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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/2020-homicide-spike-was-real/620183/ "But unlike the crime wave of the 1980s and ’90s, which affected many Americans of all walks of life, the current spike appears to be heavily concentrated. Many homicide victims are Black men, living in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Some conservatives are willing to cynically use violence in Chicago as a political talking point, but the solutions they propose are not solutions at all. Some liberals are wary of talking about the crime wave, for fear that it will undermine efforts to reform police and the criminal-justice system. Caught in the middle are places with rising violence, where residents want safe communities without abusive policing." https://www.vox.com/22580710/defund-the-police-reform-murder-spike-research-evidence "Last year, the US’s murder rate spiked by almost 30 percent. So far in 2021, murders are up nearly 10 percent in major cities. The 2020 increase alone is the largest percentage increase ever recorded in America — and a reversal from overall declines in murder rates since the 1990s."
  2. imagine how many people would die in the process to achieve that
  3. maybe i could buy a smaller one and then see how it goes and if i like it sell that one and buy a bigger one. i already see myself getting frustrated with this thing and throwing it out would 61 keys be enough for that song?
  4. obviously beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i like the picture.
  5. because god enjoys creating i guess
  6. if there was a worldwide jury/court that could try every general/president etc. and throw them in jail for war crimes
  7. i don't know about successful but it seems they make a decent living never gone to yoga class myself
  8. So what kind of piano would one need to play something like "Comptine d'un autre été by Yann Tiersen."? how many keys minimum? I really have nooo clue don't know if i'd even want one though, generally i want less stuff not more
  9. i wonder what ja rule has to say about this
  10. °Have been watching/listening to those a lot since yesterday and post it here to remember° ° still doing the Sedona "thing" °
  11. Now when i'm out and about and i see all the people stare into their phones, i hear this melody in my head which is some of the stuff that made you start?
  12. nope but my issue with hobbies etc. is often that i don't like to do stuff that i'm not good at which is dumb of course because most or everything you're not good at in the beginning and it often sucks until you get better i think it's some type of perfectionism
  13. thanks my name is nobody
  14. ben shapiro is at stage turd-quoise
  15. imo god/the universe is more interested in letting things play out and just see what happens
  16. the fact that you can't answer this also makes me stop caring about the issue
  17. well you certainly don't have to partake in it i think it's a fairly interesting discussion because i've never seen it on this forum
  18. nice the only good thing he's done as far as i know
  19. So do you want that Leo edits the video?
  20. hey guys should i join a motorcycle gang
  21. i don't know this is above my pay grade the question is how to take power away from the word so that it won't sting as much when someone uses it imo, because eventually someone will use it