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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. ^ Ahnold would destroy this guy even at his age K (i think Arnold has done problematic things as a politican btw.) also this guy does the neo-nazi talk again
  2. ok do you really believe in end time "prophecies" and such?
  3. Think it's a great thing that in the west we can talk about these things an criticise our own ways and governments etc. There are obviously many places you can't really do that too much ( china, russia, saudi etc.) -For example someone pointed out that Navalny is a kind of whistleblower in Russia and the West loves him, while for example Snowden and Assange are still facing extradition and charges in the US.
  4. desire: oneness, happiness, love, abundance fear: fear itself, division, the opposite of happiness, scarcity
  5. i want to learn spanish mostly there also i'll wear my pair of sneakers which are mostly destroyed so i won't be kidnapped by gang members etc. purp smart hehe. I do get annoyed by too much sun everyday as my skins pretty sensitive but oh well better than getting nuked in europe about the clip i'm really not sure, would be cool if it was real
  6. not according to this https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/differences-russian-ukrainian
  7. Nono K, no worries i don't think they're in Costa Rica at least not significant They're in Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, San Salvador, Brazil etc. though
  8. Yup Chechens have been decimated in those wars. Some are on the Kremlin's side and payroll now, others hold a grudge and are quite angry and not undeservedly so i guess. This war is just getting messier, better to pull out mr Putin Do you think Costa Rica will be safe? Probably much safer bet than Europe, US etc.
  9. Heyy K Some Chechens fighting on the Ukrainian side against Russians I think he's just going there to re-assure easter European NATO allies since they're getting a bit nervous
  10. i think Poles worry that Russia might attack soon-ish
  11. and i think that's fair if she parties a lot and drinks then she wants someone to drink with etc. if someone is into sports or spirituality or veganism, they might want someone who's similar
  12. i like russel but some of his views i don't agree with
  13. i would probably research cutting edge therapy, medication etc. but then also just try to enjoy my life as good as possible
  14. i mean, does it work?
  15. listened to it, it's fine pretty good but not near my faves but electronic music is so vast that there are many types i don't like at all
  16. that's what russians should do to putin
  17. so what do you think is needed to change that "judging" part of society. education, traveling, wealth? i mean hinduism in some ways should be understanding in theory as far as i'm concerned since everybody gets reborn all the time and should therefor also be understanding of single mothers etc. because that could be them
  18. i'm sure they do, it's such a big city. i actually really looked forward to visiting Moscow and St. Petersburg before this whole crap. Now i probably won't in the next decades
  19. wherever we go there we are maybe i'm going to costa rica soon-ish. that could be something for you too
  20. haha yea maybe you shouldn't i think it's an illusion that you'll become happy there anyways
  21. can you post some great russian electronic music? don't know any i know german, french, italian, dutch etc. though
  22. yess keep em, put em on your house, many people actually have flags in my country too i listened to this russian pop singy rapper for like a month ? it's just easy listening, still kind of like it actually now when i searched it to post it and with u.s. rap i sometimes get bored with the lyrics when it's always about bishes, money, brands and violence but here i understand nothing
  23. that's hilarious if true they just trashed all the flags
  24. he drinks chocolate almond milk