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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. really? my mother was really paranoid during cold war era 70, early 80s that ww3 would break out
  2. exactly it wasn't your fault. the video title is a bit click baity imo. still nice video
  3. is this a big and important or small and insignificant newspaper in denmark?
  4. either every country needs nukes so it's too much of a cost to attack another country to have a real honest world peace, with countries actually reducing and scaling back their military capabilities, spionage, coercion etc. seems impossible maybe after an another devastating world war. there is just too much posturing, ego, greed and fear going on
  5. no country which is involved in a conflict can join NATO so it's impossible also do you think a country like Germany, Poland, Greece and so on would attack Russia for Ukraine and risk nuclear destruction ?
  6. yea but the most important cities in russia st. petersburg and moscow are on the western side of russia
  7. also didn't say they're surrounded just that they "feel" surrounded also as i said with the fear of countries like Georgia, Armenia joining would you prefer the word encroached or pushed back than surrounded?
  8. do you think i don't know the maps? smh thanks for the arrows though
  9. the good thing imo in the US you had both though trash propaganda movies like American Sniper, Top Gun etc. but then also anti war movies like Full Metal Jacket, Platoon etc.
  10. 1. stop calling things "Fact" there are no facts really, everything is perception 2. Russia is also afraid that countries like Georgia, Armenia etc joining NATO which would be a kind of surrounding at least in bits. 3. Not just criminals are afraid of police, also many afro americans etc.
  11. i think it's a know fun fact that Hollywood has often worked together with the US army and CIA
  12. I mostly base my understanding of Islam on Muslims in Europe. People that i know and people that i see.
  13. sure, also in some places (like Texas) you have more "freedoms" than in many European countries so that can be attractive. sure but that's very difficult to realise because children get brainwashed from early age on with captain america etc. Hollywood imo was the smartest move by the US.
  14. So Ukraines fate is to just be a "buffer country" ? What if they want to join the EU in time? Or you mean they could join the EU and not NATO I do understand Russias fears of getting surrounded though
  15. Another issue imo is that Turkey is in NATO Even though they have a strong efficient army and i wouldn't want them to side with China etc. but they have an Autocratic leader. What they're doing to the Kurds. They're beefing with Greece etc.
  16. imo because the first joke is just a kind of silly joke while the second "joke" you're implying you want to have sex with her and maybe that scared her
  17. listened to it it was nice but imo he talked almost nothing about how to heal and overcome it, while those are big in the title
  18. it could work in a democracy with many checks and balances where the people have a great education and the politicians are not very egoistic but they're honest and empathic but that seem too utopian
  19. yea but then there could still come a psychopath or tyrant etc. after him/her like when you have a mostly smart "good" king and then his son is a crazy spoiled lunatic
  20. yea i think if we have some type of one world government, we need some type of benevolent A.I. at the helm because humans and the human ego will be corrupted eventually
  21. i don't know that many europeans that want to live in the US also i see many americans coming here to Europe
  22. do you think xi will be overthrown? don't think so especially with mass surveillance etc. and soon all this tech will be everywhere if a tyrant is ruling there's almost no way then to do anything about it
  23. 90% because of hollywood movies and cartoons i was the same way as a kid then later as a teenager i visited the US and was shocked by the poverty and homeless etc. still a nice place, don't get me wrong i think in the US the highs are higher and the lows are lower compared to western Europe also what do you mean "young people don't want to live there" ??