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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Some say Chinese economy is great. Some say it’s doing really bad. I wonder what’s true.
  2. MAGA or MIGA potato patata Trump asked if he still believes in a Palestinian state
  3. Trump signs order for US to change relationship to the United Nations
  4. Sure. But i think if they wanted to annex Canada. They wouldn’t do it by war. They would use sneaky propaganda for years and try to divide the people, muddy the waters, make the ground fertile. Propaganda through tv, internet (Musk) and so on. They would try to create a bigger Maga or Make Canada Great Again movement and then say how great it’ll be. Through economy and business means. And then all the benefits you can live in Florida and use the dollar blah. Ishanga in this thread (i think he’s Canadian) already said he wouldn’t mind having something like a union with the US. No border both use US dollars and so on.
  5. So basically now Israels/Bibis plan is to expell most Palestinians. Then take Gaza and maybe also West Bank and integrate maybe some who stayed? And then just hope that enough Arab countries accept the facts on the ground. And that Iran either accepts or gets regime changed? I mean it seems like a wild plan.
  6. I think because they don’t really think awakening is even possible. I didn’t think liberation was possible until maybe one and a half years ago. And i knew about Eckhart Tolle etc. for about 10 years.
  7. Yea as long as Putin has China on his side he isn’t going to stop. He is in his mind fighting for the survival of Russia and prevent the downfall. Which he might accelerate or not we’ll only be able to really tell in hindsight.
  8. Well he and the people with him are playing with peoples lives for his ego that’s dangerous. Also if the US doesn’t help Ukraine countries like Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, Korea, Poland will not feel that the US is a reliable ally.
  9. Yea obviously he needs Americas help. And Trump is seemingly a narcissist so you got to cuddle his ego and make him look good.
  10. Trump caves. Gosh i’m even second hand embarrassed for the guy and his team and supporters. Yea i wouldn’t either. Unfortunately it’s almost impossible to boycott whatsapp, youtube, microsoft, apple etc. I wonder if they have a bigger plan, like ultimately uniting US with Canada and the UK with Trump or his kid the Elon as the King.
  11. Trump and the Republicans were probably panicking that’s why they stopped it.
  12. 10% on already existing China tariffs. So there are more than 25% on China i think.
  13. I might wear my raptors jersey today in solidarity with Canada hehe 🇨🇦
  14. Seems like a good deal for all the power he gets though. Trump and Muskolinis friendship takes a dark turn
  15. Trump about tariffs on the EU/Europe He always says "they don’t buy our cars, they don’t buy our stuff” But imo actually a lot of Teslas are sold in Europe. A lot of apple products. Microsoft. Whatsapp, google, android. Then a lot of Mc donalds in Europe, Nike and so on. Then a lot of US weapons, F16, F35 etc.
  16. Tulsi yea she’s a grifter and puppet of many. But i don’t mind Ed Snowden really. He did some good stuff. And this panel absolutely hates him.
  17. It was like that when i grew up in a European country in the 90s. We had a lot of refugees and immigrants from the Balkan wars. First generation often just worked a lot. But their kids some of them also came to the country as children. Were often violent and criminal. A lot more violent and criminal than the natives here. Of course not all but a lot. But i think recently it changed because some countries in Europe were overwhelmed with refugees/immigrants from places like Syria, Somalia etc. and the countries had no means of really integrating them. And many of them became criminal in places like Sweden for example.
  18. Gosh When will humanity grow up. 2025 and we’re still toddlers.