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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. I think the Republicans are trying to bully Canada into becoming the 51st state in the longer term.
  2. Of course this video is so cringy.
  3. It’s not a good example though. Prison and law are messed up in the US.
  4. They allegedly commit more violent crimes in certain countries like Sweden. I mostly care about violent crimea. I don’t care about smoking weed, taking drugs, shoplifting and those types of crimes.
  5. No i don’t care to change your opinion. It’s useless. We don’t have the same statistics as the US because they’re deemed racist here.
  6. Similarly delusional as the dweebs who think it’s a good idea to shoot at immigrants/refugees at the border and that they should be dehumanised.
  7. If you don’t think immigrants and second and third generation commit more violent crimes in Sweden and many other European countries then you’re quite delusional imo.
  8. The thing is in Europe we don’t have the same statistics as the US about immigrants "races" and so on because it’s deemed racist
  9. https://www.politico.eu/article/sweden-bombing-gang-violence-wiretap-children-teenagers/ https://gript.ie/3-out-of-4-cases-of-murder-manslaughter-and-attempted-murder-in-sweden-attributable-to-migration/ "A table of figures from 2013 -2017 shows that roughly three out of every four cases of murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder was committed by a migrant or the children of migrants” ^ don’t know how reliable that website is
  10. That’s imo how people should be kicked out of countries. Friendly-ish and straight and not dehumanising and violent.
  11. Yes no you are right and we are wrong. You convinced me. It’s good to dehumanise people and shoot at them.
  12. Hint: He would certainly not shoot at them or dehumanise them.
  13. There you can order kebab by grams of meat.
  14. It’s not about not integrating it’s about not shooting. Do i have to write the same thing over and over?
  15. Ok then you should go to Poland and shoot at immigrants who just want a better life.
  16. I was in Istanbul and the food and kebabs were amazing. You can order small ones and big ones. Great city btw.
  17. Because they look at Sweden, France, England, Belgium etc. and fear it could happen in Poland too. They are also quite xenophobic etc. But my Problem is not being tough on the border. But you can still act humane and developed but firm. It’s like Trump he feels he needs to dehumanise immigrants and refugees. But imo it’s not necessary and just quite low. Shooting at people who just want a better life is crazy.
  18. These people are not criminals. I mean I could understand your opinion if this was a far right forum but here. 😂
  19. Yea but getting shot at at borders isn’t normal. It’s backwards.
  20. I know most Western European countries have some issues with violence etc. with refugees and immigrants also Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Austria, Germany etc. But i wonder why Sweden specifically turned out so bad right now.
  21. Yea but the refugees and immigrants come to Europe for economic reasons and safety and opportunities. So your comparison makes no sense