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Everything posted by SaynotoKlaus

  1. How do you condition your mind to think of other things instead of addictions? Can you give examples , i want to try this myself.
  2. I have the same issue. I did make progress on this , and what i can tell you is that you won't be able to stop suddenly no matter how much you want and try. You will make small progress every day. Try to be aware of how you feel when you are doing these things (dissatisfied). Also don't judge and blame yourself when you can't resist but to go back to your addictions , somehow this only makes you more likely to backslide , lol. Be cool about it. Find yourself a hobby that makes you satisfied. Then you will notice how spending tons of time on the internet and in games just gives you this lame feeling , while practicing what you like makes you happy. Meditations sure helps a lot as you said. I went from playing video games 6 hours + every day and thinking about them all the time , to playing only every now and then. I'm probably going to quit them totally soon. Now i only need to stop watching too much youtube and browsing hundreds of images on tumblr
  3. When you guys talk about raw diets , you mean only fruits and vegetables , right? I heard eating raw meat is dangerous , is that true?
  4. After a long time of having no idea what i want to do with my life , i figured out what are the things that bring me the highest satisfaction , and i truly think that pursuing these things will bring me more happiness than i can imagine. But i found out while starting to do them that i am terrified of happiness. When i practice , with joy also comes anxiety , that is so strong i feel the urge to stop and distract myself with things that make me feel comfortable. Sometimes i freeze and i feel like there is some invisible force that makes me powerless and unable to break free from it. If i try to fight this feeling is like i'm trying to move a mountain. I am aware of how i sabotage myself bigtime by giving in to fear , but all my logical thinking doesn't make me stronger. I thought about about this , and the only solution that comes to my mind is meditation and enlightenment work , but so it happens that this is one of the things that make me terrified. I can't get any good results with this stuff , because i soon as i feel that i'm going deep in a meditation session for example , i need to stop. I don't know what to do.
  5. I red "The Power of now" , and i'm trying to be present at all times like the author suggests , but this has a bad side effect for me. I always feel this slight constant pain in my brain , and it exhausts my mind in a way that i have no control over my negative emotions. In the last week or so since i'm practicing this, i got a couple of times to extreme rage for insignificant reasons. I punched some things , started thinking of doing extreme acts , i even hurt myself once. Looking back at what happened i feel that i couldn't control myself at all in those moments. This obviously makes me really worried about this enlightenment work , and i am seriously thinking to stop and regularly use distraction tools so this doesn't happen anymore. I used to be a very angry person for a long time , but in the last two years i kept learning self improvement stuff , and i also meditate casually lately. This made me pretty good at controlling my anger and other negative emotions , i even got to a point where i could easily tolerate things that made me angry before. I was all good until i started to put effort into being present and focused at everything i do. Since then i keep feeling this brain pain , and it's like i damaged my brain or something , can't control myself anymore.