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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. pizza? loopy and narcissistic i like it, already got a tattoo of my own eye almost 10 yrs ago
  2. it's also not necessarily because of the taurine because a week ago i drank a coffee and took some taurine in the beginning it was good but then after 90 minutes or so my gut started feeling bad and got some anxiety
  3. I have a tarot deck (actually two but one i never opened) I'm often indecisive and last week was indecisive if should take some ******(carrots) , indecisive because it can be exhausting and because of chronic fatigue and anxiety issues etc. So i found the cards again, asked the cards, pulled a card and they gave me this then read the description on the internet "Love & Relationships (Upright) In a love context, if you are single The Hermit Tarot card represents coming out the other side of a period of loneliness and solitude that may have been needed to recuperate from past heartbreak or a bad breakup. You will soon be ready for a fresh start. It can also indicate celibacy or chastity. If you are in a relationship, The Hermit upright can represent an older wiser partner. It can also suggest that you may need to make more of an effort to connect with your partner. It can indicate that you and your partner are too focused on doing your own thing rather than spending quality time together. Money & Career (Upright) report this ad The Hermit in a career context can indicate may suggest that you are putting too much focus on your career or money and materialistic pursuits, rather than sharing your attention between activities that will leave you feeling fulfilled on all levels. It can also indicate that you are wondering if you are in the right career. Money and materialism may no longer be enough to motivate you and you may find yourself seeking a new more satisfying career path. Financially, now is a time to be mature in your approach to money and investments. Health (Upright) The Hermit in a health context indicates overdoing things may lead to health issues. If you find that you’re rushed off your feet, never having a minute to take a breath, The Hermit suggests that if you don’t make time for yourself to rest and reboot your health may suffer. Take a break. Even taking a few minutes every day to meditate or just clear your mind and connect with how your body is feeling would benefit your health at this time. Spirituality (Upright) The overall theme of The Hermit is spiritual enlightenment so now is the perfect time to engage in spiritual activities. Whether it’s meditation, energy work, psychic development or connecting to your own spirit guides you are coming into a time of incredible spiritual growth. You may find yourself seeking solitude or isolating yourself in some respect. However, you should use this time to focus on evolving your spiritual side and allow yourself to take this time out to listen to your inner guidance as it will be very rewarding for you on a spiritual level. " https://www.thetarotguide.com/the-hermit so i thought that's pretty cool and i'm probably going to do that more often when not sure about something, although i'm basically never sure about anything
  4. yea i do think the cards can just show you what your really feel or what's good for you sometimes either those cards are smart and grab information from the ether or they're just so open/vague that you see in them what you want and this time it surely worked the experience was mostly good (also a little bit difficult at some point but it always is) and had a small cute awakening, that's all i wanted/could ask for so we'll see how it goes with the cards next time
  5. not with a good sauce it doesn't liver has a very interesting texture to it
  6. coffee often gives me anxiety, stomach issues etc. while energy drinks often don't or on a much lesser scale
  7. Violets are blue and Roses are red i want enlightenment now or at least give PurpleTree some head
  8. that's certainly possible or maybe i'd just stop caring about humans altogether if i had the "power" like the glorious Dr. Manhattan
  9. Didn't know where to put this as i don't look at it as "serious emotional problems" But i'm pretty easily annoyed especially at people who i find inconsiderate. For example these days people not wearing their mask in public transport. Putting their feet/shoes on seats in public transport being very loud etc. Electronic gadgets, taxes, paper work all of that stuff can easily annoy me. And many other things. I just get this uncomfortable feeling in my gut and some other bodily sensations which i'm explaining as being annoyed On the other hand some things don't annoy me at all. For example if my food falls on the floor, or a plate, or i was working at a nursery/old peoples home for a bit and some of the workers/nurses etc. there were annoyed at some of the older people but they didn't annoy me at all because i see that they're in pain when they lash out and so on. Any theories on where this annoyance comes from and how to deal with it? Could it come from a lot of suppressed anger as a kid and so on?
