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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. russia is afraid of losing sphere of influence if countries like ukraine, georgia, armenia etc. get closer to the west then russia becomes less important and loses sphere of influence then the resistance against putin in russia etc. might also become bigger and they might get toppled and in case of conflict then the west also has huge advantages
  2. i think that's a terrible argument though how were things like the "Nazis" possible if it's so hard for people to agree and find common ground?
  3. Putin doesn't want to "lose" the Ukraine to the "west" imo So it is coming out of love in a twisted way Like a jealous guy who beats his gf who wants to leave him or whatever
  4. since i saw how you reacted in the nahm thread and you said that you were kind of gullible and donated large sums of money i don't think you should get into conspiracy theories i don't think it's healthy it can really mess with your mind
  5. unfortunately modafinil and piracetam are the most effective i've tried never tried noopept or sulbutiamine but read good stuff about it on reddit most stims are too stimulating for me
  6. Besides having a fear of my own discomfort i guess there's a pretty big fear of making other people uncomfortable, especially women. Has anyone had the same fear and successfully dealt with it? Would an antidote be to make others uncomfortable on purpose?
  7. well my take is we're being held hostage by megalomaniacal politicians and paranoid people with power (on all sides) since 1000s of yrs and i'm not fond of it ?
  8. Some people just talk a lot and also a lot of "uninteresting" stuff imo, they can't stand silence I'll often try to meet them at their interests and talk nonsense with them but it's often boring Do you try to steer the convo in a direction you're more interested in? I don't mind silence sometimes Also how do you deal with people who make horrible jokes and expect you to laugh at them? i often feel guilty if i can't laugh at their stuff
  9. yeah i'll also do the Mhm sometimes, or stare off into space Two of my work collegues for example are like that. One of them is really annoying she's also kind of my superior so i can't just walk away and have to fake smiles at her dumb jokes. The other one just can never shut up, probably can't stand silence, with him i'll just try to steer the convo into different directions. Another one also never shuts up but he often talks interesting stuff at least. A friend for example also likes to talk to me about nonsensical bs, he talks to me about brands and brags about stuff, which i really don't care about. But he's good peoples otherwise.
  10. don't know if that's the case but maybe it is. but i'm mostly talking to the people who won't stop nagging. i think most people said their opinion and that's that. ok the guy is gone, maybe he'll come back as a member who knows but all this name calling, stuff demanding and finger pointing is a bit much
  11. guys it's "just" a forum, you're seemingly taking this stuff too seriously
  12. thanks i was just watching a video about c-ptsd
  13. even if they would want more if the possibility arose and it wouldn't destroy the friendship or whatever, i think it still works i'd also like to eat a chocolate cake and some chicken burgers right now, but i'm not going to do it imo there are levels to this on one level there might be some tension between men/women if you think they're cute or whatever but on another level there is also just the person and the being that you maybe got to know and appreciate
  14. how about liking someone for the person they are though wether they're male, female or whatevs?
  15. you're talking about @bejapuskas i agree that situation was pretty messed up and i think he should take most warning points back he seems like a nice guy though otherwise
  16. why not voice criticism while they're here instead of not and then dishing on them when they're demoded?
  17. actually some people said it like last week when he was here. i saw it
  18. how about gratitude? can you feel grateful for things?
  19. i think it's not that easy to have great, lasting, deep friendships anyway, men or women but men and women can be friends sure
  20. maybe it dreamt long enough maybe it was always the plan to slowly wake up now maybe nothing is happening at all