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Everything posted by SaynotoKlaus

  1. 2 or 3 years ago when i started eating healthy i lost too much weight and it's still the case because i keep doing that. I was always skinny. Before i was 1.86 m tall with 78kg /172 lbs now i'm 68kg /150lbs. Not only i'm eating healthy , but i'm also eating less because i'm listening to my body. But my body is stupid , even though i feel good and have more energy , i look like someone who just got out of some labor camp. I want to eat more, but when i do that i feel stuffed and i don't have any energy to do the things i have to do - which is very important to me because i need to be always active in order for me to sustain myself and improve my life. What the heck should i do?
  2. I didn't watch the video because my current computer is too slow to play youtube videos , lol. I was wondering what did Leo mean when he said that you don't want self-actualization.
  3. What's the maximum amount of coffee i should drink every day? I work a lot lately , and i need coffee all the time but i don't want to be unhealthy.
  4. @Falk I went unconscious once in the past when i got hit in the head , it does't happen when i meditate. I was dizzy for a while after that , so maybe there's brain trauma , despite of what the doctors said. My health is good , the rest not really. The pain i feel during and after the meditation is physical , not emotional. My brains stings like hell. I also tend to get very angry fast when this happens , and can't control my rage. I noticed that i think a lot of this mindfulness stuff by default, basically all the time , and i often wake up in the middle of the night and start to think while i'm semi-conscious at enlightment topics and sometimes i even meditate in bed. When i fully wake up i barely remember what i was thinking of.
  5. After i posted this i took break a day , then i started meditating again. Today the head pain got so strong that i started having suicidal thoughts. The pain is unbearable , i'm really scared that i'm going to lose my mind in a minute. I have no idea what's wrong , i'm following the meditation instructions. In the past i almost had a mental breakdown once , and another time i got hit in the head really hard , i was unconscious for a while and got hospitalized. Maybe my brain is damaged somehow and i don't know it. Or maybe this damaged it , lol.
  6. @Donald So meditation is more for the sake of discipline and mindfulness , and not to make you happy? I thought that meditation is supposed to be the source of the highest amount of happiness.
  7. What is your favorite meditation technique and why? What experiences did you have in your best sessions with it?
  8. I noticed that society in general is terrified of emotionally strong people. So terrified that they made laws and religions in such a way to make you feel powerless and hold you down. I find this both frustrating and fascinating.
  9. I used to play online poker for a living , but i gave that up recently. I am in a spot where i have no money and i need to start working on something. I did my research and i have two choices in mind but it's a difficult decision. First i want to say that the thing i love the most in life is (visual) art. I like watching drawings , paintings and photography. I also love drawing and i am committed to dedicate as much of my free time to get good and enjoy it. Obviously i considered making a living out of this , but i'm not that good at drawing , and everyone knows that making money with art is really tough , especially if you're not one of the best. I started learning to code and it's something that i enjoy , not nearly as much as art , but it's an entertaining way to spend time for me. I could learn to be good , and i would probably start making money in a few months but the only way i can make money with it is as an employee. I imagine freelancing is just like being employed only you have a flexible schedule. I used to have jobs in the past , and the idea of working for others , doing what and when they want bothers me a lot , because i enjoy my freedom more than anything else. Jobs also tend to take the enjoyment out of even the best hobbies. The alternative to this would be to make money online with internet marketing. I don't have skills , can't make products , so the only business i can have is something that involves websites , getting traffic , using commercials and stuff like that - I am aware of less integrous ways of making money online , like copying other people's content and making short ebooks with my own words , but i would grow to be disgusted with myself sooner or later , even if now this would be great for me since i have no money. I don't care that much about internet marketing , but i am good at solving problems and i imagine i could do well if i put some effort into it. So the choice is between doing something that i like while losing my freedom (and the potential to make lots of money), and doing what i don't enjoy but what is going to bring me financial freedom. To be honest i can't even predict exactly how it will feel to be in each of these situations , you can't really know until you're there , right? Do you think i can be successful at a business if i'm not passionate about it? If i could be employed as an artist it would be an easy choice because art it's the thing i enjoy the most , but i can't do this. I imagine it would take me a few years until i can make enough money , years which i can't afford to wait because now i am living with my mother , i am 28 , have no money , no girlfriend , i really need to start earning soon and to move on with my life.
