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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. I get paranoid, anxious, uncomforable
  2. So it‘s really hard with food sensitivities what‘s real, what‘s nocebo etc etc but saw this video today and it makes a lot of sense. She claims eggs for example feed the pathogens in the body which causes things like brain fog. Thoughts?
  3. Happened again two days go, ate some eggs because it was the only breakfast. Got inflammation and fatigue symptoms a while later. Maybe it‘s just egg sensitivity. „Typical symptoms of a food intolerance include: IBS bloating stomach ache severe headaches migraines eczema acne itchiness rashes a lack of energy “brain fog” lethargy persistent aching swelling of the joints depression anxiety Respiratory complaints“ https://www.yorktest.com/us/intolerance/egg/
  4. I personally really don’t like the “shakey cam” and found footage style.
  5. The story was good but personally i didn‘t like the way it was shot, camera etc
  6. I’m not a Christian though can i also go to a hindu temple or satanic temple?
  7. To socialise, meet new people etc i try sometimes (for exmple tonight) but it‘s really hard if i don‘t feel social to trying to be social. Or trying to get into another mood. Sometimes it works but usually not.
  8. theres also barely a story my fav is maybe terminator 2, nice action and nice story
  9. Yea john wick is quite boring and silly imo just kiling loads of people in a stylish fashion, barely a story
  10. We need a new religion to hold humanity together PurpleTree-ism
  11. Do you eat eggs almost everyday? They make me feel worse i think
  12. I go in cycles with music, sometimes listen to everything, sometimes more classic, sometimes rap, sometimes dubstep, sometimes techno et Often silence right now i‘m once again on a linkin park bender Rest easy Chester Bennington
  13. I think it would be interesting if Leo made an episode about it. Since i’ve been travelling i’ve visited a few “hippie” places. Some of it is pretentious, some of it is silly. In some place they wore hippie clothing almost like a uniform. Some of it is a business. Much of it is about “healing” Most of them own an iphone or whatever. Do hippies even really exist anymore? I think back then for sure lsd and the hippie/counter culture movement changed the world a lot, it would be totally a different world without it. https://youtu.be/N-aK6JnyFmk
  14. Yea i’m reading the Bhagavad Gita once again and they said a similar thing. The how to is difficult though imo
  15. Are there certain steps one could try to take that helped you or someone else?
  16. Nice Watched it But does just saying “i’m powerful, or i act powerful” to oneself really change a mindset and pattern over time?
  17. Interesting to listen to these songs from the perspective that god wrote them (which it allegedly did) combined with all the human anxiety which is so beautifully expressed by chester
  18. Well i think if there is a direct „competitor“ to France and Germany then it would be the UK. I mean you just say some silly stuff imo like … Yea i meant even moreso the landscape. France has probably the most varied landscape in Europe. From the cold wild northern sea to the warm Mediterranean, the alps, camargue, brettagne etc.
  19. Seems like i can connect to people sometimes quite easily and deeply. But then i‘m scared to do something wrong to loose that connection And walk on eggshells from there on.
  20. Also i often come from the sellers frame. „Like i have to entertain you“ if i could switch to the buyers frame that would be neat. Probably less pressure
  21. France is more beautiful and laid back, „ laissez faire“ Also warmer and Mediterranean. But probably more social issues. Germany has a better economy but worse lifestyle. Probably more secure.