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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. should have , could have, would have i'm also a fan of those words trying to let go of them slowly though
  2. today deaths Sweden 23 Austria 218 Swiss 107 Czechia 48 Belgium 100 Portugal 87 Hungary 157 Netherlands 75 according to worldometers, maybe the numbers reported by sweden are wrong but i don't think so all those countries have a very similar sized population, although netherlands has a bigger one
  3. Check it compared to Belgium, Swiss, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Austria, Czech, etc. Sweden had a very high death toll in the beginning but since months, it's low according to worldometers, maybe herd immunity worked for them after all.
  4. telling a girl or woman that you're god as a pick up strategy seems cringe as fu** but if it works fo him/them, fine instead he should get 12 disciples around him wearing robes, so that she get's the impression that he's god not directly telling her.
  5. Generally i probably wouldn't say anything to inconsiderate people. But in this pandemic they're also endangering others by their ignorance, so it's really something else. Really? that's weird. According to worldometers Sweden has a very low death toll in recent weeks/months compared to other European countries.
  6. but but that sounds horrible
  7. maybe you're right, that this is the best, most joyful path for you but also maybe you're mostly just afraid
  8. if you're in a place with a high-ish infection rate, wear your mask in public transport pal if not for you for others
  9. sometimes i see "stars" and other weird stuff, usually because of low blood pressure but that's probably not what you're talking about i've seen objects looking different when being very conscious but i haven't seen them "melting" i'd say it's not common.
  10. oh this guy didn't know him by name but now i've looked him up on yt and i remember watching some of his satsang videos yrs ago the guy's living the lifeee in costa rica
  11. if some of my friends talk about women in a very generalizing sexist way or stare at them, drooling and look at them as objects i point it out too. i also have told many whites for example that they shouldn't use this and that racist word etc.
  12. Also it's not that i have trouble with "girls". And because of that i need to take it out on a girl. Not at all, i'm just finding such generalizing sexist/racist etc. statements very problematic and will point it out when i see it. peace out
  13. yea also your car( which is problematic but very useful), the internet, your house, this forum and so on is something which "men" have planned and built but you only see the bad things good luck in dealing with your stuff though
  14. well yea you derailed it with your generalizing sexist remarks and silly statements but it's fine i forgive you have a good one
  15. i can agree that some men are dogs, some women are bitches, some women are gold diggers, some blacks are criminal, some whites can't dance, etc. but i wouldn't make a general claim like "women are bitches" i think such claims are very problematic
  16. it's also the general question, how to react to ignorant inconsiderate people in public spaces, public transport etc. do you say something, do you say nothing do you get annoyed on the inside without starting an argument do you view it as an opportunity to practice awareness, forgiveness, love etc.
  17. what do you say/think when people say " women are bitches" women are gold diggers" "black people are criminal" and so on
  18. why is such sexism allowed here
  19. So sorry to hear that. That's like my worst nightmare too.
  20. are you feeling nervous with those women or not? maybe you are too "nice"
  21. hehe a matrix glitch
  22. i think real great benefit comes at around the 5th day if i remember correctly from dr. rhonda patrick and dr. longo check this out if you haven't already