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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. but there were also many positive comments
  2. i guess they're often "too nice" for their own good and get taken advantage of also they're not great with money often times maybe they're less structured and there are many people with issues and mental illnesses (look how many are medicated etc.) a guy once said lefties progressives etc. are more creative, great at coming up with ideas and companies but not great at running them, conservatives are better at running those companies efficiently (i actually don't know if it's true but it sounds good enough)
  3. there is not @Nahm how can he be demoted? jk called him the riddler a few times in threads but also got some really great stuff from him i have no real problem with not understanding somebody sometimes i think he was mostly a good/cute mod maybe he was pushing his stuff a bit much but i don't know i don't think so generally
  4. actually i think many would give an honest answer if they knew it, but they're more about feeling. it's pretty easy in theory, just be cool (opposed to weird, needy etc), make them feel good (ok how) and then make a move when you can. but some of them don't understand that that takes practice etc. and that's where pua have their lane i think leo could avoid much of the backlash if he just worded things differently while still saying the same things, but in a way it's cool that he doesn't do that and just not gives an f, well there are pros and cons to it
  5. Do you enjoy doing meditation, yoga, contemplation, reading spiritual books etc.? if you enjoy it keep doing it. It's like even if you were enlightened all of a sudden or awakened, you still need to fill your life and time with something. actually we don't know that for sure or do we?
  6. Like some people for example adopted the victim mindset as kids, that people will help them if they're helpless etc. then they can't shake that belief when they're older. For example i did romatisise suffering as a young kid. I thought suffering is kind of noble or in some ways cool. I thought there was something "deep" about a depressed kid. Sometimes as a kid i thought if i got sick and then died a tragic death that would be cool or special or whatever. Because then the people who annoyed me or worse, or didn't appreciate me or whatever would then regret it and maybe even be sad at the funeral. Just mostly childish thinking. Or someone told me about the Maculay Culkin movie where he's in a wheelchair and this girl loves him and everybody's sad, and then he gets stung by bees and dies and everybody is devastated. I thought that was such a cool (for the lack of a better term) way to go out. I'm not sure if i adopted those beliefs but sometimes i wonder if in my subconscious or whatever still romaticise my suffering somehow, and think it's a good way to get back at people.
  7. with something like solipsism i think i'm not totally sure what it's good for if i believe in it how does it better my life exactly, i already often think everything is about me it could certainly help with social anxiety if there's no "other" etc. but is it really worth to put so much energy into it? (i do put a lot of energy into dumb ish so there's that) i've had a few awakenings which pointed to that or showed me that but not nearly enough to fully believe it and if you say it's about truth and not about "feeling good" then that's fine i like truth but well i don't know ?
  8. There's so much good info, concepts, help, tactics on the internet and else where for spirituality, self help and everything else There's so much gold on youtube, on this site, great forum posts etc. But i can't keep all that information, i see gold nuggets, think about them and there's already many new things and i forget about the other ones How do you not get overwhelmed with all this stuff and actually keep what's relevant to you?
  9. well then what do you expect us to do? and by population it's only the 7 or 8th biggest in europe
  10. i heard @Loba got a dwelling maybe we can all rent a room there and become blissful
  11. that's a decent idea although personally i don't know if i'm structured enough for that also even to go back to those things as there's always new stuff coming out
  12. Yea i guess there are too many areas i need/want, then i have all those ideas in my head flowing around and get confused ? Even just for anxiety/social anxiety/confidence etc. i have many concepts flowing around, some of them competing
  13. hmmm i see i also have some chronic fatigue going on and was also thinking about living on the street for a bit (in my country, where there isn't much crime etc.) just to see how it is, for spiritual purposes and because i'm tired of paying taxes and all that rat race crap probably won't do it though because people seem to get destroyed on the streets and i do love my bed
  14. i also get triggered quite often by all sorts of things and it's fine, gotta deal with that ?
  15. I think it's great that you told the story, good to hear another POV especially if it's balanced and not on some man-hating trip and in some ways important for this part of the forum, i learned something. So keep it coming Also pretty brave to tell it since you're not a faceless newbie or whatever. Some of you seem to think you can change Leo's mind though, which i don't see happening in a big way and which is fine.
  16. that's tough rejection sucks but it's good for her that she was able to speak up for herself in that moment maybe she was also scared of a threesome just look at it like tinder and she swiped left it's fine, many will
  17. one time while smoking weed i had kind of gay thoughts but it was more along the lines of intrusive thoughts it was weird and only really once i think have no problem with calling a guy good looking though
  18. Well thank you @Etherial Cat RSD Ethereum Cat to the rescue ?
  19. if they're misogynist and ranting agains women then that's not cool but if not and they are blamed then it's kind of victim blaming/shaming imo
  20. Yeah but i'll often not escalate at all and want her to escalate. Or at least i did especially in those "partying" times a few years ago. But i'd still rather they escalate than me, just to be sure, to not make them uncomfortable and also to not get rejected But in many of those cases it'd probably be better to push a little bit until you get a no.
  21. That's very sad. I've had women in my bed sometimes naked sometimes just buddies and never pushed. In hindsight i thought maybe some of them would actually wanted me to push a little bit but it just feels too creepy to me i guess, it's probably the other extreme which also isn't healthy. I have gotten better at that i think though. Should men push sometimes and if they get a first no that's it?
  22. this grounding exercise is pretty nice ?