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About Majed

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    beirut lebanon
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  1. @Leo Gura i mean sometimes like you said it's a trick of the mind making people believe that the situation will never improve when in fact it is false
  2. @Leo Gura i mean yeah sometimes suicide is legitimate, if you have a serious health problem which makes you suffer a lot and no way to fix it.
  3. @Leo Gura when people think about past and future life, they forget that lifetime is a construct, the last second could be considered past life and the following second could be considered future life.
  4. well will be great as a lesson in self deception to study the flat earther's mind.
  5. @Leo Gura buddhism is a fiction, but it can be a great way to reach higher spiritual truths and insights. however the nature of buddhism is a fantasy.
  6. @Leo Gura you mean their minds aren't flexible enough, they don't have enough mastery over their minds to connect with alien mind?
  7. btw @Leo Gura isn't alien consciousness just any state of consciousness different from the standard state of consciousness experienced by the human vehicle, and maybe also the vehicle of animals and insects ?
  8. @Leo Gura i get it that pm says that truth cannot be known, however truth can be known. and that i dont think pm understands that there are infinite states of consciousness and that our bodies are the vehicle through which we experience this dream. and the reason there are other bodies is because they have a similar vehicle to our own. of course all of this is happening within god's mind which is your mind. that's why every human lives in a different reality but people with similar genetics have closer realities for example two humans live in a closer reality than a human and an ant, and also factors beyond just genetics like two men live in a closer reality than a man and a woman. however aliens encountered through mystical states lives in a different state of consciousness, and we don't see them in the "physical" world, because they don't have similar vehicle, however the human vehicle with its advanced brain can reach higher states of consciousness and encounter these aliens, and of course at a higer levels this aliens are just god, and they are you.
  9. @Leo Gura i mean isn't pm saying that reality is relative, and isn't the absolute truth just that, that reality is absolutely relative ?
  10. @Leo Gura a good topic for a video would be a video on psychopathy, because for most people this is such a radically different perspective and reality.