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About FeelFree

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  • Birthday 05/12/1998

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    Czech Republic
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  1. Either become energy sensitive, or dive deeper into their teaching.
  2. Would you mind sharing it here? I write poetry as well, but it takes a lot of time and I am definitely not able to write anything like that "intuitively".
  3. I've recently become very pussionate about physics and I wonder if there's someone who understands science, especially physics, and is enlightened at the same time. I'd love to chat with them.
  4. @Aquarius @Nahm Did you guys start to see auras all of sudden or did you somehow develop this superpower? Also do you think it's learnable? Thank you!
  5. Would you recommend microdosing acid or mushrooms on a meditation retreat (f. e. Vipassana)?
  6. Thank you guys, appreciate it very much!
  7. What's the most effective way to raise consciousness about veganism?
  8. So is there any particular way to balance chakras through meditation or yoga?
  9. So, do you think they do this on purpose or is it just due to low consciousness?
  10. DAY ... shit I've realized I do some stuff just so I can put them here and look better, therefore, I have to stop this. At least for a while.
  11. Why are direct experiences so important? What are your views on Direct experience vs Science? Thanks!
  12. DAY 3 10 Commandments: 1) Meditation 21 mins 2) Yoga 3) Studying 4) YouTube Video Creating 5) Street Workout Training 6) Guitar Learning 7) Mindfulness + Awareness 8) Self Inquiry 9) No Alcohol and Meat 10) No PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm) + No Comfort Zone, No Judgments, No Expectations, Pure Gratitude Today was a very busy day. I had basically no time due to school, but I feel great, even though I don't know why... anyway, it's at least a good motivation to keep going. In the end of the day I recalled a short, but very helpful quote from "dude" - Consciousness is the key. Thanks bro.
  13. DAY 3 10 Commandments: 1) Meditation 15 mins 2) Yoga 3) Studying 4) YouTube Video Creating 5) Street Workout Training 6) Guitar Learning 7) Mindfulness + Awareness 8) Self Inquiry 9) No Alcohol and Meat 10) No PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm) + No Comfort Zone, No Judgments, No Expectations, Pure Gratitude Today I've discussed some pretty deep topics with my friend, who has never been into it and we came to a nice consensus about no free will.