  10. I just realized why choosing a life purpose doesn't motivate me almost at all , and i always tend to go back to my addictions. I was thinking about something that i don't remember anymore , and at some point i reached the conclusion that i like being addicted. "Why do i like being addicted?" i asked myself - "Because it gives me purpose". The more i think about it , the more convinced i am this is true. When i am obsessed with whatever , even though i have this persistent shitty feeling that i am powerless , i also feel secure in a way. It's like i always have something there for me , i am never wandering aimlessly. The easy answer to this is that i should find the greatest goal i can think of , and set that to be my purpose. But the problem with this is that thinking of an ideal is a very abstract thing , and because of this it doesn't motivate me that much. For example when i think of an addiction i have tons of images and good feelings associated with it. Actually i don't even have to think of it , thoughts related to it pop up all the time in my mind. They are also very accessible , i can start doing these addicting things right now , if i want to. They sure feel very real , hard to ignore. A noble purpose doesn't feel real. All i can come up with is some abstract images in my head. For example if i think of me being rich , i just see myself dressed well , living in some cool house and having big numbers in my bank account. If i think of enlightenment , i just imagine myself sitting and meditating , while i'm content with everything. And that's it. I can come up with the best ideas of what i can do with my life , but it doesn't help me that much. I have no idea how these things that i want feel , all i have are some blurry , short dreams. I can't even keep them in my mind until the next day. How can some people come up with these big goals that they hang on to and use them to achieve great things? How can you make a powerful visualization of something that you don't even know how it really is?
  11. Recently i discovered about myself that i have a talent for managing stuff. I always liked to solve multiple problems at the same time , focus to make things work as good as possible and keep planning things. I can do these things effortlessly and they are fun to do. Most of the things i manage are pretty insignificant ( computer data , a blog , strategic games , planning my - very low - spending budget , etc ) , it never occurred to me that i could start some sort of business and work on something that could make me serious money. It's good that i figured this about myself , but the main problem is that i have no idea what sort of business i want to start or how to do it. The closest thing i've done similar to this is online poker , which i treat similar to a business , i make some money with it and enjoy it , but because of multiple reasons the future of this is very uncertain. I don't even know where to start looking for the proper information , so i thought maybe i'll get here some useful advice. I don't know exactly what i want to do , but i do know for sure that i'm not willing to be a whore and sell my integrity for money , or work for someone else if i don't have the opportunity to own or lead sooner or later that business. I'm also kinda broke , which i guess makes this extra hard
  12. @Falk I don't draw everyday , because things that make me happy also make me uneasy so i tend to distract myself a lot - this is my main issue right now which i'm working on. I threw away my old sketchbook , this is all i got so far. I definitely got a long way until i can call myself an artist.
  13. I'm 100% sure that art is my thing. I'm not even interested in experimenting with other hobbies. The only thing i'm looking for right now is a craft that allows me to make decent money.
  14. I think all you experience is monkey mind because you get trapped in the thoughts. I also do the "do nothing" meditation , but to be honest whenever i do absolutely nothing i have the same experience too , pure monkey mind , and this doesn't feel good neither when i'm doing it or after it's over. Try the same thing you did so far , sit without moving or doing anything , but this time accept everything you feel. Don't tell yourself that you accept , feel it , enter a state where you accept everything that happens around you and inside your body, without focusing on certain things. I do this myself lately , and i find it very relaxing.
  15. I did watch many of his videos lately , he seems to know a lot about life , much of the advice the gives is similar to Leo's , only he uses different words. The only thing that annoys me about him is that he uses too many metaphors.
