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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. who cares about a new side of him hitler also had good sides not saying tate is hitler i don't know much about him and don't care but obviously everybody has good/bad and some deeper sides to them
  2. i think you can do MDMA "safely" like around once every 3 months 200 mg is quite a lot imo sounds like a nice trip you had though
  3. uhm no. probably most people on this path see it similar
  4. don't you guys mean mold/molded? or do you mean every guy has been melted by women?
  5. probably Canada and Australia if you only speak English and Arabic
  6. both should be allowed to be burned and if you meet buddha on your path hit him in the face
  7. my mother when she was young thought ww3 will break out soon during the cold war then she tried to save all her friends from impending doom then she was brought to the psychiatric ward and medicated war didn't break out but it was probably close a few times
  8. it brought us here it seems like it's this urge is what brings many of us to this pathless path I've always wanted to understand many things but other things i didn't care about (like math for example) but also this kind of urge which is a kind of seeking is also what's keeping us away from just being or being-ness it's often making up stories about stuff and comparing this this and that so i guess we try to turn this seeking energy on itself and let it dissolve eventually and then we become enlightened and fly away into the sky like sweet baby jesus
  9. again right now i‘m waiting in line for a shit club just shoot me now jesus ?
  10. I feel like i‘m waiting a a lot waiting for these people waiting for this woman to fall in love with me waiting for enlightenment waiting for this person to text me back etc
  11. yea i see both sides our language is clumsy if you‘re waiting for an outcome then it‘s uncomfortable but if you surrender then it‘s just what is and meditation
  12. How can you recommend 600? that‘s crazy and dangerous, you should edit your post. 90-120 is enough
  13. I had the feeling of levitation a lot laying in my bed. But i think it‘s a form of sleep paralysis.
  14. Sorry to hear that bro i also have issues with approaching because of a fragile ego and some childhood trauma i only do it when the stars align which isn’t often are you doing „inner work“?
  15. it‘s the same everywhere, not just at parties the issue (or not) is not the party but the validation seeking, never having enough, comparing itself to others, trying to appear a certain way „ego“
  16. I don‘t think there is really free will so it happens on its own
  17. Some shroom experiences were really very „mystical“ though, one time i was jesus, one time krishna, one time islamic, one time some kind of ancient planet dweller. I don’t think everyone gets those
  18. Yea a few, most on shrooms But also a few without, for example dreamt that somebody died and then they did etc.
  19. ^ yea i guess it‘s a type of „seeking energy“
  20. No move to the mountains and shoot game
  21. Selling stuff and contracts and ask for donations stuff on the street. A friend did that and said he never met to many people and women.
  22. I agree it’s like those dumb old standup jokes ”hey guys have you ever noticed, white guys dance like this mimimimi but black guys they dance like this mumumumu” or maybe you were talking about something entirely different sorry i just skim through posts ?
  23. Yea i agree that it’s mostly probably health related, maybe a dopamine or other issue etc. Or some inflammation, lactic acid or underlying infection or something. And most of those issues will stay unaddressed as most doctors can’t find them and don’t know much about it same as with chronic fatigue. Theres also a thing called PEM (post exertional malaise) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-exertional_malaise