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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. are you saying people should climb/fix those material/relationship/career etc. steps before they do consciousness work. or are you saying they can do it simultaneously, it's just important to not forget about those other "steps" while working on consciousness etc.?
  2. No it's not. Maybe you need to get into nature more.
  3. yesterday got up, ate breakfast, watched youtube and entered the forum, did some meditation, went for a walk, got a call about some "bird spectacle in nature" so i went there and watched those birds, they were glorious btw., went home ate dinner, took another walk, watched youtube and streamed some show. i also take my moms dog for long walks sometimes, sometimes visit friends, sometimes jog etc.
  4. maybe there was a bad vibe in there from other people and you were sensitive enough to feel it. although if that were the case you probably could also feel vibes going into other places sometimes and it wouldn't be your first time.
  5. I've tried a few for anxiety sleep and fatigue Ashwaghanda - pretty good, works on gaba receptors, calming Rhodiola Rosea - Made me irritable and angry also a bit anxious, not for me Lions Mane - Pretty good but i think it messes with my sleep ( a lot of supps mess with my sleep) Probably a couple of others Not sure if i've tried Reishi I still have some Cordyceps at home which i haven't tried yet
  6. sorry that your father "died" about re-incarnation its one of those things which does seem logical, and there seem to be hints placed all over which would support the truth of it or that it's at least partly true, many religions talking about it, people having experiences etc. but i think nobody can really be a 100% sure either way
  7. if you don't show intent you'll end up in the no go zone named friend zone, then she'll tell you about her lover while you hold her hand and nod while you say "yasss friend"
  8. His initials are J C, like Julius Caesar or Jim Carrey
  9. traumatised people raise traumatised people
  10. you know that las vegas was mostly built upon the tears of the losers, just keep that in mind i never really quite understood this gambling addiction, well it's probably the dopamine rush, and the stories your mind paints "once you're rich" etc. but still the chances are soooo tiny a friend of mine is somewhat addicted to gambling, he says he also never understood this addiction until he started gambling.
  11. Merry Christmas Wishing you guys health, love and wisdom
  12. Turtles, unfortunately they don't have teeth though
  13. because it's crap if you guys vote for me as the worlds dictator it'll be beneficial for most though and also for the environment PurpleTree 2029
  14. yea usually i'll just avoid situations where i can or could get rejected as a means of self protection. which obviously isn't a great strategy but i hope with inner work i can get to a point where i care less about it and have my feelings better under control.
  15. ^ dude you have lots of songs for sadness i can into sadness too the last two aren't very sad but dark imo
  16. no thanks, if they (these decision makers) don't want to own anything, that's great they can go into an ashram or whatever but let me decide for myself, thanks guys also i value privacy
  17. Can you want her without being needy? Is wanting from the ego? Can wanting not be needy, for example if it doesn't come from a place of scarcity? How could you even approach without wanting her? Or are you just tricking yourself and her, or acting as if you don't care, but deep down you do care? Staying in the moment, approaching just to approach "freedom from outcome" Loving yourself so much that you just want to spread that love to her and others All those things are easily said but that's difficult.
  18. Also i think in these times of abundance of food etc. in the west, i'm from western Europe. It's nice for me to practice this also as a challenge. Like yea there is delicious food everywhere but i'm just not going to eat it as a exercise. never did it for weight loss btw.
  19. I don't think it's that brave, because you can always just stop when it's too hard. I tried it for the first time like two yrs ago, did it because i tend to have some gut issues, feels inflamed a lot and also anxieties etc. which i think a lot of it in my case originates in the gut. So i watched some podcasts from Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Valter Longo and then just gave it a try. Bought some laxative salts, didn't eat and took the laxatives on the second-ish day. The first two, three days are the hardest and then it gets easier for most people, your mind quiets down etc. Your body just doesn't have a lot of energy for monkey mind after that. The first few times i did it i got obsessed with food while fasting and started to watch tons of cooking shows, competitive eating shows and so on, just couldn't stop myself from watching them. But the last time i fasted, like three moths ago, i almost didn't have any food craving during all the 10 days and also didn't watch any food related videos. Which was kind of weird because it was so different from previous times. For health. It really does help my gut. After one of those water fasts my gut feels better and i feel overall healthier. And then after a few weeks months i'm usually back to my old issues. After like 8,9 days or so of fasting i usually get a kind of heart racing feeling, which is when i end it. I'll definitely keep the water fasting thing in my health stack and aim for at least once or twice a year. It's also important that you eat very healthy after the fast to build your body back up.