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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Hihi the journalist said your best attempt is just to throw your phone in the river 😵
  2. With Europe i basically mean EU+Norway, Switzerland, UK then dark horses Ukraine and Turkey
  3. „Boycotters attempt to unplug from tentacular US tech sector“
  4. Well yes maybe the people around it can create better vibes. I went to a non duality meeting at it did feel a bit psychedelic at the end.
  5. I‘m sorry whoever thinks there are such magical chairs are dumb.
  6. It‘ll be alright. If you need some videos or something let me know.
  7. Also to get a wedge between Russia, China, Iran (also for Israel the arch enemy of Iran) but it seems highly unlikely. This way the US is just seemingly going to lose all “allies”
  8. Yea but as a whole it’s committing the G word.
  9. I mean you say the UN is so evil and devilish, highlighting their evilness (guys can’t keep their d’s in their pants) and so on. But with Israel you do the opposite.
  10. Who was the source of “this video”?
  11. Wow smh If the UN is so evil as you portray it. Then what is Israel?
  12. Well yea because there isn’t really a “you” to change anything. Gosh i sound like a broken record. Guys give me a non duality section. Then i don’t have to sound like a broken record.
  13. Channel 14 seems worse. Fox news type rubbish. At least Al Jazeera have some cute reports and debates.
  14. God this first chick video looks and acts like one of those Jersey Shore shmucks.