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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. i mean i'm for free will guess it's better than to jump from a bridge or sommething
  2. got it a lot when i was "partying" often which one do you get the demon thing or the levitation thing? i used to get both science says it's because you're half a sleep and half dreaming, but it is creepy that many people have similar experiences yea the first time i thought i was going to die or having a stroke or something
  3. nah you're going too far imo but the surveillance is a huge issue
  4. it certainly feels creepy used to get it so much that i got kind of used to it at a point/could even enjoy it a bit sometimes and learned how to pull myself out of it now i almost never get it
  5. Nope i don't think so i used to have it a lot and never had a psychosis thus far What's your lifestyle looking like?
  6. i already have a tattoo and no thanks to henna but yea some ink is toxic
  7. i mean it's a sticky situation nobody wants to give up power nobody are really the good guys in this imo but the ukraine should decide for themselves what kind of future they want
  8. the only times i ever prayed is when bad turbulences happened on a plane and it always helped
  9. i mean yellow looks good on you in your pic if you don't have a good sense of style maybe look at pictures of stars you like and copy them
  10. Yea you just have to appreciate this elaborate work of art as good as you can
  11. i went to a tibetan buddhist meditation group once but they told me to pray for tibetan holy men etc. i asked myself why should i do that, i don't even know these "people" so i didn't go again, also seemed to be a lot of dogma etc. involved
  12. i think it was just a waste the region got taken anyways
  13. purple is a better colour than beige, hands down
  14. so we should raise cows only to eat their lean meats and then dump the rest? that's a horrible waste though
  15. depends what you do when you're not in the forum
  16. wanted to upload some more geometric pattern tattoos but it won't let me really hard to find such a good artist though
  17. those are nice imo went to a japan/samurai exhibition yesterday don't judge me
  18. no gracias
  19. what a jackass worst idea personally i didn't really have that realisation, so it would be fake it until i hopefully make it
  20. getting stuck in victim mode ideology