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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. in a way this is a really dumb idea most will probably be killed in drone or air strikes but if they really have the urge to "fight" and risk their lives then defending the ukraine against russia might be one of the better causes out there imo
  2. also because of hitler the germans were bombed into oblivion german troops sent to death in the russian winter en masse while hitler was hammered on drugs he wasn't a great leader you're losing the plot here
  3. so hitler is what a great leader is in your opinion? oooook who else is a great leader these days?
  4. "he should have made ukraine strong by now" he assumed office in 2019, what are you even talking about? lol@this is wisdom
  5. vlad you're trying reverse psychology on me but i'm immune, i'll really put you on ignore and you'll be sad stop the madness now
  6. stop it pls buddy i don't want to put you on ignore you seem like a nice kid but you're making me do it
  7. Russians are attacking the biggest nuclear plant in Europe which is in the Ukraine these ppl are mad
  8. I've been using this grounding technique that glorious Nahm recommended to someone else in a topic "1. Sit comfortably & still, and connect with your body and your senses. Ideally, your back should be straight and your body relaxed. - Sit still, and ‘sink’ into gravity, feeling the subtle relaxing ‘pull’. - Allow all muscles throughout the body to fully relax & un-contract, from the crown of your head to the bottoms of your feet. - Allow any inward clenching or tensions to relax naturally into the comforting of gravity. 2. Close your eyes, and take ten slow, deep, full breaths. - With each inhale, imagine that you are breathing in peacefulness. - With each exhale, imagine that you are breathing out all your worries and cares. 3. Continuing to breathe deeply, and concentrate on feeling your feet. Feel the sensation present in the bottoms of your feet. 4. Now feel the sensation present in your hands. Feel the ‘tingling’ nature of the presence of sensation. 5. Keep breathing deeply. Continue to feel the sensation in your hands and feet. Do this for ten slow breaths. 6. Now feel the presence of sensation throughout your whole body. Allow the presence of awareness through your entire body. Feel yourself breathing. Feel your back & bottom touching the chair. Do this for ten more breaths. 7. Continue this for as long as you like, or at least 5 minutes. " https://www.actualityofbeing.com/grounding kind of like it thus far. Also i've listened to a podcast by Duncan Trussel and Krishna Das. They talked about Karma. Usually i don't like the concept. But the way i try to use it now is, if i have uncomfortable feelings etc. I just tell myself "just burning up Karma" it makes those feelings less personal imo.
  9. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/27/how-russia-invaded-ukraine-in-2014-and-how-the-markets-tanked.html
  10. Why are "neo-nazis" in the Ukraine though Is it just because the nazis attacked and decimated the soviets and russians in WW2 (and Ukrainians) and these people dislike Russians and Russian influence? Or are there other reasons
  11. i mean i guess they take everyone they can get under such an attack nazis against chechens?
  12. imo there are 3 options (well maybe there are countless but 3 come to mind) 1 he's really not that smart and miscalculated a lot ( i think even if he's not that smart he'd have smart people around him though) 2 this is all going according to plan 3 he was so scared of the Ukraine getting closer to the west or NATO weapons stationed there and thinks this equals basically the destruction of Russia, that he's willing to go all out for it and stopped to care
  13. Putin just made NATO like 5X stronger though. Countries like Finland and Sweden likely to join. And more "pacifist" countries like Germany beefing up their security by a 100 billion. Very dumb move imo thus far but we'll see what happened exactly in a few years or so
  14. interesting but a million isn't even a lot
  15. how would we get them out? they cling to power etc. would we need to become violent? then also we could become the bullies. certainly i would love to see a world with empathic/conscious people in positions of power
  16. for example one time i was working somewhere and a woman was attracted to me but i wasn't attracted to her she even wrote me a "love letter" etc. which i thought was really cool, because i love it when women make the first step and thanked her etc. and then she got sad and thought i hated her, but i didn't i just wasn't attracted to her dont' know if this woman is the type of person to be attracted to every other guy, she also didn't seem that mentally stable after that or there was a group of women, some of them were attracted to me or kind of liked me ( a woman in the group told me at some point later) but i was attracted to the one who noticed me the least, i wanted the one which was least likely to want me
  17. i think that's russian propagander obviously there were issues but no genocide etc. in my estimate, it was separatists fighting against the govt and vice versa watch this documentary if you understand french or german https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bQ7LOiDsw0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpIHvZ5Rqdk