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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. yea that would be a very smart choice sounds very dry for me personally though.
  2. dude i'm not an american so i don't really have a dog in this fight. biden would probably be a bit better for the environment yea, but it's mostly the lobbies which are the problem. i just find it funny how people on this forum are like"we're all one" "love is the answer" but trump is the woooorst and he's responsible for the covid deaths etc etc.
  3. i'm actually not even really sure if i asked myself but an answer appeared and i'll take it
  4. so why did you ask me if i asked myself?
  5. you asked me if i asked myself that and i said yes i did and got an answer.
  6. yup depends how you define enlightenment and at which level if you think there are different levels to this. and if it's possible to totally let go of concepts why are there not more bible jesus level entities showing us the way i mean eckhart tolle sitting in a room and talking (and remaining in stillness) seems a bit dull compared to walking on water
  7. and according to worldometers recently europe us yesterday 200K+ cases 80K+ cases 2 days ago. 210K+ cases 75K+ cases
  8. i'm not enlightened and don't think i'll ever be enlightened on such a level, i don't think it's even really possible as i've never seen it with my own eyes.
  9. yea places like russia, ukraine, germany, eastern europe have low amounts of deaths especially. but western europe and countries like the uk, spain, italy, france, belgium, netherlands, sweden are high. cases per capita puts the us on the twelfth spot which is very high as only some of the smaller countries are higher like belgium, israel etc. but many countries also count much less than the us, which is a tump talking point but is also somewhat true
  10. oh yea the forest is great. also the floor isn't as hard which is better for the knees and lots of oxygen because of the trees. it's pretty steep sometimes though.
  11. let's say consciousness "enjoys" (for the lack of a better word) to experience itself from different perspectives/angles. wouldn't manipulating the dream be another experience which would be "enjoyed"
  12. What's the truth? That consciousness likes to experience itself?
  13. the dream is still there though right? can it be manipulated? are you enlightened?
  14. if you let go of them, shouldn't you be more able to manipulate "matter" or "reality/the dream" than if you're holding on to them? is enlightenment just a concept?
  15. ok then let's say shouldn't this "part" or "perspective" of infinite consciousness be able to let all mental and bodily etc. constructs go and be able to manipulate matter etc.
  16. Who knows maybe for fun or to show that it's just a mental concept which can be overcome with the right amount of discipline.
  17. well that's just a story which was written down 2000 yrs ago and then again a few hundred years later given permission by the council of nicea. we can't know whether it was true or not. have you ever seen somebody do such a thing in person?
  18. my neck and knees are also not the best thus far, i can walk for hours and hours but i can't really kneel for example. could be due to inflammation and genetics sometimes. but if you don't have enough energy to push it could just be an exhaustion kind of issue, maybe some kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency. maybe you don't get enough zinc or iron or b12, d3, c, magnesium, calcium, protein etc.
  19. let's say somebody doesn't have the confidence and "centered-ness" to tackle things like job, career etc. and she is suffering from some mental issues like for example depression/anxiety etc. so she turns to "spirituality" and feels that she's getting better and more centered etc., if she wouldn't suffer there wouldn't really be any incentive for her to get on that path, would that be considered spiritual bypassing?
  20. If people are "extremely" enlightened, shouldn't then they be able to let that mental construct go and be able to manipulate matter etc. Why are they still bound to the body and the material world?
  21. i think standing the whole day is much worse than cycling which part of your legs hurt, the knees?
  22. "Bro" no Peru, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia all have a higher death toll per capita than the US, some of those much higher. And Mexico, Argentina, UK, Italy also have about the same per one million inhabitants, just a bit less. Sweden and France are also not far off. Obviously you can't go by total numbers as the US has a 330 million population, which is much bigger than any European and Latin American country and bigger than most other countries too but you already know that.