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Everything posted by Karmadhi

  1. They do it partially to look good and partially because it is expected of them. If you go out in a social place without make up you will stand out and often in a not positive way.
  2. @Preety_India Good in paper but does not work in the real life, already have these traits. Thank you though for replying. @Chew211 Good advice , thank you. @universe Hmmm makes sense, thank you.
  3. Therefore things like being an asshole, assertive, dominant, not empathetic and kind are discounted. So how to be a high value developed person, not some PUA sociopath.
  4. @EnlightenmentBlog Most people profiles suck that is why.
  5. @Enlightenment Use photoshop and it is all good as long as it does not appear to be photo shopped. Most good looking guys on Tinder use it to some extent to give themselves an edge. So use it to go from a 6.5 to a 7 for example. Do not try to become a 10 with it, the gap is too big and will create issues once you meet in person. @EnlightenmentBlog Why you all hate online dating so much LOL. Everyone should try it and if it works then stick with it, if not then talk in person more. If you are social person (as you should be) you will encounter girls anyway in your everyday life so you will not even need to go out specifically for pick up.
  6. @Leo Gura Can't you do both at the same time? I mean no matter how busy you are dealing with survival, you can have 30 minutes each day to meditate for example and read some books. Yes you will not become enlightened but doing these things for years will make you more developed than most people out there. The PUA community actually supports meditation and reading books.
  7. @intotheblack hahahahahaah nah just online dating is enough. It makes people too lazy to go out when free pussy is promised to them
  8. What do you expect to happen when most of dating in developed countries is done via online dating which is fundamentally fucked if you are NOT an attractive guy and all behavior that makes guys attractive is demonized and criticized. Remove online dating, force people to go out and act like strong men (not sjw pussies) and see how that rate will plumit fast.
  9. As long as no one feels hurt or offended is all good. Same for mom jokes for example that people make in high school. No need to be so oversensitive as people have become these days, what matters is the intention/context not the words themselves. Of course, i am not saying to overdo it. Anything gets corrupted and becomes toxic once overdone.
  10. LOL so basically be an asshole businessman or you will be alone. Fucked up shit PS: thanks for the other advice, i appreciate it :). PS2: Thing is that girls at my league still get guys after them, i am talking about a cute cool girl not a supermodel with 200K followers or anything like that. A 7/10 looking, decent personality girl i would be happy with
  11. @Arcangelo Yes but i was referring to real life. Thing is that if you are just flirty and sexual as people here suggest that will make you plain vanilla. Most guys do that and you will just be another guy hitting on her, nothing more than that. How do you differentiate yourself?
  12. The thing is that cute girls have tons of guys hitting them up in real life and approaching them so if you come aggressive that will make you just another desperate guy for her. How do you differentiate yourself from all the guys flirting with her with the intention of fucking her?
  13. Same for "Understanding Relativism Part 2". Really looking forward to that one if you ever plan to release it, the part 1 is arguably on my top 3 favorite and most profound videos you have.
  14. Let me clarify this for you: There are MULTIPLE factors that if in HIGH amount will result in you getting girls. Looks are one of them :Good looks with shit game will allow to you get laid Game is another: Good game with shit looks with allow you to get laid ETC ETC for other things like money, high social status etc. Just like passing an exam there are many ways of doing it: You can be super smart, you can study hard, you can bribe the professor, you can cheat from someone's else paper etc etc. What you are saying is basically: "You need to study to pass an exam otherwise you will not. "Oh yeah? Well i know someone who did not study and passed because he is smart af". "How do you know he did not study?" ETC ETC: see how dumb this whole discussion is. If you have good looks then you do not have to do much unless you are socially restarted. If you do NOT have good looks then you have to learn game. If you have both of course it is a killer combination but 1 will be enough mostly. So see what you have and try to work with it.
  15. @RendHeaven You have a very simple view of how attraction works for guys. Just like most bros and PUAS do. I personally know plenty of guys that would date an okay looking girl if her personality was great. The hot girl will just get guys wanting to fuck her, nothing more. The feminine girl will get guys wanting to be with her. That is what she wants, not just pump and dump.
  16. @RendHeaven Well i also know average looking girls with feminine behavior that get more guys than almost all hotties. You are making it seem like guy=personality and girl=looks. There is some truth to that but it is not so binary. Personality and looks matter for both genders, the only question is how much. Personality matters for girls too and if you interact with enough girls you will easily see that sometimes the girls with most guys crushing on them are not the hottest ones always. A hot girl will just get guys wanting to pump and dump her which is not what she wants. A feminine girl will get guys crushing and wanting to be with her which is what she actually wants. Do not confuse good/cool girl with feminine girl. Feminine girl is pure feminine energy and that is insanely attractive just like pure masculine energy is attractive to girls.
