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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Well it‘s escorts job to sleep with you. They‘ll sleep with anybody. And there is no rejection. But yea i get op it’s also legal here i‘ve used their services often. It can be fun if you have the money but can also be limiting.
  2. It‘s something that really has no influence in my life whatsoever
  3. Once in india got worms, it was bad
  4. modern slavery in Kuwait thanks bbc for making these kind of investigative reports
  5. Religious clerics in iraq pimping out young vulnerable girls under the name of religion in these „pleasure marriages“ for a certain amount of time could be hours, days, weeks or months they say 9, 10, 11, 12 years old etc is ok under these islamic religious rules often these girls/womens lives are destroyed in the process sad stuff
  6. here’s a nice video about Iraq
  7. Well this is a specific thing about religios cleric pimps in iraq and using religion as a cover/umbrella have you watched the video? it’s very sad honestly you can make a topic about those other things and post a video
  8. Yea altough kids seem to be getting a bit fatter
  9. Well yea but this is more about a specific thing and not about islam in general
  10. Why are you so crazy about israel though, somebody said you’re dutch
  11. I think that saying is in most countries although in english it‘s „hot cakes“
  12. In my „western“ country around 11%
  13. I would want to see the full altercation though there are too many cuts not saying th guy isn’t a crazy racist or bigot
  14. And it seems that the many polish people who went to work in the uk were one of the reasons for brexit
  15. Well in my country we now have many roma beggars because of this and free movement
  16. Don‘t you think Ukraine is still too big, corrupt and poor for EU membership? Especially with freedom of movement
  17. I know in the netherlands there is for example the moroccan mafia and generally a lot of immigration left is idealistic and not in touch with reality and right wing is „offering“ simple solutions for complex issues and doesn’t deliver either.
  18. I mean he seems like a freak but i also blame the left for not really addressing the issues with immigration in places like sweden, belgium, france, netherlands etc
  19. no i would say much of usa‘s reputation was ruined with the iraq war
  20. 1 state including all the people that are living in the area and many would be allowed to come back. It would be less “jewish” than now. 2 states, one jewish one palestinian. Not clear where the lines would be drawn.
  21. no they oppress for example kurds in their country but also in iraq
  22. Nobody ever ever sees themselves as „the oppressor“ turks, iranians etc neither