  16. Besides eating healthy and exercising , what life hacks do you use daily to boost your energy so you can work more and better?
  17. I used have video games as my main hobby for about 15 years , and in this time i made some friends who i had this in common with. I know them for many years , and i care about them. Lately it's hard for us to connect and "hang out" because i quit video games. They live in other cities (and countries) so we can't meet to engage in other activities that bond us - only like once/twice a year when they visit. In the last months i kinda forced myself - it wasn't that hard to be honest :)- to play games with them so we can spend time together , but i'm bored with games and i don't feel like doing this anymore. It also doesn't help that they are not interested in self improvement like me. I know that any actualized person would advice me to just let the friendship die since i shouldn't act against my values , but this feels like such a cold-hearted thing to do. Like i used them to have a good time , and now that this doesn't work anymore for me i'm ditching them. I'm conflicted because i don't want to do things i don't like anymore , but i also don't want to ignore my friends.
  18. It used to be an addiction , but now it's the opposite. I do play every now and then but i don't enjoy it. I play mostly with friends. Sometimes i play by myself because i'm too tired to do my main activities , but i regret it every time because i'm having 0 fun.
  19. Do you think that everyone can self actualize , no matter how unaware and egotistic they are? Or maybe beyond a certain threshold of unawareness this becomes impossible for them because they are way too defensive against any changes in their behavior.
  20. I'm searching for books that teach you how to learn better , but i stumble across a lot of books that have good ratings but are not practical. Books that talk about the science that studies the learning process , or that teach how to learn in an academic environment , or numbers , etc. It's a pain in the ass to filter through all the bullshit , so i was wondering if you guys know any good ones that focus on the practical side.
  21. I'm not religious at all , but a few times i tried for experimentation's sake to abstain myself from all sorts of things that give me pleasure (things i feel i need) including sex and food (i used to eat only when i was starving) and they were weird experiences. At first it's really hard but then it gets easier , until i actually feel pretty amazing , calm , with lots of energy and very little mental noise. The thing that benefits me the most i think is abstaining from food. When i eat only to survive , i get a huge mental and physical energy boost , more than when i eat lots of food high in nutrients. I also feel like eating consistently is fueling my mental chatter and negative emotions. What do you think , is this the way to go , or i am rather sabotaging myself? I have to say , even if living like this is not that healthy , i am tempted to do it because it feels amazing.
  22. You need to make a video where you teach us how to expand our creativity , what you need to practice in order to be able to keep getting innovative ideas whenever you want , if that's possible (it must be).
  23. Can anyone recommend me some books that teach you how to cultivate your sexuality , and go really deep on this topic. I'm more interested in stuff that combine meditation practice/enlightenment work with sexuality , rather than just teach you how to be good at sex (even though i don't mind reading these either). Leo said in some video of his that sexuality is a really deep topic and can even lead to enlightenment , this made me really curious.
  24. To be honest i think all the questions you ask yourself and all the logical thinking about what you should be doing won't help you , it will only make you frustrated because you can't find the answer. I know because i tried this myself The thing that worked best for me was experimentation. Keep trying all sorts of hobbies and activities. If you see something that's even a bit interesting just try it for the sake of experimenting. You will find many things that you don't enjoy as much as you thought you would , and with other things you will be pleasantly surprised. Don't analyze too much , if it feels good keep it , if not stop , regardless of how cool it seems on the surface. As you keep trying new stuff you will filter them and keep only the activities you like the most , until you will find yourself something you enjoy doing all day and you don't give a shit about anything else. Be open minded and adventurous , happiness can come even from the most simple and silly things. For example my favorite thing ever is to draw with graphite pencils. It won't bring me any money , fame or vaginas (maybe a bit) and i won't help anyone with this , but it makes me really happy so i don't care. Don't be afraid to spend time learning something because you might waste your time , in the quest for your life purpose that's time well spent.