disappointed in myself, the data literally shows an average of 7.5 hours per day on my phone, of which 4 hours a day of that is in social media. My gawd I bought a lock with a timer (shark tank type product on amazon) .. just a suggestion if anyone is facing a similar thing.
  23. @kag101 I'm actually surprised that people are surprised by this lol like I'm not even sure how to reduce it cuz .. It takes time to get the stuff out, clean up, make the food, heat it up, eat it, plus my mom distracts me for 5 to 10 mins here and there If only I had the money for a chef
  24. @datamonster Damn when you put it like that it kinda hurts .. cuz its like where the heck is the time going?! lmao Of a 168 hour week, doing 30 hours sounds pathetic (given that I want to do 60 and feel like I can't) I think I'm going to journal how to fix this
  25. @smurf88 Okay in all honesty, I fully resonate with that in a sense. Morning routines can be burdensome to some degree. But all the practices within the morning routine I would like to do daily. But for real like I'm trying to make money out here, and spending 5 hours in the morning doing non-business sh** it makes no sense sometimes cause I really need to step up my work ethic game. Idk so you think I should just turn this into an evening routine? lol