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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. i am an only child from a single mother i’m not sure if i’m the black sheep or not maybe i’m a black g.o.a.t.
  2. isn’t it called neuro divergent now
  3. nice, i heard the same thing about australia warning the u.s. about japan/pearl harbour in my conspiracy days
  4. It would certainly make sense with the hippie stuff he was blabbering and couldn’t shut up about
  5. Do you think jesus was into psychedelics?
  6. Islam kind of is in victim mentality since i guess the fall of the ottoman empire. At least that’s what it seems like to me
  7. Well i’m not watching those footages but yea it’s really like a death cult also people (palestinians, muslims and sympatizers) were celebrating the attacks on israel in germany and i think france etc too, handing out candy etc
  8. I do have an add diagnosis i think it’s just the suffering that makes them gravitate towards a “solution “
  9. That’s the thing though everybody always sees themselves as the victim and their side as “wronged”
  10. I’m just a bit confused because you said “there’s no justifying killing those defenseless people” but you’re clearly justifying it then you said “i’m not taking sides” but clearly you are taking a side but it’s fine, maybe i’m too dumb and it’s my fault that I’m confused please tell me another story about a house papa
  11. you probably meant surpassed well good for them
  12. Ok nice but you’re still justifying it
  13. Maybe your mind is trained to see conspiracies everywhere
  14. Yes but what do you think about defensless partypeople and women and children shot by hamas? Bodies of dead women paraded? of course it’s real
  15. Yea the Zizek book i bought is about Lacan but i don’t know much about it
  16. I listened to him for a while he says so e interesting and funny stuff (even bought a book but haven’t read it ) but now i’m kind of not interested in it anymore, also he touches his nose 20 times per minute
  17. In some ways it’s probably better to ignore otherwise we will just get sucked into the hurricane of hate one way or the other