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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Maybe the US see that WW3 will be coming so they try to persuade Russia/Putin not to nuke them. Some say US is trying to appease Putin to ditch Iran and China but that’ll never work.
  2. Make a thread about it and ask people what sources they get their intel from.
  3. Well to me cuddling up to Putin and throwing Ukraine under the bus. for example basically extorting them for their rare eart minerals. calling Zelensky a dictator (while cuddling with Putin) saying Zelensky has a 4% approval rating. (While he’s almost at 60%) Spewing Russian propaganda. etc. While they were a US ally for the past few years and are fighting off a Russian invasion. Is already almost as dark as it gets.
  4. Well yes you have peace for now. But he already threatened a few countries and allies like Canada, Panama, Mexico, Denmark/Greenland, EU, Ukraine and so on. His administration is supporting far right parties all over Europe and getting closer to Putin. Maybe you would care if he threw Israel under the bus. But he likely won’t.
  5. What would need to happen for you to say that this took a dark turn and this administration is very destructive?
  6. I know i hate them too. But it is true. Propaganda, misinformation, ego, greed fear etc will make people vote for their own destruction.
  7. And Germans voted for Hitler because they didn’t like their current government.
  8. Personally i seemingly look at patterns. If someone has a pattern of always defending the same side (Russia, China, Israel, West, France whatever) without ever criticising it, there no use in reading their posts or arguing with them. It’s like arguing with bots. Ukraine personally i don’t really criticise because they are being attacked.
  9. Yea i love the ignore list. It‘s one of the best things about this forum. You are free to post whatever you want. But i‘m free to ignore and read whatever i want. You say we should be open minded. While you are also just very one sided. Usually just boring anti west narratives without mentioning the issues/atrocities/clamping down of freedom for example in China.
  10. Honestly i wonder if and when they’re going to shut down freedom of speech on the internet. And start shooting at protestors by the way things are moving.
  11. Yea i think i‘ll have to put him on my glorious ignore list too soon. He’s just regurgitating Russian/Putin propaganda it’s boring.
  12. They haven’t really said that Ukraine is winning though. They said Russias 3 day military operation turned into a brutal 3 year meat grinder. (In which Russia is the attacker and aggressor) And now the Russians also have lost parts of Kursk and have to use North Korean boys.
  13. Gosh where is Leo when we need him. The world is turning to shite quickly.
  14. Yea that’s why i have him on my beautiful ignore list. Once in a while i look at a post but it’s usually some lame propaganda.
  15. I think it‘s some ceramic