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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. we also don't need bacon to survive yet many of us (me included, not often though) still eat it but i get it, i looove dolphins, swam with them in egypt once, and it's sad to see them like that.
  2. so do you think we should eat cats, dogs etc. too because it doesn't matter either way or we shouldn't eat animals at all? or should we categorize them by "smartness" and eat only the "dumber" animals, so maybe in that way we have to stop eating pork, octopi, dolphins, whales etc. or eat animals but stop factory farming? also many animals die from farming plants oviously
  3. i didn't read all of the op post but some of it and think i got the gist of it it makes some great points i think the buddha said life is suffering and some say suffering is the best teacher so naturally people who struggle with having fulfilling relationships people with depression and anxiety, trauma etc. are more drawn to spirituality than people who don't have these issues but it's also the "spiritual ego" at play here we have to take care that we don't think because we let's say suffer more, think deeper, ponder the universe and existence etc. that we're somehow better or more important than people who are just happy go lucky, players etc. and don't really care about those things it's like some people who ask for a womans number, the woman says no and the guy says "well you're a bish anyway"
  4. Do you always feel that way. Or are you sometimes confident and feeling fine? It seems that you really want sex now. So that makes you needy, which is normal. And that vibe probably comes off.
  5. yea why not, if you find a good one maybe you can clear some blockages i thought about going to a tantra yoga group (which is naked yoga etc.) but i'm not sure
  6. I'm not saying it's valid i'm just saying i can always replicate it and been there hundreds of times. And the "vision" or "insight" that i'm just imagining it all i just really had once. So why should i believe the thing that i only experienced once over the thing that i experienced hundreds of times. personally i'm not sure what to believe anyway
  7. for example the store in my city is always there when i go there. i can go inside, talk to the sales personnel, go on their website try clothing on etc. it's very stable so i'll assume it exists on this level i can always replicate that experience at any time basically i can almost always go to stillness and replicate that experience but god realisation i can't really replicate whenever i want
  8. thanks how about the "god" and "one-ness" etc. insights though, how do we know those are true? because they happen often and to many "people"? for me it only happened once or twice really over two years ago and then i wasn't able to replicate it.
  9. always thought i'd make a decent dictator i'd rock the hell out of those funny dictator jackets and if i'm not conscious enough i'd hire some peeps from the forum
  10. I don't really assume that, Nahm said that i guess. I just wonder how we can discern between a truthful insight about us or the universe and somebody who gets the insight that he/she can fly and jumps out of a window etc.
  11. i'm actually not really sheltered, everybody has their hardships and trauma but i don't care to get into it. but yea i'm from western europe and it seems we don't put people as much in boxes as the u.s. and we seem to have a more peaceful place, people here don't get shot for hoodies and stuff and cops don't fear for their life everyday/night not saying western europe is perfect or even great btw we have other issues
  12. I met this woman yesterday while i was just taking a stroll who i knew from before. So we had a drink and she was really going in on covid about all the a-holes who don't vaccinate and protest, how they're all marching with rightwing extremist groups and most of them are rightwing too. This covid time even made her hate most yoga and hippie people (because many of them are critical about the vaccination etc.) and she doesn't care about meditation anymore because of the lovey dovey stuff. Personally i don't care if you're vaccinated or not, i'm pretty neutral on the subject. And the debate and conflict doesn't really interest me. Both sides have some decent arguments imo. Sooo i just tried to change the subject like tell me more about such and such country that you've traveled to before covid
  13. so why even pursue spirituality if everything's a delusion anyway and no real insights to be had?
  14. so when i have an insight of everything is one, all is god it's delusional? yea i was talking about myself. but obviously many people have delusional insights themselves.
  15. i mean if you lived in the third reich during the nazi era. if you would have ratted out jews to save yourself and your family nobody knows. maybe you would have even thought exterminating the jews is a good thing or maybe you would have been a schindler
  16. yea maybe i'm in the center tribe, who's trying to avoid conflict also maybe avoiding conflict is wrong, i'm open to that possibility, maybe we need it to get much worse with bloodshed and all before society can heal.
  17. both sides are just screaming imo Also i don't know how i would have reacted around nazis (people seem to love that word on this forum) and you don't know how you would have reacted either
  18. i care about making society less divisive i don't care about joining a tribe in this conflict and then go to war with the other tribe
  19. the first video had some great points the last video i'm not so sure about thanks for posting them though i learned something
  20. i just feel like most of those terms put people in boxes and it doesn't really help "she's a karen" "she's a woman of color" "he's an anti-vaxxer" "he's a libtard" "she's the victim" "he's a colonialist" i feel like americans especially love those terms and boxes (not just them obviously) and it shows in the climate of your society now i'm not enlightened or anything etc. there are many things that trigger me and that i'm trying to work on
  21. i'm going the middle/center path here, like buddhism if both sides are fighting imo the only sensible thing is to go to the center if you want peace and i don't care for this dumb conflict
  22. As i posted before asians make the most money in the U.S. not whites. Now it's not all about the money obviously but thats probably the biggest part of privilege imo. If it makes you happy to call yourself a "woman of color" then that's cool, but imo that's another rather useless term. "woman of color" what does that even mean, you're a non white woman? ook to me you're just a person, not a "karen" and not a "woman of color"