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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. You can only really tell what's a waste of time for yourself imo. For me things like travelling, going out into nature are almost always worth doing and maybe at some point they won't. Imagine you're in detention and have to fill your time or you already passed the finish line at a race, what would you like to do now?
  2. Yea i do think we need a bit of conservatism too. Conservatism as in conserving some things for a certain amount of time. Getting stability etc. But in the end progressivism is stronger as it's creative and the universe is flowing.
  3. Although sometimes those "glitches" and "backlashes" seem to take hundreds and hundreds of years. Like for example the dark ages in Europe. Where it seemed to regress a lot after the romans/greeks. Although it's hard to tell as there are not that many writings of that time and some natural disasters/plagues et. could have fed into it, so it wouldn't be only the humans fault. Or in Egypt the old kingdom was seen as the pyramid builders, while the later kingdoms didn't build such tall structures. Don't know which society was better for the general "Egyptian" though In Rome the late period is seen chaotic with civil wars, moral decay, tyranny etc. But yea i hope we get it right this time around
  4. Both and also soil, photosynthesis, mitosis, dna etc.
  5. It's not that everything is just automatically becoming more progressive with every generation though. For example weed was legal sometime ( a long time ago) then it became illegal in most countries. Cocaine, Heroin etc. could be bought at pharmacies. Recently abortion was mostly banned in Poland. Afghanistan at some point was pretty "free" for women etc. and also generally for others. Before the Nazis and Soviets etc. came to power, a lot of things were probably more progressive in some ways? Others maybe weren't. But yea in most places things have become more progressive with the last few generations.
  6. There are different theories on this. I think Leo explained a version of this (not sure in which video, maybe non duality) In which you absolutely were Jesus and everybody else, because time doesn't exist and you are everything.
  7. maybe think about how he was mistreated as a kid or something, many people were (if he was) that made him carry anger throughout his life and then it made him abusive towards you and now you carry that anger from being mistreated by him. if you can, forgive him and break the cycle of that anger and let it go.
  8. Some people are also just a lot "deeper" than others. Some people write deep books which people still read and cherish after hundreds of years Some ponder about existence and reality, what it means to be a human etc. while others just enjoy watching sports and drinking beers. Not saying i'm the "deep" kind either btw. also not saying one is necessarily better than the other.
  9. wow that's a lot of info ^^ i eat bone broth quite often lately for gut health. what's a vegan bone broth though? and seems like it doesn't contain collagen which is the part which would help for joint issues etc.
  10. Yea i have, not really sure how i feel about it. Seems like sometimes it's making it easier to sleep and sometimes harder (harder because sometimes the meditation made me less tired)
  11. Some are obviously true. But still just keep it light and don't become this guy. Because you can never really know the truth anyway if you weren't present when it happened. And even if you were present, your eyes and memory could deceive you.
  12. Obsessive thinking can also be a reason to not get enough sleep
  13. I think it's mostly the same thing as people who try to attain material wealth for happiness. It might work for some people sometimes. I enjoy buying stuff sometimes for sure. But many people probably got a lambo or a nose job and are still miserable. And then think well maybe if i get this and that done, then i'll be happy. And in the end they Michael Jackson'd themselves.
  14. Also i'm sorry to hear that, that must be tough if it's your mom
  15. If it's basically the same thing in the cheaper brand. and it's a a trusted brand, maybe read some reviews and why not try it.
  16. Also generally have low blood pressure
  17. Yea a lot of times i don't sleep great, hard to get to sleep wake up to early etc. The last two days i slept good/enough but i'm tired, especially today. Maybe because i'm still on a deficit from the days before that.
  18. nutrition, meditation, lots of supplements vitamins etc., sleep aid, modafinil/methylphenidate, sports, fasting etc. hmmm many things, it also varies greatly from day to day. some tests i've done at the doc were thyroid, vitamins.
  19. I don't think there's "A conspiracy theorist" i don't put people into the same box if they believe in "flat earth" "powers that be want to move away from cash, for more control" "9/11 was somewhat of an inside job or exploited etc." "reptilians rule the world" "jews rule the world etc." all those are totally different things.
  20. nice i'll try to make a spice latte too this or next week. I like it