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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Ukraine needs their own nukes i think. They can’t trust the US to defend them. Then Ukraine and Russia can be fun nukey neighbours like India and Pakistan.
  2. So far it seems kind of like it’s working though. Russians lose a lot of people but probably moreso from the poorer regions and Russians and Putin don’t really care.
  3. 1 a.m. It‘s snowing and it’s so beautiful imo.
  4. ^ and here’s a Ukrainian opinion on it.
  5. They can’t. Democrats are the establishment/wall street etc. They’re not going to hurt their own pockets like this.
  6. That’s also a similar reason for Israel not wanting a Palestinian state. They can’t have a their state with an army etc., it’s too dangerous for us, they will get weapons from their allies Iran and Hezbollah etc. and attack us.
  7. Yea not really though. They just kind of bought into the idea that the West is the problem and Russia is the victim. Often with Russian propaganda probably. Yet most of them wouldn’t want to live in Russia and enjoy their western freedom of speech etc.
  8. ^ Basically Russia denies Ukraines right to free determination and existence, history etc. And Israel does the same with Palestine. Russia is like the hurt ex husband. Gosh you slutty Ukraine why you want to be closer with the west, am i not good enough? Am i too ugly? Now i‘m committing femicide or even better murder suicide.
  9. Well you know about the russian novichock attacks in the UK. Russia was at war with the West for a long time. Cold war seemingly never really ended and now it’s getting hotter.
  10. Lol. You seem to be ok with Russias genocide in Ukraine why are you not ok with Israels genocide in Palestine?
  11. I once heard a comedian i think say something like. If i was an animal eaten by a human or lets say a human eaten by a bear. I would want the one who eats me to fully enjoy it. And not be like "gosh i shouldn’t even eat this, it’s horrible, but nom nom, it’s inhumane, nom nom, i’m sorry for eating you i should be vegetarian“
  12. I eat meat but i dont have to tell myself stories about how natural it is and how good of a person i am. I don’t think i am a good person, neither is anyone of you imo. Because there is nobody already who could be good. Being vegan or not doesn’t make you good either imo.
  13. Biden is not really left. Democrats mostly aren’t left. Bernie is left.
  14. Gosh i hate politics. We need a guillotine back to strike some fear in their hearts. Or eat a politician like the dutch did in the 1670s. You guys have to work for the people, not against us. Thx friends
  15. Je ne sais pas. (French for i don’t know) Seemingly sometimes i‘ve been lucky and other times very unlucky. Lucky or unlucky is probably just the mind or ego trying to make sense of what is unknowable.
  16. Well are you bothered by lion (men) killing lion cubs of other lions? Would you be bothered if humans killed children of other humans to mate with them and have their own offspring?
  17. 🦭 Comeon guy. I eat meat but that’s a horrible argument.
  18. I‘d rather have a president who tried or is open to trying psychedelics.
  19. It’s not necessarily a good thing imo to never have drank or tried drugs. It’s not good nor bad.
  20. Are you awake? And if so in what way are you awake?
  21. Maybe watch some comedies or Netflix series etc. Or light entertainment like Seinfeld, Simpsons, Friends etc.
  22. Maybe Russias plan is to basically give North Korea more tech and to push NK to push the button first against the US or NATO or allies or something. That way Russia can say „it wasn’t me“