  10. Siddhartha or Steppenwolf by hesse
  11. To look at everybody as you or your kids sounds good but i guess if adults strangers did the things your kids did, then you would have reacted differently. Or would you let your little kids drive a car by themselves? If not why not because they aren't old enough to learn how to drive? Or why shouldn't (there it is the shouldy) adults have sex with kids. So maybe age is more than a belief after all in this realm. So there are different expectations at different ages etc. So i have higher expectations for adults than kids. But who knows, god willing, i'll sit on poop in a train in a few yrs time and luuuuv it or maybe i'll create the 6th reich. Nobody knows those things. Hare Krishna
  12. also taking life too seriously
  13. it wasn't for me. made me fell dull imo. but it's also a long time ago since i've tried it
  14. I also don't think i would have a huge problem with my kids doing that, the same way i'm very patient with old people. PurpleTree also shat on peoples floor as a small kid. one time me and a friend smeared a whole wall with our poop when we were 2 or 3. they're not grown, they're not in their right senses and so on, no harm done. (i think, i'm not sure how i'd act) but it's different imo with disrespectful adult "healthy" people, they should know better, also they're the people keeping society going, not kids or oldtimers (although who knows how healthy they are and besides that they know not what they do, lord forgive them) but yea i'm like different people inside me fighting. One person is a lunatic suffering artists, one person is Jesus and loves and forgives almost everything, oneness with the universe and so on. One person is Hitler and sees enemies and horrible people everywhere, one is a hurt child and and probably many more hare Krishna
  15. i'm not sure if you enjoyed or hated that job probably in between but maybe you need to find something you love or care more for also have you ever gotten checked for add/adhd? some bosses have also thought that i don't care. in some ways it's not true, i do care but i've learned to keep a poker face pretty early on so it could make the impression that i didn't care but inside me there's a lot of feelings. also many jobs i had just sucked so it was hard to care
  16. it's scary because you can't get out of it when you've had enough
  17. if they told you you'll be able to dunk but you're only 1.55 meters then yea, they scammed you
  18. who wants poo on their clothings though? also at home we didn't really have rules for shoes, it just seems disrespectful to other people etc. in a way i guess i want society to be much better and people to be more respectful but i see it imo decaying everyday which causes stress probably. if i see people who are creating stuff i get a bit jealous, because i'd like to do that. but if someone sits in dirt i don't get irritated as long as they don't put that dirt on places me and society has to also sit. but i also get annoyed at non social things like taxes, excel, maths, electronics etc. so how does that fit into the picture? dogs and cats you're right i don't want to be stressed and uptight all the time but i also don't want society to "decay too much"(for the lack of a better term), there i need to find the balance between speaking up and acceptance. thanks. yea i do often think the gut is a big piece of the puzzle for me. for example a last week i ate some thai curry which was mildly hot. it irritated my gut which made me feel irritable and tense for a pretty long time. it then becomes a cycle and then i get triggered even more easily. and trying to relax the gut and back, neck can help
  19. so it's not a problem if people walk on the street, maybe they step in poo, put their feet on the seat and you sit on it? or if people don't wear masks in public transport and spread omicron? shouldn't anybody say something about it? would you say anything if somebody puts their shoes on your car seat or chair at home? and that's just small examples of inconsiderateness ^^ that being said, there is probably some jealousy involved for people who don't feel social anxiety, confidence issues etc.
  20. Yea thanks, i've been wanting to get into yoga for a while now. this could be another reason to do it. Maybe we're just more sensitive to sounds, feelings etc. so we get annoyed/irritated more easily than others in some ways. And then we think, nooo i'm on the spiritual path and shouldn't even be getting annoyed by this dumb stuff, which causes further stress I try, often it doesn't work to be compassionate, or then it just becomes an obsessive back and forth like compassion/anger/compassion/anger/obsessive thought loops->>>>>. sometimes it works though. i don't know about conscientiousness, people always told me that i am pretty conscientious or maybe i developed that at a certain age. frustration was probably the biggest, just being frustrated and didn't know how to deal with my feelings. and starting to suppress feelings such as anger also now just being often frustrated with this social anxiety, toxic shame and so on. It's frustrating because it feels like i could do everything i'd want if weren't often blocked by those things. I've always been kind of scared a bit of the future as a kid never thought i'd make to this age. oh yes it seems like the "letting go" part of it is not really working great thus far, but we'll see how it goes
  21. yea they started the vietnam war though because one of their ships got attacked (allegedly) here not much happened i think but yea the us and israel are very/extremely close partners, so it's certainly a weird incident
  22. also wonder sometimes if this "annoyance" comes from un underlying gut issue. because having an inflamed gut and being annoyed etc. feel similar to me. or if it's the other way around and being annoyed and angry as a kid is what caused a gut issue.
  23. Not sure if i think they should hold the same values. Because i can talk to right wingers and left wingers i don't care what their views and values are. I just start to care when it's affecting me or others. For example if you put your dirty shoes on the seat in public transport, then i sit on it and then my pants are dirty. I just want to tell them to take their smelly feet from those seats but i don't do it because i think it would be petty in some ways and could also end in a fight or argument, so i just get annoyed everyday for little stupid things. But i feel because nobody speaks up for those things i'll eventually maybe have to do it. Love you too though