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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Here‘s two German songs for you.
  2. Are you in Scandinavia @Nilsi ?
  3. Oof i wouldn‘t say that. I spent like 2 months in Colombia last year and there was quite the divide poor and rich. A lot of poverty. Beautiful place nonetheless obviously.
  4. I‘m trying to find this Hong Kong Chinese song now but it’s almost impossible to find. I think it was a chinese mafia triad favourite.
  5. There are pros and cons for sure. If you like dancing etc. Latin America is for you. But i just looove the beauty and walkability and pt etc. of many European cities.
  6. Was in Latin America last year. Heard this song a lot
  7. I don’t know i felt intense anger at times also sometimes on ssri. And probably many shooters (school etc) are on an antidepressant.
  8. How big is the influence of anti depressants (mostly ssri’s) on society you think? "Eleven percent of Americans aged 12 years and over take antidepressant medication. Females are more likely to take antidepressants than are males, and non-Hispanic white persons are more likely to take antidepressants than are non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American persons." https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db76.htm#:~:text=Key findings,-Data from the&text=Eleven percent of Americans aged,black and Mexican-American persons. ^ that’s from 2011 i think. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/27/1234112068/antidepressants-youth-pandemic-study I was on ssri’s because of anxiety sometime for six months. Stopped it because of the side effects. It did blunt me emotionally and made me less giving an f. I stopped them because i was doing my drivers license back then and thought i could just cause an accident with dead people without giving an f. So it does make people more unhinged imo. And does change people.
  9. Yea well seemingly you don’t really know what it’s like when you just can’t get to sleep and have to get up early. And then maybe you get one hour of sleep and have to function the next day. And then someone says try lavender oil or camomile tea just makes you laugh (or 😡 ) Sometimes you need something reliable. Thank god for big pharma sleeping aids.
  10. Many people don’t have sleep issues and sone people do, if you never had them then you have no clue about it aka ignorance. For me i had sleep issues since a kid, and now working in nursing sometimes need sleep medication when the shifts change etc.
  11. They are not reliable.
  12. Nobody said it’s not beautiful.
  13. Do you think it’s all because survival?
  14. Gosh golly i don’t know. I don’t know if i’ve told you about my non duality addiction recently. But now i kind of feel like i don’t have a life neither do you, nobody has built a life. And it’s a bit unsettling and disorienting at times, like right now actually it makes me dizzy. Other than that i enjoy walks on the beaches and stuffs.
  15. Ok that’s very bad. I’m very very very (very) much a fan of some vaxxies and less so or critical of some others.
  16. Is he "antivaxx" Or critical of basically forced covid vaccinations? I seriously don’t know, never watched his show.
  17. You don’t want to wake up. You’re scared admit it. Admit it 😡😡😡 nono just kidding.