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About Karmadhi

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  1. Iran hates USA and sees them as greater Jihad. The reason Iran hates Israel is because they see Israel as extension of the USA.
  2. Many countries in the region are USA allies including Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. I feel like the whole region there is terrorism against the US is because of their support of Israel. If USA didnt support Israel like it does then USA would not be a target for terrorists. I do not see Jihadists attack Japan for example. Fair point. I think this is 90% of the reason for the support. That is unacceptable national treason towards the USA and should not be supported. People holding Israeli passports for example should not become part of USA upper government positions. Example is Blinken who is Israeli citizen.
  3. I am not saying they actually did it but because of USA unconditional support to Israel is what led Bin Laden to attack USA.
  4. What does Israel do exactly for the USA? USA gives them tons of free aid, Israel basically caused 9/11 and has made USA greatly hated in the Arab world. Not to mention all the lives lost in wars in the Middle East caused through Israeli influence and lobbies. The only ones winning from Israel are USA senators who get fat bribes from AIPAC. For USA as a country, Israel is a liability.
  5. If you do some research on how much of the banks and media, Jews and devoted Zionists hold, then it all makes sense. No need for any other reason. The other reasons are just cherry on top of the cake.
  6. It is not just about America. American congress has already been hijacked by AIPAC, that country is brainwashed when it comes to Israel by the Jewish Lobby. I am talking about other countries like the UK or France. And when it comes to economic value, well they still supported weak poor countries like Kosovo so that argument does not hold 100%.
  7. How come "Western democracies" are so morally weak when it comes to this? You would assume that this behavior is so selfish and morally rotten that other countries, especially those that are highly developed would easily see it and call it out. It seems to me Zionists do indeed control the West. I see no other explanation behind it. "Oh they are brown Muslims" is not a strong argument to justify looking the other way on this injustice. The West would not have opened its doors for millions of Arab Muslims refugees including countless Palestinians if it saw them like that. I am sure behind closed doors many Western leaders see how unfair it is but they are tied to the Israeli controlled media and lobbies. John Mearsheimer best describes this.
  8. The current government doesnt care about the hostages or thinks its a sacrifice worth making if it leads to them taking land in Gaza?
  9. You do realize Jews arent considered white but their own ethnic group right? And if you want to purely use appearance half of Israel are people which were deported from Arab countries following the Nakba and fled to Israel. Ben Gvir heritage is 1 example. Or you can say that Israelis are actually just White Europeans that have nothing to do with the historical homeland they call Israel. Many Israeli haters seem to believe that narrative. That the people in Israel which came from Europe are basically Europeans now and no longer have ethnic roots from the region they call Israel Can you explain to me how come Christians have persecuted Jews far far more historically than Muslims have? You make it seem like Christianity and Judaism are somewhat brothers but history says otherwise. Judaism has as much in common with Christianity as Islam has. The only reason so many American hardcore Christians love Israel is because of Zionism brainwashing that makes them believe that Judaism is an extension of Christianity.
  10. I am talking about Zionism here to be exact.
  11. Totally agreed but that is because of power and money. You were framing it above as if the reason Trump supports Israel is because he and his followers are White supremacists and in actually White supremacists are very racist twoards Jews. So Trump is not really a racist but an elitist. He treats people not based on their race as much as on how rich and powerful they are. If the roles were inversed he would support Palestinians over Israel (If Palestine was the strong and rich and donor one). So framing it based on race seems wrong to me. Judaism has been discriminated and hated by Christians far more than Islam has. Christians fucked over Jews more than they fucked over Muslims. So saying that Christians are more welcoming of Jews than of Muslims is not accurate. What truly matters to these right wings is who is the powerful and influential group. That is the group they will support and prompt up. The race, religion etc is irrelevant.
  12. I am no fan of Israel but Jews are one of the most discriminated groups in history, they are not in the same group as "White Europeans" are. Most people do not consider Jews to be White but their own thing. They are put on the same list of discriminated groups like gays, blacks, browns etc. It baffles me how a White Supremacist mind is sympathetic to Jews when the Nazis and other far right historical groups have been super racist to Jews. Shows how strong their grip on the worldwide power structures are to gain immunity from that. In any normal circumstance they would not be above browns muslims to a racist white supremacist fascist mind like Trump has. It is their power and money that goes above classical racism and corrupts Trump and other far right people into sucking their ass. Owning the global media helps.
  13. How you think the war will end realistically? Given Trump will enter office in a few weeks. Very curious to hear your opinion
  14. Do you guys think Trump will end the war in 24 hours?
  15. I dont get the Israel obsession with October 7th. I saw total of 800 civilians killed, many from Israel itself. Lets say 600 killed by Hamas. No country has reacted with such brutality to 600 of its people killed. I find it ridiculous that Israelis still justify it.