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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. That seems like a pretty decent report imo Also Russia invites Armenia and Azerbaijan for peace talks today, maybe Putin can calm the boys down a bit (or maybe not who knows whats their agenda)
  2. yea well, the look, the face he makes and the accent is pretty convincing
  3. didn't you get it after he said "Kamalala" and "He know's misogyny is how you get the women vote in 2020...." after 20 seconds?
  4. Sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory there What i liked about Trumps campaign was "Bring the troops home" "Stop the endless wars"
  5. Thanks and yea i've considered that. But is it really fair to call these gullible people "naturally stupid" when it's the gates foundation pouring fluoride into the drinking water, which makes those individuals brains shrink like the testicles of a monk? pls don't ban do you guys think the adversaries of the "west" like Russia, China etc. are fueling a lot of those conspiracy theories in the west, so that there is more division, in-fighting and confusion?
  6. I like Russel, what a magical jolly fella with beautiful hair and funny necklaces A lot of the episodes are free on youtube
  7. scary shit this metal poisoning and the detox is also a bit scary as they say it could make it worse. I hope we'll get safer ways and protocols soonish
  8. Yeah its a mess There's also the aspect of Islam vs. Christianity. And the youtube comment section under the news videos is extremely toxic, which is expected.
  9. But then in another videos he said something like "Everybody/Everything is you, so all sex is just masturbation" There are apparently levels to this
  10. That's what some people understand under conspiracy theories though. Also these "agencies" probably "muddy the waters" with silly theories like flat earth etc. so that people are more and more confused with what's real.
  11. The French also built railways and probably also bridges etc. in Vietnam, the British and the East India company etc. did that in India and Europeans and European companies also built railroads etc. in Latin America. German rail companies built the first railroads in Tanzania and so on.
  12. start prepping (no tuna cans though because of mercury and other heavy metals) and becoming more conscious while we're at it and while we're at it we should also break up the big tech companies
  13. tried them but to me they have too many side effects
  14. just wait and see *patience*
  15. I already have some "anxiety" and overthinking issues and care a lot about how others see me etc. (the ego ) and sometimes after mindfulness meditation or after a lot of meditation, I feel like it's making me feel a bit worse. A bit loopy/out of it or even more self-aware in the bad sense, caring more about how others perceive "me" etc. maybe a bit more vulnerable. It's also not always and it's pretty hard to explain. PurpleTree would like to try a silent retreat sometime but doesn't know if it would be counter productive.
  16. Ok yea then that makes it ok? Also one of them is happening in the Now (Eckhart Tolle voice) And one already happened a long time ago and can't be changed Let's assume it's true for a moment that is some kind of genocide, concentration camp thing happening. There are Pros' and con's to that, like with everything. Pro's: Might keep the country more stable for a while, instills fear in others, more uniform society (can be a pro and a con) etc. Cons: There might be an uprising in the future, might make the divide and hate grow larger, makes the country look very bad, might be problematic for allies in the future like Pakistan etc. We can also assume it's totally untrue, what are the ramifications of that?
  17. Well first we're all teachers and students at the same time. But i find Leo pretty motivating compared to people like Eckhart Tolle, Osho, Sadhguru etc.
  18. I said it a lot of times now, i know Tibetans who told me some things. I also know some people from HK. So at least there i have some understanding, I can't know everything
  19. Is this universally accepted truth, i mean do you know about enough cases to form such an opinion? Thanks
  20. Well then we can not really believe anything anymore and we're back in the subject of conspiracy theories.¨ Turks say they are prosecuting Kurds simply because of terrorism issues, why should they lie? Nazis had their "valid" reasons for prosecuting jews, they just attacked Poland because Germans were getting killed in Poland and Hitler wanted to defend them (not) Also i know Tibetans who told me some stories. But if someone made up a total lie about my country then i'd probably try to correct it yeah but what if i didn't really know the truth and just told them what i've heard through propaganda etc.?. Erik wasn't in Tibet when it was attacked and cleansed and i don't think he was in the "concentration camps" etc. etc.
  21. Purple means counter-productive as in creating more anxiety and feeling out of it, aka creating more suffering
  22. How many people were killed/died during the great leap forward and the cultural revolution alone? How many Tibetans were killed? over a million and thousands of monasteries destroyed? Exaggerated i think not Also obviously a lot of people were led out of poverty (which is great), but for what price?
  23. see the funny thing is i don't really defend my government or country if it does dirt around the world. we should call that stuff out and bring it to light. on the other hand we should also aknowledge the good things from each region. also tibetans etc. aren't westerners so they're not looking at it from a western perspective, i know quite a few of them. If you feel the need to defend your countrys and governemts dirt, well maybe then you're kind of "brainwashed"