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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Many religious nuts fled from Europe to the US in the old days.
  2. Don’t you think you‘d get fed up with the weather?
  3. Because it’s solipsism. And i want to be alone. 💜🌞 No I‘m not even from Sweden honestly I can’t make a decision.
  4. Maybe. But probably not.
  5. Not really you can’t really measure happiness. Also Sweden now seemingly has gangs and no go zones because of recent immigration and refugees from the Middle East etc. That’s sadly seemingly not just rightwing nonsense. Norway, Switzerland, Iceland or Finland are happier 😎
  6. So you‘re saying Christianity is dangerous but people should have a positive attitude towards Islam?
  7. I think Finland is the country with the most heavy metal bands per capita. They are a demonic bunch.
  8. Not just Scandinavia also England, Finland, Switzerland etc.
  9. It‘s 1:30 am, raining, I just love walking in the rain like that.
  10. Yooo it’s redneck Leo from the multiverse Nono jk he‘s good I like it 💜
  11. Same. Feels so tender around the heart. Sometimes sad sometimes beautiful. Has been like that for maybe two months or something I think but who knows.
  12. Yea it’s wild honestly the body and all. These sensations that are seemingly mostly from inner work are not very uncomfortable to me though. It’s something between comfortable and uncomfortable. Sometimes wuite pleasant. Sometimes it feels quite heavy still somewhat comfortable. Often keeps me awake though. Sometimes quite dizzy und disorienting. Which can be somewhat unpleasant. It’s also just very hard to say what’s from what. Is it just brain fog or from inner work. But it doesn’t really matter anyway.
  13. I used to get brain zapps from MDMA and SSRI‘s (not in conjunction but separate) Not good stuff, very uncomfortable.
  14. Tiger blood and good body, nono jk Well yes I‘ve tried basically all that stuff, no nightshades, keto, carnovore, veggie, no lectins and many others. Actually keto, no lectins and carnivore were decent for a while but very restrictive and also after a month started feeling worse on keto and carnivore, I‘ve been stict with diet for many moons and such so it’s not like I didn’t try. What I found is that i at least need enough easily digestible proteins few times a day because of blood sugar etc. I‘ve had a similar thing from my last mushroom trip like one and a half years ago. Less god stuff more jesus. Basically over a week of paranoia, almost psychotic. Ended up taking anti psychotics to sleep and ditched them after a week or so. Haven’t touched psychedelics since though.
  15. Yea thanks well I‘ve had gut, neck, back issues and some inflammation issues and chronic farigue etc. for a while. And even 10 years ago signs of arthritis which the doctor said was very young but not unheard of. I feel like the body was turning against itself a bit or the mind was turning against the body or whatever like people who have all those auto immune disorders . But it’s actually not that easy for me to find a great diet and such I tried carnivore, keto, fodmap etc. And right now I work in nursing so i usually just eat what’s available here.
  16. I‘m with you either say it or kindly stfu sadhguru.
  17. thx guys That’s actually very helpful for me it’s so gradual that it seems whatever is happening will take years and years to unfold. a twitching here feeling of heat there palpitation here stuck energy here feverish feeling in the head often feeling very heavy sometimes switching to feeling very light And basically all seems to be going on from mostly inquiry, i don’t do sitting meditation. The feelings/sensations are often subtle but still so prominent that i wonder why there aren’t more threads on this all the time.
  18. Should maybe have wrote physical sensations instead of symptoms that sounds more right.
  19. Could you elaborate what type of physical symptoms you mean?
  20. Seemingly i have quite a lot but i didn’t want to name them i wanted to hear about yours from you guys. Could also just be a story, idea, wishful thinking, nothing, or other stuff going on in the body like gut issues, inflammation etc. I‘ve always been quite sensitive to sensations in the body. Which can also be bad/uncomfortable.
  21. This guy seems to be dragging everybody down with him, such a liability for the US and Europe. Israel probably does need a strong leader of sorts because of enemies. But not this guy