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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. came back from night shift and the screen looks different. it's also harder to write i'm not high nothing looks perfect on the screen things look weirder like tim burton made my screen, Some of the pictures are moving a bit not just on this site am i having a stroke or something?
  2. fair-ish point i do think it's interesting how for example many on the left love to trash the right (and vice versa of course) they love to trash "white old men" but they don't talk much about islam and the opression of women in those cultures etc.
  3. ok well i'm sure he'll read your post and follow your advice
  4. there are 3 topics talking about how bad Joe Rogan is rgiht now and i frankly think it's ridiculous. Joe Rogan sometimes has propaganda spreading, war mongering guests on the pod? Sure and that's horrible Joe Rogan is critical of the "official" Covid narrative and now CNN is very salty? Sure and that's great Joe Rogan is doing God's work in terms of psychedelics? Sure and you guys should kiss his ugly cauli flower ears because of that.
  5. anti vaxxers is so stuuuupid hihi good luck in hell joe rogan listener very dumb is hihihihi hihi hi hihi cnn truth and love of my life
  6. (aside from the US on Japan shortly after the development of nukes) It seems like with all the people at the helm of countries and militaries. It would have happened once or more that somebody loses their ish and says f it. Somebody could have been mentally unstable or suicidal and pushed the buttons, but no it hasn't happened yet. Is it because still relatively few countries own nukes? Seems like a good sign
  7. yea i think so too, too many checks and balances. also amazing that more accidents didn't happen with so many nuclear warheads around the world. obviously some people worry that terrorists are going to acquire one of those really devastating weapons yea i don't think i believe that, would be cool though
  8. sure i know nuclear deterrence etc. but still it seems one might be loonie enough to just do it in the course of more than 70 yrs like an older guy and say who cares i'm not going to live that long anyway like one of the kims etc.
  9. as a kid i was actually really scared of getting nuked, also of nuclear power plants exploding and everybody i know dying., maybe also a slow painful death it was because i grew up in a very leftist neighbourhood where the adults talked about such stuff often and infected me with their anxiety of the nuclear death. now i'm not really scared of that at least, hope it won't happen though
  10. nice Have you also tried the "letting go method" of David Hawkins?
  11. would you blame me if it happens in the next few weeks?
  12. have you ever thought about some kind of depression meds etc.? for some people they're good for some they aren't seems like you're self medicating i don't know if you can force enlightenment like that
  13. yea finding DMSA isn't that easy. as of yet, but i hope we'll all find it
  14. °* just writing some stuff down to remember °* So today my confidence was off an on, was also really tired So i tried some of those "mantras" or sentences for confidence or to evoke positive feelings within me This moment is God: I've tried that sentence often recently, it helps me settle into the moment. It's similar to Echkhart Tolles "there is only the Now" etc. There's nothing to run from: With anxiety and social anxiety it often seems as if i'm in a hurry. Running from something. But there's nothing to run from or nor towards. I love all: With this sentence I've tried to feel that instead of the world and others being antagonistic, that we're all in this together, all is one. Then at some point i've also tried to feel the presence of my grandma, like evoke her spirit within me, which also made me confident for a while. Because my grandma was cool and artsy, a feminist and pretty. But she died when i was around 9. All those things helped a little bit but nothing stabilised my confidence for good, it was still shakey. And anxiety was on and off
  15. i don't really have a problem with jre's covid stance but that General guest that he had on a few days ago? horrible guest
  16. https://www.criticalmuslim.io/the-dark-side-of-the-arabian-nights/ there was racism before westerners can't blame everything on them, it's lazy
  17. you open the door for women you don't take advantage of women who're completely wasted and don't know what they're doing *tadaaaa gentleman*
  18. I guess. But if you're feeling alone and overwhelmed doing all this, maybe it would be good to talk to a therapist too. Sometimes it's good to get an outside perspective. Maybe there is also some kind of group therapy for your "issue"
  19. ok that's small then in such a small country what did "Bild" do?
  20. Personally i'm torn on this in one way yes it could be a good thing, more autonomy, sovereignty etc. in another way for example France is involved in many conflicts. I wouldn't want an EU army to go around the world and play world police, meddling in different conflicts. Also Macron imo has a few good ideas and some horrible ideas.