  17. @RendHeaven The best PUAs in the world still get rejected. Of course game can help you a lot but i am not talking if she finds you ok looking. If she finds you a 2/10 then i doubt game will help you, even if it does it is game at a level that 99 percent of people do not have. Russell Brand kind of game. There is nothing wrong with it, just talk to a lot of girls, at least half of them will find you at least ok/meh looking and you can get those with game. A few will find you legit attractive and with those you need basic game but those are a bit rare to count on. Same logic for everyone tbh, its all a numbers game
  18. @RendHeaven And this does not happen for guys lol? A LOT of girls you like will not like you back simply due to physical reasons. Why do you think Leo and most PUAs promote to approach 20 girls per night? Because at least half of those will be blown up by you not being her type. If a girl finds you a 2/10 she will not date you regardless of what you do. These things happen to both genders tbh
  19. This thread has some truth however there are a lot of things which you are ignoring like: 1. Most girls are unattractive due to pure laziness. If a girl takes care of herself properly she will be attractive enough. Worst case, she can do some surgery which these days has become totally normal and acceptable. 2. Guys also have subjective taste when it comes to girls, just because you are not attracted to her does not mean no one ever will. 3. Girl feminine behavior is the equivalent of confidence to a guy. It can make her HIGHLY attractive as long as she is not legit ugly in your eyes. Was the girl you were talking with highly feminine? The most successful girls i have ever seen in my life were not the hottest but the most feminine ones. 4. If a guy is legit ugly in the eyes of the girl he also has no chance with her. Game will work if you are okay or meh in her eyes but not if she sees you as a 2/10. That is why most guys talk to a lot of girls and then filter out those they have a chance with. 5. Most guys have very low, MUCH lower standards than most girls. An average girl is usually pickier than the average guy due to simple biology and therefore if she wants the average girl will get something. The ugly girl can do the things i listed above to become at least average. Now also guys can improve their attractive stuff but it usually involves changing the core of your personality compared to just being fit and pretty like girls do. I am in really good shape and am trying to become more funny and less logical and confident and it is unbelievably hard compared to just going to the gym and eating well. So do not worry about girls much. We all struggle in the end, some more some less who cares.
  20. @Preety_India Assholes get more laid than good guys and that is a fact. No subjectivity here. You yourself have said you are attracted to players so nothing to be suprised here. Nobody likes to be abused but the same mechanics that create abuse are liked by girls (overly confidence, detachment, assertivness, dominance, going for what you want etc etc)
  21. @Peter Miklis For the same reason you try to tell yourself you like salad when actually you crave pizza. Because salad is healthy for you. Good guys are healthy for the girl at the expense of being less "exciting" just like salad is healthier for you but less exciting than pizza is. You crave excitement and not healthy and you know that so you try to rationalize it away. A better response would be: I know i am attracted to something that is bad for me but it is what it is. No one is blaming people for liking what they like, you cannot control what you like. Just be honest about it. By good guy i mean a self actualized conscious kind person not a nice guy with a hidden selfish agenda.
  22. @Peter Miklis Issue with girls is that they do shit based on their feelings and then say "i do it based on logic". It is hilarious tbh. When it comes to dating it is at their fullest. "I want a good guy": Logic talk. Goes for the fun good looking asshole: Emotional talk. Guess who wins. The emotional side for sure. Just be honest with yourself, no one is judging you if you do shit based on your feelings lol
  23. @At awe Being nice has nothing to do with understanding. Females treat the idea of having sex with a shitty personality but hot looks as something weak, immoral and wrong. Females are just as biased as guys are
  24. @Loba Taking care of yourself is not gender exclusive though. Guys has to groom, workout, dress well, put perfume, cut his hair quite often, and all the other stuff. Now it is not as much as a girl but he for sure does plenty of it.
  25. I have seen the material of most of male couches and some female coaches. I noticed that female coaches tend to make you more of a strong good guy while male dating coaches tend to make you more of a player (there are exceptions). If you are a begginner then you can learn from them because you do not know shit but i would avoid them unless you find 1 that REALLY REALLY resonates with you. From a conscious point of view female dating coaches are better because they make you care about the female agenda and feelings while most of male dating advice (not all of it) tends to focus more on pure results and cares less about the colleteral damage it causes.