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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. something to think about i once had a beautiful vision of what seeds are they are pure potential and amazing
  2. not sure if this leaf/tree analogy works here what if we're a seed and not a leaf?
  3. could you get heavy metal poisoning from playing with mercury from an old thermometer?
  4. many people just flee if they can
  5. i think i had an amalgam filling in my milk teeth not totally sure though
  6. ^^It's sad and must be horrible but I would still probably choose to live in Israel over most or all Muslim countries because of freedoms, womens rights, lifestyle, lgbt rights etc.
  7. it's partly about that subject. i recommend it
  8. Yea i meant the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where they mostly started "their" vietnam war/adventure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident
  9. don't really know. depends on the situation, the war and the reasons and if there's a way out. have you read the bhagavad gita?
  10. Beautiful. Agree about not putting Leo on a pedestal and criticising him and his work can be beneficial. But some people in this topic seem a bit bitter. Just take the gold nuggets and leave the rest. I appreciate his work and work ethic and his forum.
  11. risk patients should be vaccinated others just if they want
  12. many people had the virus without issue many people have had issues with the vaccine so it's not like "get it and everybody's safe"
  13. i can relate failed the drivers licence and many other tests because i was nervous from being observed we care too much what others think i get nervous when some one watches "too closely" for short term solution you can try wim hof breathing or benzos (only once in a while, they're addictive)
  14. do you think more mentally ill and broken families than in most european countries and if so why? i blame fruit loops
  15. How do you think you ruined it? Are you on meds? Your sentences seem coherent so you can't be that dumb at least.
  16. so why are you thinking about suicide, depression?
  17. they burn a lot though i want to try kambo, hopefully soon
  18. They already took crimea don't you think they also would really like to take the eastern part of Ukraine?
  19. Al Jazeera article on surveillance and covid "AlgorithmWatch warns that a plethora of automated decision-making systems were implemented in haste under the guise of public health. Some examples of ADM systems include digital contact tracing (DCT) apps and digital COVID certificates (DCC). AlgorithmWatch warns that the adoption of these tools happened fast and without any consideration of potential risks and downfalls. “It is shocking indeed to witness the same dangerous trends we documented before the pandemic — widespread opacity, insufficient democratic oversight and debate, solutionist assumptions — even when millions of lives are at stake,” Fabio Chiusi, project lead for the Tracing the Tracers project, told Al Jazeera. He cautioned that COVID-19 and the mass surveillance adopted in Europe and elsewhere over the last two years – such as contact-tracing apps and COVID-19 status certifications – are part of an “unprecedented social experiment in health surveillance”. What’s even more worrisome is how little this has been debated in democratic countries. FABIO CHIUSI, PROJECT LEAD FOR THE TRACING THE TRACERS PROJECT" https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/12/9/pandemic-exploited-to-adopt-mass-surveillance-watchdog-warns the article is much longer though and goes further in depth thoughts?
  20. Rumi is lovely but i don't understand Persian
  21. have you had sleep paralysis? the scary part imo is the paralysis part, not really being able to move
  22. if you want you can post pictures of clothing in this topic and we can rate them you could make your face unrecognizable