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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. This is just a story. But do you think some people are just naturally more present than others while some are naturally more in thought/past/future?
  2. The ego or separate self is always trying to extract something from reality. But it’s made of the same nothingness as reality. It’s as if one part of the ocean was trying to extract another part of the ocean to keep for itself. Nothing trying to extract nothing from nothing. It’s hopeless. TurtlePee 2024
  3. Some terminally ill patients (cancer etc.) lose a big part of their fear of death through the use of psychedelics.
  4. In this world, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the spirituality. PurpleFace
  5. Well i‘m with you on Russia. But Bolton is still a horrible creepy creep, i doubt that he cares zero about Europe. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165766356/20-years-after-the-iraq-invasion-john-bolton-says-hed-do-it-all-over-again
  6. It’s wild with the Russian thing. The Democrats still say there’s Russian interference , Trump is compromised by Russia/Putin. And Republicans/Trump say it’s all hogwash. Both like diametrically opposed realities and since years or nearly a decade. And no progress or solving of the issue really.
  7. I saw some interviews from people who were into non duality in UAE and Qatar i think. There might be a small community.
  8. You‘re making assumptions here. I tried all that stuff lavender oil, valerian, tryptophane, melatonin, zinc, magnesium etc.
  9. I‘ve seen a few videos of him and liked his artsy/creative/different approach
  10. And how do you know that? Gosh it’s just stories up on stories. 🦭
  11. It‘s seemingly more an unknowing. Knowing/knowledge is of the separate self. Subject object. At least that’s what i heard from my non dual cult leaders.
  12. Don‘t have one but one of my faves is La Haine a french movie about some guys from a poverty/crime ridden area. Just the way it’s shot, in black and white, kind of artsy and great acting and still real. The whole movie takes place in a day of their life. This is actually the whole film on YouTube i think
  13. I generally agree but to that point ^ I‘ve heard that Obama did much more drones strikes than Bush. So then Trump did more than Obama. I think that’s generally because how the technology of drones evolved. Right now in Ukraine/Russia there’s so many drone strikes and technology testing.
  14. But then i think there is a kind of deep state in the US. Pentagon, CIA etc. would they allow Trump to sell the US interests to Russia and China?
  15. He has far too much power. Nobody should be allowed to have that much money.
  16. He did say America must stop wars and Trump is running on stopping those wars imor something along those lines.
  17. Watched a bit. But i often feel like Sadhguru talks a lot without saying that much. A bit boring-ish imo.
  18. Haven‘t watched it yet. Just saw that it’s there. Wild 🦭
  19. And soon you’ll be in a cult probably. Drinking suicide juice because your guru said it’s the good thing to do.