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Everything posted by Karmadhi

  1. @Buck Edwards That British guy Piers is interviewing triggers me beyond relief. Seen him many times. Classic white right wing modern Nazi who only cares about white people and sees other races as inferior. Makes me sick. People like him are the real curse to Western society.
  2. @Lila9 There are also examples of Palestinian kids abducted and burned alive by Zionist settlers. There is endless examples of brutality done on Palestinians. I have seen videos of cheering Israelis as a rocket launched from Israel was about to struck Palestine (old footage before these attacks). U got monsters on both sides. Do not paint Palestinians as worse. Radicalism and hatred are the true enemy here. And both sides got plenty of it.
  3. You said it perfectly. Hamas is indeed a virus in Palestinian society, and the way Israel is dealing with it is just by killing the patient instead of just the virus. Also, the way Israel is dealing with Hamas, i assure you you will get a new Hamas which will be even more ruthless. Most of Hamas fighters, including the ones that did the horrible acts in October are ORPHAS because their parents have been killed by Israeli strikes. A new generation of orphans is being created that will make another Hamas. If you create a new Hamas by destroying the old one, what is the point? Also Hamas often claimed that they are ready to release the hostages if Israel released thousands of Palestinian prisoners, yet the PM refused. Why?
  4. I find the human mind ability to rationalize how a 40% child death rate can be acceptable truly fascinating. Almost half of people dying totally innocent. Let that sink in...
  5. If Arabs hated Jews then how come they lived peacefully for thousands of years? Ironically it is the Europeans that treated Jews like shit and then just dumped them into Palestine, a country where both lived at peace and nobody was killed or oppressed. Many Arabs were Jewish. Arab is an ethnicity, not religion. You also have Christian Arabs like in Lebanon or Egypt. The bullshit came from the Zionism political movement. Judaism in itself was always accepted in the Middle East. If those Jews went to Palestine as refugees and got integrated into their culture peacefully this bullshit would never have happened. Also dumping all of them in 1 place is bound to disaster when you have people already living there. If you put millions of refugees into a land that has already an identification (Palestine) and then give them a state at the expense of locals you will guarantee to have war. I dont think Palestinians would have much issue with Jews coming there, they lived together for a long time. Many took some in their own homes, only to be kicked out of their homes later. The true issue here is Zionism and the idea of an ethnic Israeli state which is basically racism personified. At least with the other religions you can convert into them but Judaism you cannot, you are born into it. So basically it is a state for people BORN a certain way. Pure discrimination.
  6. I have no idea why the democratic party has such a clown for a candidate. Sanders is so much better. Much sharper too mentally.
  7. The pro Palestinians wont vote in general I think. They will not vote for Trump either. But is will cost Biden a lot of votes he would otherwise have gotten which now will become "did not vote". But I have no idea if those lost votes will turn the tables and make Trump win.
  8. Issue is that the people in power tend to be like that and they are the ones that take decisions. If the 10% radicals are in power and make decisions in the military it has a huge impact, even if the other 90% are reasonable people and not radicals. Also most Germans were not hardcore radicals, but the 5% of the population that was were in key military and governmental positions and they did what they did. Issue with Israel is that the radicals have the power of life and death over Palestinians. I think many Israelis are reasonable people but their current government, especially the PM need to go.
  9. If it is just the Eastern parts of Ukraine which are mostly ethnic Russian then I think they should give those to Russia. Ukraine is a big country, they will be fine without those lands I think. Also why would areas with 80% ethnic Russians be in Ukraine anyway? Makes no sense to me. Usually the land has people from that land, otherwise it does not belong there.
  10. I think he considers the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine as part of Russia, not all of Ukraine. I doubt he would annex Kiev or the west part which is actually ethnic Ukrainian, the east is mostly ethnic Russians that speak Russian and therefore Putin feels entitled to take that part.
  11. Tell this to Israelis. They do not seem to understand simple logic. I have dont worry. I do not understand what is so weird about that the idea that a democracy can also be racist. USA was racist before the 1960s, Nazis were democratically elected and their anti jew agenda was clear even before they were elected, same with some right wing governments like that of Hungary. Is it so unbelieve that Israel is one of these countries? Non openly racist countries are kind of rare to be honest.
  12. I do not see Americans secretly making black people infertile. If it was discovered it would make a gigantic scandal. Only an openly racist country like Israel or Russia can get away with it.
  13. I take it 100 times more seriously than a government caught many times in lying and that is openly racist. This is how your country treats Ethiopian JEWS because they are not "white enough". Disgusting Israel Admits Targeting Ethiopian Jews for Compulsory Contraception | Center for Genetics and Society (Link cannot be send, just google it and you will find it). Are Ethiopian Jews Israel's second-class citizens? – DW – 09/29/2018 You can find many articles showing different treatment of non white jews. How can I take such a country seriously when it comes to them dealing with other ethnic groups? When they do this to their OWN PEOPLE just because they are not "white enough".
  14. I dont understand what is the rationale of Ukraine for continuing to fight when they cannot possibly win. It just causes more deaths for them unnecessarily and it further weakness their position on the negotiation table when the time comes to discuss capitulation. Do you find it wise what Ukraine is doing?
  15. I think that Israel s issue here is this: Focusing on destruction not precision is the issue here. If they focused on precision and not destruction then I would understand. But if your official spokeperson of the army says this then how can I argue with him? They admit it. https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing. This is not acceptable. I am not denying some civilians would die but when you focus on precision the number is reduced. They are admittingly not doing it. The 80 civilians for 1 Hamas is direct proof of it. Leo, most liberals, UN, many governments are very critical of this policy.
