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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. I don’t know what it is exactly or how it’s used but it imitates the voice and flow of tupac pretty good https://youtu.be/3_Of8rtO6QA?si=UJ0C5gs_pqux51de
  2. Yea i think so. i do hope to visit some of those colourful “islamic architecture” mosques in iran sometime though. They look similar to the patterns that can be seen when taking certain psychedelics.
  3. I mean god also created pedophiles, pineapple pizza and scientology so there’s that.
  4. How about this statement mystics will make their religion “work” for them, wether it is islam, christianity, hinduism etc because in certain times they have no choice than to claim a certain religion but they will go deep and closer to truth with anything
  5. I’ve met so many muslims in europe though but never once met a sufist i think
  6. And why would that be beneficial? just for energy? i’d rather find a root cause than treating symptoms and making it worse in the long run
  7. well then read the three that i mentioned before making a judgement. You just have so e bias against hinduism because it’s your family religion and you want to rebel against it imo. I mean the caste stuff etc sucks but it is imo more interesting than Islam generally
  8. In Hinduism, Brahman (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मन्) connotes the highest universal principle, the ultimate reality in the universe.[1][2][3] In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the immaterial, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists.[2][4][5] It is the pervasive, infinite, eternal truth, consciousness and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.[1][3][6]Brahman as a metaphysical concept refers to the single binding unity behind diversity in all that exists in the universe.[7][8] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahman
  9. Then what is brahman? have you read the upanishads, baghavad gita, ashtavakra gita?
  10. You seem to not understand hinduism, christianity etc. (I don’t claim to either) there might be many version or incarnation of god but there’s generally one underlying god, brahman
  11. Dizziness, nausea yea but not regular headaches or migraines. Also easily inflamed gut. Did the colonoscopy etc. generally low bp
  12. funny thing with greens is flags are bad, especially british etc but palestinian flags are greaaat nationalism bad but palestinian nationalism good europeans say this is my country bring less foreigners is bad but palestinians say this is their country is good i makes sense if their main “objective” is oppressioon and colonialism etc but they dont care about uighurs, women in iran etc
  13. Libido is decent. Went to an endocrinologist like 8 yrs ago for fatigue , anxiety etc. He said testo is higher than he expected. . Could also be because i was taking zinc at the time. Weird thing with me and zinc is i’m usually low in tests. But when i take zinc supplements I can’t really sleep so I can’t take them. thyroid was ok. Don’t know about the other stuff
  14. If there are do they know that they are the dark forces? or is the battle between light and darkness just in all of us.
  15. son of hamas leader on fox news talking about “christ consciousness” niice also i agree with him about cutting the head of the snake in doha, beiruth etc https://youtu.be/TdPc4iqLjk8?si=87Vjm_opdpadN0mK
  16. No man, from hitler to hamas, to gandhi, to kim kardashian we’re all hooman
  17. Or the kid already has not great confidence because of his parents and then bullies pray on the weak
  18. I haven’t read that much of the bible but i kind of do like the lucifer/devil thing. how he was a great angel but then turned on god, how he promises the world to jesus etc
  19. I tried modafinil it certainly helps with fatigue but i think it’s just a short time solution and i don’t use it often, don’t think I’ve tried bupropion
  20. Ok i tried ldn for chronic fatigue but didn’t see any improvement
  21. I agree it’s one sided and basically propaganda but also the hypocrisy is lovely
  22. LDN=low dose naltrexone?
  23. Maybe so but which religion has the best concept of evil or the “devil”?
  24. According to christianity the devil is just a subcoin of god