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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. oh yea she's hot for sure well i think for example people from the pick up community (which i'm no part of) which there seem to be quite a few on here went through things like making excuses, then starting to approach and getting better, building confidence and so on. and when they see a post like the opening statement they think it's just making excuses because of fear from women so they are trying the kind of "tough love" route, pick up imo is a kind of ideology
  2. not necessarily there have always been people who are accepting of such things, ancient greece etc. i don't think anybody really bashed the guy, more power to him but if you ask for advice or make a topic then you kind of have to deal with peoples opinions and suggestions or not?
  3. He seems like an interesting case. Doesn't seem like a strongman of the sort of for example Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Xi? etc. Wanted to be an artist so he had some creative talent. Deep into the occult if we look at some of the symbolism. Also the nazis apparently went all over the world to find artefacts etc. And Hitler was a member of the Thule society at some point which apparently was an a Germanic, Occult, Antisemitic group. Used propaganda to its full extent. But also the US, UK used it very well at the time. Really deeply hated Jews and Communism or else he wouldn't have basically sacrificed a big and important part of his army in the Russian winter. Apparently on drugs a lot, at least that's what some people say. Do you think Germany at that point in history, getting an unfair deal from WW1, poverty, anger, shame etc. would have exploded anyways and Hitler was just the "outlet" Or was he really a character which was very important to history, especially European history and changed the face of the world forever.
  4. ^ wherever you go, there you are
  5. covid vaccine companies
  6. in a way to me that's a bit like saying "Colours do not actually exist, it's just how the light is reflected from the surface and then the way your brain interprets it etc.. so you actually don't need to wear colours, you could just always wear grey as there is no difference anyway" "Well, i don't care lol i still want to wear a blue sweater because i think it's beautiful"
  7. well i certainly don't hope that's the case and wishing you health for this realm
  8. i'm just going to put that here don't want to make a new topic and didn't find a better fitting old one obviously she isn't happy
  9. Like the movie Donnie Darko (which i love) spoiler alert He's thinking the apocalypse is coming and gets those visions from the rabbit who's telling him this. But in the end it's just him dying at that date and not an apocalypse
  10. they don't have the mediterranean sea and colder climates
  11. I asked that because modern history is said to have started around the 17th century. Germany (the biggest country population wise in western Europe) lost two World Wars in the 20th century, mostly to other European countries and US and Russia. The Austro Hungarian empire collapsed. etc. Spain lost a war and colonies to the US by the end of the 19th century. imo the word Euromerican suggests as if it was a cohesive block, when they actually had a lot of infighting and mutual destruction. So i just didn't understand what you meant by it. If you mean NATO countries since WW2 or whatever.
  12. What do you mean by "modern history" and what do you mean by "Euromerican" ?
  13. by enjoying the moment and not the goal
  14. I saw this video on an indian channel and then one of the comments was "World renowned astronomer and scientists from Pakistan Fauad Chowdry has already taken such pictures by sending a Pakistani photographer to space tied to a ? baloon. He sends bluetooth images back to earth." It's such a silly comment and the rivalry between nuclear powers and neighbours India and Pakistan is so absurd in a way that all of it put a smile on my face
  15. ^^ : P that's pretty funny an spot on
  16. Ever heard the Adolf/Hanussen "Mandrake" story? Erik Jan Hanussen was apparently a famous Jewish Astrologer/Clairvoyant at that time and predicted some things for Adolf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Jan_Hanussen Here's a National Geographic video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y6H1_wiQsg Do you think this is "true" or stuff like that was put out to make Adolf seem more mystical and invincible at the time. Seems like the occult etc. was really en vogue at that time anyways. or the "Spear of Destiny"
  17. Yea. it also doesn't mean that i always laugh about let's say countries who're enemies or death etc. all of that can be very scary. But sometimes you get a glimpse of how absurd it all is and then that's funny. Also other people laughing is very infectious What's the last thing you smiled or laughed about @Preety_India?
  18. that's random, never watched tiktok whoa that's cooool only seen half of the the guys god pickup video maybe it would, as many indian people are making jokes about it, and i guess vice versa too, like that comment i posted. Europe for example doesn't have that many nukes but Russia has the most nukes in the world. If they decide to nuke us one day or accidentally push the red button, i hope i could smile at the absurdity of it all at least. (the absurdity of existence and the situation)
  19. i had a "dream" of being them or at least being something similar that's why i said those
  20. i remember approaching at least twice on a train but i was soooo drunk both had good outcomes but it was saturday night-ish i don't think i could do it during a normal day time without the booze and it's even a rare rarity for me with alcohol being able to do that
  21. Sweden is bigger and much closer to mainland Western Europe than Norway, Finland and Iceland though it's also more international than those other countries, so maybe people from Wuhan, or Northern Italy were there earlier etc. than in those other countries and could have spread more. Who know's. I'll give you Denmark which has a very low death toll number according to worldometers and is mainland. Don't know anything about the situation there. If we look at death count per million in Europe and we exclude countries with a pop below a million then Sweden is at the 12th spot, soon to be overtaken by Switzerland, Romania and Croatia who knows man