  16. https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing Focusing on destruction not precision is the issue here. If they focused on precision and not destruction then I would understand. But if your official spokeperson of the army says this then how can I argue with him? They admit it.
  17. Killing 50 civilians for 1 Hamas fighter death is not acceptable and is barbaric. It reminds me of Stalin who said once: "If we kill 50 people and 1 of them is an enemy of the state then we did a good job". That is the level Israel has fallen into. Sad. You need to think why the support for Palestine is so big and growing especially among educated western liberals. Why UN said that Israel is commiting a ton of war crimes. Why many governments even in the West (Ireland, Spain, even Belgium today) are saying Israel is going too far and they should be punished. Say whatever you want but if half the people you kill are kids, 10000% innocent kids, you are doing a shit job. Israel is basically devolving into Russia level of warfare conducting. Mass shelling civilians, cutting out electricity, water etc. They will for sure become the most hated country in the world by the end of the year. I wonder how will that actually make Jews around the world feel safe (quoting Leo here).
  18. You need to understand that in the eyes of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and even most of Western liberals Israel started this by kicking out 750.000 Palestinians and murdering many during the Nakba. EVERYTHING after that is a response to it. If you steal my house then do not be suprised if I attack you back, I am not provocing you. https://www.google.com/search?q=nakba+territory+loss&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjR4MnbgriCAxU53wIHHffRABkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=nakba+territory+loss&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCAAQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHjoICAAQgAQQsQM6CQgAEAgQHhDHAzoECAAQHjoHCAAQGBCABFCgBljKJmCYJ2gCcAB4AIABUIgBhgiSAQIyM5gBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=i2RNZZHvIbm-i-gP96ODyAE&bih=739&biw=1536&rlz=1C1GCEU_enBE1021BE1021#imgrc=HdcFBp_OeyH9PM All the territory taken by Israel after 1947 UN creating Israel which the world agreed upon (mostly) is pure theft and people have the right to be angry about it. You can make the argument that the Jews should have a state there but the territory granted to you by the UN is that of 1947, any territory on top of that is land you stole illegally. Kicking out 750.000 people is proof of that. You do not kick out that many people if the land is actually yours.
  19. @Breakingthewall Not pride but land and their cause. It is the typical nationalism which you also find in Ukraine. They are willing to sacrifice all their youth as long as the country does not get occupied by Russia. Most wars in history are fought over land. That is true. Both their governments are extreme nationalists. Both got to go IMO. I feel like Israel is being hurt way more politically because their appearances are a lot more important to them. Hamas was already a terrorist organization while Israel was not. Now both are being treated as such in the eyes of a lot of people. Although Israel from a humaniatrian perspective is not hurt a lot its reputation is taking a huge blow. Combine it with a rise in anti semitism around the world. And there was plenty of it even before this.
  20. @Breakingthewall Provoke Israel to over react and Israel did that. Now Israel reputation (also the USA) is lowest its even been. The world is mad at them. Anti Semitism around the world is on the rise. Also a lot more sympathy for Palestine and a two state solution is now being discussed which was out of the question. Lastly it is a desperate attempt for Arab support on the Palestinian cause which was almost gone. Saudi Arabia siging the treaty with Israel would be the death of Palestine. These guys are nationalists, they see it from a nationalistic perspective not humanitarian. So if 20.000 Palestinians need to be sacrificed for Palestine to still exist they will do it. A humanitarian liberal cares about preservation of life firstly, not preservation of a "state".
  21. @DawnC @Nivsch @DawnC I dont think any sane person would say that Hamas fighters are more humane than the IDF, however there are factors to consider. 1. Hamas is way weaker so it will be more ruthless. 2. Hamas fighters have suffered a lot under Israel so they have reasons to be ruthless, many are orphans whose parents were killed by Israel. Meanwhile IDF soldiers are usually first world boys who never had any pain come from them from Gaza so their brutality is a lot less justifiable. 3. Israel is more educated, more developed society so their brutality is less acceptable. We hold them on higher standards. 4. Israel is an occupier and therefore its aggresson is seen as more unfair than Hamas agression which is that of the occupied fighting back (although inhumanely). I dont know what you think on these points.
  22. Man USA is the bastion of fairness, democracy and human rights. Those are their core values. If USA does not treat everyone the same they are going against their core values which is a major red flag. The reason people are so mad at USA is precisely that. Russia does not have those values so when it does bad things people accept it because they are open about being the way they are. From USA we expect more.
  23. Many claim Israel will annex Gaza if the refugees leave. Russia invaded Ukraine so the country will not join NATO and to take the lands which are mostly Russian and should not be in Ukraine in the first place. I doubt they would have annexed Ukrainian majority populated lands. If you are a Russian in Ukraine being annexed by Russia kinda makes sense. Now though considering the many people killed in Russia they will probably annex more than just the contraversial areas like Donbask where there was war even before the invasion. Maybe I see it differently but if X land is populated by X people historically it should belong to the mother country, and if war is done to take it it is justifible because those people will live in the country where they belong. The issue is invading country that is totally different from yours. So if Russia invades Georgia and annexes it it is a mistake. Or if Russia takes part of Ukraine which are mostly Ukranian.
  24. Interesting how Hamas attack which was old textbook military stuff is seen as this barbaric attack while Israeli response which is also old textbook military stuff is seen as "ok". Both are doing pre international law tactics yet only 1 side is frowned upon by governments.