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Everything posted by Majed

  1. After a lot of contemplation, i've realized that going to escorts is one of the best ways to get laid. I mean the other options are porn, tinder, night clubs, and marriage. And they all have limitations with porn you have no partner, with tinder, it doesn't always work, with night clubs you need skills and right logistics, with marriage you become even more miserable since now you only have one girl for life, which is total nonsense. However with a hooker you get a new one each time, and it doesn't require much money. Best way to get laid.
  2. @Leo Gura I have a question, why did God invent the world ? Meaning the physical universe ? Sure i understand it's imaginary as long as we are alive we are in it. Why didn't God just remain in his formlessness, why did he incarnate in form ?
  3. @Leo Gura This was in the total beginning of my game journey.
  4. @Leo Gura From 1 to 10, what do you think my level of game is ?
  5. @Daniel Balan This happened to me too lmao, i got beaten up by the boyfriend of a girl once because i approached her and it was at school, plus i really was insisting with her in my text messages and was kinda sexual with her even though she told me, she had a boyfriend.
  6. @Leo Gura So what are my mistakes according to your valuable lessons that you learned on this journey ? Btw i did like more than 2500 approaches, i've made out with ten girls in one night at the club sometimes. I'm not a total newbie.
  7. @Daniel Balan Dude how are you supposed to meet a girl in the first place without approaching ?
  8. @Leo Gura Dude girls are too spoiled these days, remember when my ancestors had rape game, today putting your hands around her shoulders is considered too much lmao.
  9. @Daniel Balan Dude approaching girls only when they give you social cues, is never approaching other than twice every decade.
  10. @Leo Gura Today, i saw a girl i liked on the street during the day, i went put my hand around her shoulders, and said : "hey, excuse me" and then she got my hands out of her shoulders and told me to get away, i said :"cool" and went away. Do you think what i did was okay, or was it too bold ?
  11. After many reflections, and trial and error, i've realized that quitting spirituality all together might be the wiser choice. Because of the extreme self discipline it requires (meditation for hours, likewise for contemplation, fasting, solo retreats, the dangers of psychedelic use on one's health...) this path end up making us more miserable in the end than anything else. At the end of the day most humans just want to live a fulfilling, comfortable life, not suffer the shit out themselves to reach spiritual goals.
  12. @Leo Gura Why would wokeness crucify pickup ? Maybe toxic pick up but not all pick up, at the end of the day pick up works because women consent to what is happening, if women didn't consent, pickup wouldn't work. Of course there is manipulation going on, but hey what's the alternative to pick up ? Arranged marriages from parents ?
  13. I am trying to follow islamic teachings, but their rules about sexuality are too rigid. Like how are you supposed to sexually satisfy yourself if you're not married? Since masturbation and pornography are unallowed ? i am trying to do ramadan, but like the hardest part isn't food or water, but sexual desires and today i watched pornography. I don't want to quit islam because it is too central in my family and society, but i want a solution with the sexuality problem. Their solution is ludicrous like self control and keeping yourself busy with salat and dhikr, however where is the line between discipline and unnecessary torture ? Biological stuff like eating, going to the toilet, sleeping and jerking off cannot be negated, like the only way to transcend those needs is to kill yourself physically. Otherwise as long as you have your body, you'll have them. So why put such ridiculous rules around sexuality in islam, when it is a beautiful and important tradition, especially in its mystical dimensions ?
  14. I would argue that humans do not care about truth for a very good reason, mainly because they're barely able to survive. Why should i care about truth, when i can barely make money and have sex. In our world, what an individual needs isn't truth, but basic satisfying for material cravings, like money and sex. Most people are so desperate for money and sex, they don't have the luxury of caring about truth. What is truth gonna do to me, make me realize that i am God, and that everything is one, and that consciousness is infinite imagination. That's all nice and cool, but what's more important from the human point of view is to feed myself and satisfy my sexual needs, as well as living a decent comfortable life. If you're lacking in those basic things you cannot afford to spend thousands of hours seeking truth for truth's sake, through reading books, contemplation, meditation, psychedelic trips, travel... First you need money and sex, then when you're well off you can choose to pursue truth. Money and sex is what people crave not truth.
  15. Are islamic practices like prayer, fasting in ramadan and dhikr, legitimate spirtual practices to reach higher and altered states of consciousness, and deep insights ?
  16. As a cultural muslim, i think i might fast for ramadan, mainly for family reason and because i enjoy being part of the community doing the fast. What about y'all ?
  17. With that said i don't think sexuality should be totally repressed either, it's a balance. I don't think having homosexual intercourse is bad or evil. I don't understand why religions treat sexuality (homosexuality, masturbation, sex outside of marriage...) to be inherently evil, when it is just something biological like eating, sleeping, breathing, defacating... Imagine if there were thousands of rules around sleeping, eating, breathing and defacating, it's clearly incoherent. I'm trying to understand islam but certain things are just unreasonable, unrealistic, unpractical and just wrong, which is why most muslims don't follow these rules around sexuality. I don't think it is actually possible for a homosexual to never have an intercourse or masturbate, or to change his sexual orientation, like it's just not possible. Likewise who doesn't masturbate? Even the most devout muslims practice masturbation, who doesn't have sex outside of marriage? No one. Like these rules need to be changed at some point.
  18. The wisdom in homosexuality being a sin in islam, is to not give sexuality an important role within the life of a muslim. The primary function of sexuality should be procreation, and most of our earthly life should be dedicated to Allah, to God.
  19. The error that atheists make in regard to islam, is that they think that just because it isn't true, it isn't valuable. Truth is not the only value, there's also community, culture, sense of belonging, fulfillment, family bonds. Even if islam can not provide truth, it can provide community, culture, sense of belonging, fulfillment and family bonds.
  20. @The Renaissance Man Lmaooo.
  21. @Average Actualizer Dude this is literally bullshit lmaoo.