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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. someone could also say that all your depression etc. is "just a delusion" really? nah i don't think i would
  2. it's funny because i was thinking about that when this pandemic and vaccination started that in a worst case scenario it could muddy the connection to self or consciousness glad that's not the case for the people who replied here
  3. it's so interesting how some people are mostly optimistic while others are pessimistic i think i've read somewhere that a big part of it is genetics
  4. here's another question would you rather go fast, or go slooow? or it doesn't matter either way?
  5. goat sex = greatest of all time
  6. sometimes i trick myself and think i'm not afraid but then when i get heart arrythmias or palpitations and then i think nooo pls don't let me die like that or when i used to get in strong turbulences on a plane i'd also think don't take me out like that god, i'll become better if you let me live (even though i've never been religious) haven't been on a plane with turbulences for a long time now so not sure how i'd react now i'm also afraid of weird accidents and heart attacks apparently hurt a lot
  7. Or has anybody overcome it? I've had that since very young and it's a very stubborn and sticky feeling which gets triggered pretty easily. It's often a feeling of not being wanted to be in a certain place or with certain people this creates shame. But it could also be triggered just walking through the city and be "seen" maybe a part of me is afraid that people could see something in me that they don't like but i'm not even sure what it is. Then sometimes i use a mantra like "god wants you to be here" etc. and sometimes it helps and sometimes not.
  8. microdosing has often/sometimes caused anxiety in a friend of me and also made it almost impossible to sleep for him that night, so i'm not sure if it's the right way, he could try it again though.
  9. a tough read because it's triggering shame etc. or because it's complicated to read? well i'm not sure how to answer that
  10. haha yea i love that word, it's funny i tend to agree with you here. this just seems like another form of "tribalism" frank yang i haven't seen too much of his stuff, on one hand i find him inspiring because he's also really fit and a good violin player etc. and goes deep in on the consciousness stuff he's smiling too much though, is he laughing at us, is he trying to portray a happy enlightened guy or is he just happy? <--this isn't so serious
  11. everything's just a perspective but i guess we can all agree that slavery was very damaging for many people and the ripples and traumas are still felt most of us would probably also agree that factory cattle farming is terrible for said animals and we shouldn't do it.
  12. yea many people are losing their marbles for sure still pretty interesting times though
  13. nah that sounds too cultish
  14. well they want you to buy their "stuff" and if you don't need their stuff to be happy then they have a problem
  15. maybe because of the mass suicides by cults which happened a few times also i do think that there are powerful people who'd rather have a lot of people ignorant than enlightened <- not saying this is true btw
  16. also don't give people 100 yrs jail time, that's nuts i think the max here is 20 yrs
  17. i think the way we do it in a lot of european countries is probably the best we can do right now lock them away from society for the time of their sentence but in a decent prison with humane conditions give them therapy etc.
  18. the baby would be like: Leo give me some stuff please, i like to have some stuff now or i'll poop on the floor and Leo would be like: this isn't stuff this is consciousness you little devil
  19. ok well i've never heard of him before
  20. far less developed human beings? that sounds a bit elitist maybe
  21. because they're annoying they scream and want stuff and poop on the floor
  22. hihihi i mean i know that term isn't cool anymore but it's funny when osho says it
  23. me too hihihi although i'm not sure if the technique is working for me