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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" or something like that i guess I don't know i'm confused with all these situation Syria, Covid, Kazakhstan etc.
  2. my thoughts are this person is too angry and mostly ranting he might have a point what he's talking about is the kind of "spiritual ego" i guess but he's similar to someone i know who used to be into yoga and spirituality and now became angry and kind of dislikes it and rants about it, especially since the "pandemic"
  3. wow that's a lot, nice report though on ket the body can shut down so watch out also don't go into a bath tub as quite some people have drowned in them
  4. I don't really think it's particularly "healthy" but sure you can get some benefits of it like more energy and so on.
  5. fap/fapping is a pretty funny word tbh
  6. can someone who usually takes/took all vaccines but not a covid-19 vaccine be called an anti-vaxxer?
  7. It's very addicting. Maybe the most addicting thing there ever was. Lately i've been looking at some of the younger generation who're always glued to their smartphone. I've been thinking which pandemic is worse, the smartphone internet addiction or the covid-19 pandemic. It's the perfect tool to procrastinate for ever and ever. For example i got sh*t to do. But i'm a bit tired. So i thought let's watch a few short videos about the situation in Kazakhstan, let's read a few posts on the forum and boom time flies.
  8. ^^haven't watched it yet btw. will watch later
  9. That's beautiful. Maybe you can even grab a tea with some forumers along the path once you get going. i'm also planning to travel but more so to Costa Rica and Latin America in general.
  10. well i don't agree with that because the younger generation basically just grows up with it they don't have that much of a choice also it's not the same thing as saying video games cause violence, a completely different topic that i don't agree with
  11. before you joined the forum i think you talked about it or was it someone else
  12. Nice answer. Although i think capitol punishment is a horrible backwards thing.
  13. Sometimes quite often i actually do feel like that, connected to everybody and so on, but one glance of a person that i deem as unfriendly or critical of "me" can trigger me back into constriction and anxiety. Or even if i feel somebody "checks me out" too much, like someone is staring at me, even a "beautiful" woman triggers anxiety in me. It's weird, because i want to be looked at by beautiful women but when they look too much i get really insecure. When i walk down the street i look people into the eyes and feel connected. but when someone is sitting there and checks me out while i pass by i get anxious and clumsy. Also i have approached women in clubs and it was totally fine. or talked to them while doing some activities like sports or whatever, not a huge problem, or at classes etc. but approaching on the street or in a store just seems very intrusive and "annoying" to them. I would like to know which one's are open to being approached at least maybe that would make things easier.
  14. i feel for you and your generation so glad i grew up without internet and smartphones got internet at home when i was about 13, 14 and a cell phone at the same time still got my fair share of social anxiety though ?
  15. wonder how i would have fared in this test as i'm often a "against the grain" guy even in class etc. but that's probably just my ego thinking i'm a special chocolate chip cookie
  16. that's a lot more work than i thought. any plans where to go once it's finished?
  17. Well no i'm actually ok-ish i'm not addicted to porn or masturbation. But i know no fap can have good benefits for some.
  18. Leo is probably thinking "Why did i start this goddamn place? i just want to have fun and pick up some 10s and now these forum schmucks are pressuring me to live holier than thou and write a book"
  19. I mean i'm not sure the smartphone addiction pandemic can just be explained with "procrastination"
  20. don't know dude, i'm probably just very sensitive to my own feelings etc. to me it's goes something like that, after ejaculation i'm usually more tired for about two days, sometimes also more anxious (guess a dopamine thing or whatever) then after two days i start feeling better again but then after about 8 days or so i start feeling more agitated.
  21. Thanks yea sure that makes sense. For me anxiety makes me constrict (guess for most people). Constriction= non expansive=ego=survivial So i can often feel godly especially in nature etc. but many things trigger my anxiety and then it's back to constricted speck
  22. good luck i start to feel weird after about a week of not ejaculating so the Tree can't join you guys
  23. why are you always calling the mods to this thread? it's fine, nobody really got verbally attacked. of course some people are emotional in such life and death situations.