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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. i think he's acting nuts. Putin was actually doing pretty good in Europe. Many respected him. He was delivering oil/gas. The right wingers loved him, some of the left wingers wanted to have less dependency with the US, less NATO etc. Many were forgiving of him and understood his fears etc. But he destroyed all that and brought NATO and Europe, US closer together in a few days of attacking Ukraine.
  2. i wonder how much putin cares about russia. i mean he cares a lot about "his russia" he certainly wouldn't want to see a russia that's more democratic and closer to the west
  3. we need to kidnap world leaders like putin and plug them psychedelics until they're "normal"
  4. I don't defend just one side. I'm with you on condemning Bush and Iraq invasion and some NATO interventions. It's a war crime and i want to see Bush etc. in jail. Iraq invasion wasn't NATO btw. But if you always start talking about NATO, while Russia is attacking a democratic country you just seem like "whataboutism" and trying to deflect from the crime that is happening.
  5. Do you condemn Putin and his war/attack on the Ukraine though?
  6. it could very well be that putin/russia attacks other countries too after this
  7. it's easy to guess where you're from just by your posts it's fine imo but then it's also fine if hello123 does it imo, she's clearly in distress as her country is under attack
  8. Yea but for example @Husseinisdoingfine is calling western countries and NATO, US terrorists all the time some others too
  9. what is Trump now saying about Putin? did he change his stance, is he still talking or being quiet nows?
  10. your "president" is losing his marbles, better leave who knows what'll come next
  11. i think it would be mostly everybody against Russia in that case not a WW China probably on the sidelines
  12. ? yasss K K although already we are "One"
  13. So one side effect is weird. I've had a pretty strong pain in my left back rib cage for like 5-6 months or so, every time i sneezed or coughed it hurt quite a lot, i even wanted to go to the doctor but when i got covid like 3 weeks ago this pain went away completely during my few days with covid, so covid kind of healed me from that pain i guess But i have a really annoying cough since covid though which seems to stick around how bout you?
  14. used to have it a lot. so much so much that i learned to snap out of it and even enjoy it a little bit also the levitation feeling. one night was crazy had it like 10 times, snapped out of it and then a little bit later it happened again. but then it just kind of went away, now i have it maybe twice a year or so
  15. you'll be aight because you're tough but if you die you die
  16. ^ it's similar to beast i think you da beast K ? have you had the covid?
  17. ^^ thx K you the bessss
  18. you could also say it's the e.u. that brings stability/security to those small countries
  19. alright i'm also simple, i like things like boobs and photosynthesis well i hope you won't kill purp if we find ourselves in opposing armies on the battlefield but if you do kill him, make it quick that's good yea it's nuts
  20. me too let's hope so, fingers crossed for all of us
  21. That's sad k why would you fight and hope to die if you don't even feel connected to any country? is this a kind of suicide by war type deal? or it would give your life/death meaning? Yea certainly. although it's probably much easier to kill enemies with a joystick form an office with a drone, or drop bombs than to stab an enemy with a sword while seeing his face.