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About Pradeepkbaghri

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  • Birthday 03/20/1992

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    New Delhi, India
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  1. Exactly. ?
  2. I can see your point but here i am saying that until there will be an 'i' intelligence can't operate because the 'I' always comes with its attachments, prejudices, biases, likes and dislikes and so on.. until 'I' have all these they will not let intelligence work.
  3. What's left then? A body you mean?
  4. No problem with that but then you can't bring the 'I' in it.
  5. Here you will make an image of being intelligent which will get hurt easily.
  6. Of course. That's why I said "intelligence operates".
  7. Intelligence operates beyond the fragment nature of thought which is separative, deceptive, illusive, limited and so on.(psychologically speaking). Therefore a mind which just operates in the field of thought can't open the door for intelligence and because intelligence is beyond thought which creates the self one can't say that "I've the intelligence".
  8. Brain chatter in the language of thoughts which is a result of your experiences and memories and when you focus on the chatter/thinking then it stops because then thought changes and becomes a perception.